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Dr. Paul Craig Roberts on Falling Apart Bin Laden Myths & Killing Story: Re-Killing Of Seal Team Six: As per Dr. Steven Pieczenik, BIN LADEN died Dec 2001

From Alex James

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Dec. 7, 2012

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From: Alex James <>


Sent: Fri, 07 Dec 2012 22:25:51 -0500 (EST)

Subject: ,

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (born April 3, 1939) is an American economist

<> and a columnist for Creators

Syndicate <> . He served as

the United States Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan

Administration <> earning

fame as a co-founder of Reaganomics

<> . He is a former editor and

columnist for the Wall Street Journal

<> , Business Week

<> , and Scripps Howard News

Service <> who has

testified before congressional committees on 30 occasions on issues of

economic policy. Roberts has written extensively that during the 21st

century the Bush and Obama administrations have destroyed the US

Constitution's protections of Americans' civil liberties, such as habeas

corpus and due process in the name of "the war on terror." Roberts has been

a critic of both Democratic and Republican administrations. He has opposed

the War on Terror <> stating it

has "made widows and orphans of millions of Muslims". Roberts is a critic of

Israel's policy toward Gaza <> "the

world's largest concentration camp" populated by people who were "driven out

of Palestine so that Israel could steal their land.

Was Raymond Davis CIA’s Bin Laden Handler?


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is-the-cias-bin-laden-handler/screenhunter_17-may-09-13-03/> Description:

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By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor


“.. to blackmail Pakistan into appointing a new intelligence chief willing

to ‘take orders’ from Washington.”


Sources tell us that the “lifelines” that kept what has been identified as

Osama bin Laden safe inside Pakistan were operated under the supervision of

CIA operative Raymond Davis. There were two safehouses in Abbottabad, one

for “fake bin Laden,” the other for the CIA. We are told that this explains

why there was no Al Qaeda security detail. The CIA was in charge of that.

Davis, arrested in Lahore earlier in the year, faced trial for murder until

released because of cash payments made to the families of the victims. Davis

led a super-secret CIA team thought initially by Pakistan to be coordinating

Pakistan Taliban and Indian terror networks


travesty-of-justice/> . It is now reported that he was the handler for “the

man from Abbottabad,” the man America claims was Osama bin Laden.

YouTube - Veterans Today - <>

Reports indicate that Osama bin Laden wasn’t captured for a good reason. The

individual identified as Osama bin Laden was a replacement used in video


ange/> and audio terror threats that have failed analysis and been debunked

as counterfeit.

Quote from Dr. Paul Craig Roberts:

"Obviously, if bin Laden had outwitted not only the National Security

Agency, the CIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency, and the FBI, but also all

16 US intelligence agencies, all intelligence agencies of Washington’s NATO

puppet states, Israel’s Mossad, and in addition the National Security

Council, NORAD, US air traffic control, and airport security four times on

the same morning, it would be the greatest feat in world history, a movement

building feat that would have made al Qaeda the most successful

anti-imperialist organization in human history, an extraordinary victory

over "the great satan" that would have brought millions of new recruits into

al Qaeda’s ranks. Yet the alleged "mastermind" denied all responsibility."

"Usamah: I have already said that we are not hostile to the United

States. We are against the system, which makes other nations slaves of the

United States, or forces them to mortgage their political and economic

freedom. This system is totally in control of the American Jews, whose first

priority is Israel, not the United States. It is simply that the American

people are themselves the slaves of the Jews and are forced to live

according to the principles and laws laid by them. So, the punishment should

reach Israel. In fact, it is Israel, which is giving a blood bath to

innocent Muslims and the US is not uttering a single word."

<> Description: Description:

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description:

The Osama bin Laden Myth

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

November 28, 2012 "Information Clearing House

<> " - The interview below with

Osama bin Laden was conducted by the Karachi, Pakistan, daily newspaper,

Ummat and published on September 28, 2001, 17 days after the alleged, but

unsubstantiated, al Qaeda attack of September 11, 2001, on the World Trade

Center twin towers and Pentagon. The interview was sensational. The alleged

"mastermind" of 9/11 said that he and al Qaeda had nothing to do with the

9/11 attack. The British Broadcasting Corporation's World Monitoring Service

had the interview translated into English and made public on September 29,


Osama bin Laden's sensational denial was not reported by the US print and TV

media. It was not investigated by the executive branch. No one in the US

Congress called attention to bin Laden's refusal of responsibility for the

greatest humiliation ever inflicted on a superpower.

To check my memory of the lack of coverage, I googled "Osama bin Laden's

interview denying responsibility for 9/11." Some Internet sites reproduced

the interview, but the only mainstream news source that I found was a 1

minute YouTube video from CNN in which the anchor, after quoting an al

Jazeera report of bin Laden's denial, concludes that "we can all weigh that

in the scale of credibility and come to our own conclusions." In other

words, bin Laden had already been demonized, and his denial was not


The sensational news was unfit for US citizens and was withheld from them by

the American "free press," a press free to lie for the government but not to

tell the truth.

Obviously, if bin Laden had outwitted not only the National Security Agency,

the CIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency, and the FBI, but also all 16 US

intelligence agencies, all intelligence agencies of Washington's NATO puppet

states, Israel's Mossad, and in addition the National Security Council,

NORAD, US air traffic control, and airport security four times on the same

morning, it would be the greatest feat in world history, a movement building

feat that would have made al Qaeda the most successful anti-imperialist

organization in human history, an extraordinary victory over "the great

satan" that would have brought millions of new recruits into al Qaeda's

ranks. Yet the alleged "mastermind" denied all responsibility.

I remember decades ago when a terrorist attack occurred in Europe, whether

real or an Operation Gladio

false flag attack, innumerable organizations would claim credit. Perhaps

this was the CIA's way of diverting attention from itself, but it

illustrates that every intelligence service understands the value to an

organization of claiming credit for a successful attack. Although bin Laden

denied responsibility, in 2011 some al Qaeda leaders, realizing the prestige

value of the 9/11 attack, claimed credit for the attack and criticized

Iranian President Ahmadinejad for questioning the official US story.

Although only a few Americans are aware of the September 28, 2001 interview

in which bin Laden states his non-involvement with the 9/11 attacks, many

Americans have seen post-2001 videos in which a person alleged to be bin

Laden takes credit for the attacks. There are two problems with these

videos. Experts have examined them and found them to be fakes, and all of

the videos appeared after bin Laden was reported by the Pakistan Observer,

the Egyptian press, and Fox News to have died in mid-December, 2001, from

lung disease.,2933,41576,00.html See also

Bin Laden also suffered from kidney disease. According to a CBS news report

on January 28, 2002, Osama bin Laden was hospitalized for dialysis treatment

in the Pakistani military hospital in Rawalpindi on September 10, 2001, the

day before 9/11.


Obviously, a man suffering from terminal lung and kidney disease did not

survive for another decade to be murdered by a US Navy SEAL team in

Abbottabad. A Pakistani TV interview with the neighbor of the alleged "bin

Laden compound" exposed the assassination hoax. This sensational interview

also went unreported by America's "free press." I had the interview

translated, and it is available here:

laden-s-death/25915 See also

Shortly after the alleged assassination 30 members of the SEAL unit died in

a mysterious helicopter crash in Afghanistan, and now we learn that not a

single one of the thousands of sailors on the aircraft carrier, the USS Carl

Vinson, witnessed bin Laden's alleged burial at sea from that ship. The

press reports with a straight face that for unexplained reasons it was kept

secret from the ship's sailors. This is supposed to be the explanation of

the sailors' emails reporting to family and friends that they witnessed no

burial at sea. Some speculate that the SEALs were bumped off before their

questions to one another, "Were you on that raid?," reached outside the

unit. Apparently, it doesn't strike the media or the public as strange that

the US government captured and killed the terror mastermind without

interrogating him and without keeping any evidence or presenting any

witnesses to support the assassination claim.

Adolf Hitler claimed that communists burned down the Reichstag and that

Polish troops had crossed the frontier and attacked Germany. With 9/11

Americans experienced Washington's version of these grand lies. An

omniscient bin Laden dying from terminal illnesses in distant Afghanistan

defeated the American National Security State and drove his attack through

the walls of the Pentagon itself, requiring for our defense a "war on

terror" that destroyed US civil liberties and financially ruined the country

in order to prevent the triumph of a man who died of natural causes in

December 2001.

On May 9, 2011, Professor Michel Chossudovsky republished the September 28,

2001, Osama bin Laden interview in Global Research.

Interview with Osama bin Laden. Osama Denies his Involvement in 9/11

By Global Research

Global Research, May 09, 2011

Url of this article:


Global Research Editor's Note

We bring to the attention of our readers the following text of Osama bin

Laden's interview with Ummat, a Pakistani daily, published in Karachi on

September 28, 2001. It was translated into English by the BBC World

Monitoring Service and made public on September 29, 2001.

The authenticity of this interview, which is available in recognized

electronic news archives, is confirmed.

Osama bin Laden categorically denies his involvement in the 9/11 attacks.

Bin Laden's statements in this interview are markedly different from those

made in the alleged Osama video tapes.

In this interview, Osama bin Laden exhibits an understanding of US foreign

policy. He expresses his views regarding the loss of life on 9/11. He also

makes statements as to who, in his opinion, might be the likely perpetrator

of the September 11 attacks.

This is an important text which has not been brought to the attention of

Western public opinion.

We have highlighted key sections of this interview. It is our hope that the

text of this interview, published barely a week before the onset of the war

on Afghanistan, will contribute to a better understanding of the history of

Al Qaeda, the role of Osama bin Laden and the tragic events of September 11,


Michel Chossudovsky, May 9, 2011

Full text of September 2001 Pakistani paper's "exclusive" interview with

Usamah Bin-Laden

Ummat (in Urdu), Karachi, 28 September 2001, pp. 1 and 7.

Ummat's introduction

Kabul: Prominent Arab mojahed holy warrior Usamah Bin-Ladin has said that he

or his al-Qa'idah group has nothing to do with the 11 September suicidal

attacks in Washington and New York. He said the US government should find

the attackers within the country. In an exclusive interview with daily

"Ummat", he said these attacks could be the act of those who are part of the

American system and are rebelling against it and working for some other

system. Or, Usamah said, this could be the act of those who want to make the

current century a century of conflict between Islam and Christianity. Or,

the American Jews, who are opposed to President Bush ever since the Florida

elections, might be the masterminds of this act. There is also a great

possibility of the involvement of US intelligence agencies, which need

billions of dollars worth of funds every year. He said there is a government

within the government in the United States.

The secret agencies, he said, should be asked as to who are behind the

attacks. Usamah said support for attack on Afghanistan was a matter of need

for some Muslim countries and compulsion for others. However, he said, he

was thankful to the courageous people of Pakistan who erected a bulwark

before the wrong forces. He added that the Islamic world was attaching great

expectations with Pakistan and, in time of need, "we will protect this

bulwark by sacrificing of lives".

Following is the interview in full detail:

Ummat: You have been accused of involvement in the attacks in New York and

Washington. What do you want to say about this? If you are not involved, who

might be?

Usamah [Osama bin Laden]: In the name of Allah, the most beneficent, the

most merciful. Praise is to Allah, Who is the creator of the whole universe

and Who made the earth as an abode for peace, for the whole mankind. Allah

is the Sustainer, who sent Prophet Muhammad for our guidance. I am thankful

to the Ummat Group of Publications, which gave me the opportunity to convey

my viewpoint to the people, particularly the valiant and Momin true Muslim

people of Pakistan who refused to believe in lieu of the demon.

I have already said that I am not involved in the 11 September attacks in

the United States. As a Muslim, I try my best to avoid telling a lie. I had

no knowledge of these attacks, nor do I consider the killing of innocent

women, children, and other humans as an appreciable act. Islam strictly

forbids causing harm to innocent women, children, and other people.

Such a practice is forbidden ever in the course of a battle. It is the

United States, which is perpetrating every maltreatment on women, children,

and common people of other faiths, particularly the followers of Islam. All

that is going on in Palestine for the last 11 months is sufficient to call

the wrath of God upon the United States and Israel.

There is also a warning for those Muslim countries, which witnessed all

these as a silent spectator. What had earlier been done to the innocent

people of Iraq, Chechnya, and Bosnia?

Only one conclusion could be derived from the indifference of the United

States and the West to these acts of terror and the patronage of the tyrants

by these powers that America is an anti-Islamic power and it is patronizing

the anti-Islamic forces. Its friendship with the Muslim countries is just a

show, rather deceit. By enticing or intimidating these countries, the United

States is forcing them to play a role of its choice. Put a glance all around

and you will see that the slaves of the United States are either rulers or

enemies of Muslims.

The US has no friends, nor does it want to keep any because the prerequisite

of friendship is to come to the level of the friend or consider him at par

with you. America does not want to see anyone equal to it. It expects

slavery from others. Therefore, other countries are either its slaves or


However, our case is different. We have pledged slavery to God Almighty

alone and after this pledge there is no possibility to become the slave of

someone else. If we do that, it will be disregardful to both our Sustainer

and his fellow beings. Most of the world nations upholding their freedom are

the religious ones, which are the enemies of United States, or the latter

itself considers them as its enemies. Or the countries, which do not agree

to become its slaves, such as China, Iran, Libya, Cuba, Syria, and the

former Russia as received.

Whoever committed the act of 11 September are not the friends of the

American people. I have already said that we are against the American

system, not against its people, whereas in these attacks, the common

American people have been killed.

According to my information, the death toll is much higher than what the US

government has stated. But the Bush administration does not want the panic

to spread. The United States should try to trace the perpetrators of these

attacks within itself; the people who are a part of the US system, but are

dissenting against it. Or those who are working for some other system;

persons who want to make the present century as a century of conflict

between Islam and Christianity so that their own civilization, nation,

country, or ideology could survive. They can be any one, from Russia to

Israel and from India to Serbia. In the US itself, there are dozens of

well-organized and well-equipped groups, which are capable of causing a

large-scale destruction. Then you cannot forget the American Jews, who are

annoyed with President Bush ever since the elections in Florida and want to

avenge him.

Then there are intelligence agencies in the US, which require billions of

dollars' worth of funds from the Congress and the government every year.

This funding issue was not a big problem till the existence of the former

Soviet Union but after that the budget of these agencies has been in danger.

They needed an enemy. So, they first started propaganda against Usamah and

Taleban and then this incident happened. You see, the Bush administration

approved a budget of 40 bn. dollars. Where will this huge amount go? It will

be provided to the same agencies, which need huge funds and want to exert

their importance.

Now they will spend the money for their expansion and for increasing their

importance. I will give you an example. Drug smugglers from all over the

world are in contact with the US secret agencies. These agencies do not want

to eradicate narcotics cultivation and trafficking because their importance

will be diminished. The people in the US Drug Enforcement Department are

encouraging drug trade so that they could show performance and get millions

of dollars' worth of budget. General Noriega was made a drug baron by the

CIA and, in need, he was made a scapegoat. In the same way, whether it is

President Bush or any other US president, they cannot bring Israel to

justice for its human rights abuses or to hold it accountable for such

crimes. What is this? Is it not that there exists a government within the

government in the United Sates? That secret government must be asked as to

who made the attacks.

Ummat: A number of world countries have joined the call of the United States

for launching an attack on Afghanistan. These also include a number of

Muslim countries. Will Al-Qa'idah declare a jihad against these countries as


Usamah: I must say that my duty is just to awaken the Muslims; to tell them

as to what is good for them and what is not. What does Islam says and what

the enemies of Islam want?

Al-Qa'idah was set up to wage a jihad against infidelity, particularly to

encounter the onslaught of the infidel countries against the Islamic states.

Jihad is the sixth undeclared element of Islam. The first five being the

basic holy words of Islam, prayers, fast, pilgrimage to Mecca, and giving

alms Every anti-Islamic person is afraid of it. Al-Qa'idah wants to keep

this element alive and active and make it part of the daily life of the

Muslims. It wants to give it the status of worship. We are not against any

Islamic country nor do we consider a war against an Islamic country as


We are in favor of armed jihad only against those infidel countries, which

are killing innocent Muslim men, women, and children just because they are

Muslims. Supporting the US act is the need of some Muslim countries and the

compulsion of others. However, they should think as to what will remain of

their religious and moral position if they support the attack of the

Christians and the Jews on a Muslim country like Afghanistan. The orders of

Islamic sharia's jurisprudence for such individuals, organizations, and

countries are clear and all the scholars of the Muslim brotherhood are

unanimous on them. We will do the same, which is being ordered by the Amir

ol-Momenin the commander of the faithful Mola Omar and the Islamic scholars.

The hearts of the people of Muslim countries are beating with the call of

jihad. We are grateful to them.

Ummat: The losses caused in the attacks in New York and Washington have

proved that giving an economic blow to the US is not too difficult. US

experts admit that a few more such attacks can bring down the American

economy. Why is al-Qa'idah not targeting their economic pillars?

Usamah: I have already said that we are not hostile to the United States. We

are against the system, which makes other nations slaves of the United

States, or forces them to mortgage their political and economic freedom.

This system is totally in control of the American Jews, whose first priority

is Israel, not the United States. It is simply that the American people are

themselves the slaves of the Jews and are forced to live according to the

principles and laws laid by them. So, the punishment should reach Israel. In

fact, it is Israel, which is giving a blood bath to innocent Muslims and the

US is not uttering a single word.

Ummat: Why is harm not caused to the enemies of Islam through other means,

apart from the armed struggle? For instance, inciting the Muslims to boycott

Western products, banks, shipping lines, and TV channels.

Usamah: The first thing is that Western products could only be boycotted

when the Muslim fraternity is fully awakened and organized. Secondly, the

Muslim companies should become self-sufficient in producing goods equal to

the products of Western companies. Economic boycott of the West is not

possible unless economic self-sufficiency is attained and substitute

products are brought out. You see that wealth is scattered all across the

Muslim world but not a single TV channel has been acquired which can preach

Islamic injunctions according to modern requirements and attain an

international influence. Muslim traders and philanthropists should make it a

point that if the weapon of public opinion is to be used, it is to be kept

in the hand. Today's world is of public opinion and the fates of nations are

determined through its pressure. Once the tools for building public opinion

are obtained, everything that you asked for can be done.

Ummat: The entire propaganda about your struggle has so far been made by the

Western media. But no information is being received from your sources about

the network of Al-Qa'idah and its jihadi successes. Would you comment?

Usamah: In fact, the Western media is left with nothing else. It has no

other theme to survive for a long time. Then we have many other things to

do. The struggle for jihad and the successes are for the sake of Allah and

not to annoy His bondsmen. Our silence is our real propaganda. Rejections,

explanations, or corrigendum only waste your time and through them, the

enemy wants you to engage in things which are not of use to you. These

things are pulling you away from your cause.

The Western media is unleashing such a baseless propaganda, which make us

surprise but it reflects on what is in their hearts and gradually they

themselves become captive of this propaganda. They become afraid of it and

begin to cause harm to themselves. Terror is the most dreaded weapon in

modern age and the Western media is mercilessly using it against its own

people. It can add fear and helplessness in the psyche of the people of

Europe and the United States. It means that what the enemies of the United

States cannot do, its media is doing that. You can understand as to what

will be the performance of the nation in a war, which suffers from fear and


Ummat: What will the impact of the freeze of al-Qa'idah accounts by the US?

Usamah: God opens up ways for those who work for Him. Freezing of accounts

will not make any difference for Al-Qa'idah or other jihad groups. With the

grace of Allah, al-Qa'idah has more than three such alternative financial

systems, which are all separate and totally independent from each other.

This system is operating under the patronage of those who love jihad. What

to say of the United States, even the combined world cannot budge these

people from their path.

These people are not in hundreds but in thousands and millions. Al-Qa'idah

comprises of such modern educated youths who are aware of the cracks inside

the Western financial system as they are aware of the lines in their hands.

These are the very flaws of the Western fiscal system, which are becoming a

noose for it and this system could not recuperate in spite of the passage of

so many days.

Ummat: Are there other safe areas other than Afghanistan, where you can

continue jihad?

Usamah: There are areas in all parts of the world where strong jihadi forces

are present, from Indonesia to Algeria, from Kabul to Chechnya, from Bosnia

to Sudan, and from Burma to Kashmir. Then it is not the problem of my

person. I am helpless fellowman of God, constantly in the fear of my

accountability before God. It is not the question of Usamah but of Islam

and, in Islam too, of jihad. Thanks to God, those waging a jihad can walk

today with their heads raised. Jihad was still present when there was no

Usamah and it will remain as such even when Usamah is no longer there. Allah

opens up ways and creates loves in the hearts of people for those who walk

on the path of Allah with their lives, property, and children. Believe it,

through jihad, a man gets everything he desires. And the biggest desire of a

Muslim is the after life. Martyrdom is the shortest way of attaining an

eternal life.

Ummat: What do you say about the Pakistan government policy on Afghanistan


Usamah: We are thankful to the Momin and valiant people of Pakistan who

erected a blockade in front of the wrong forces and stood in the first file

of battle. Pakistan is a great hope for the Islamic brotherhood. Its people

are awakened, organized, and rich in the spirit of faith. They backed

Afghanistan in its war against the Soviet Union and extended every help to

the mujahidin and the Afghan people. Then these are very Pakistanis who are

standing shoulder by shoulder with the Taleban. If such people emerge in

just two countries, the domination of the West will diminish in a matter of

days. Our hearts beat with Pakistan and, God forbid, if a difficult time

comes we will protect it with our blood. Pakistan is sacred for us like a

place of worship. We are the people of jihad and fighting for the defense of

Pakistan is the best of all jihads to us. It does not matter for us as to

who rules Pakistan. The important thing is that the spirit of jihad is alive

and stronger in the hearts of the Pakistani people.

Copyright Ummat in Urdu, BBC translation in English, 2001

Read about Osama Bin Laden in Michel Chossudovsky's international


According to Chossudovsky, the "war on terrorism" is a complete fabrication

based on the illusion that one man, Osama bin Laden, outwitted the $40

billion-a-year American intelligence apparatus. The "war on terrorism" is a

war of conquest. Globalization is the final march to the "New World Order",

dominated by Wall Street and the U.S. military-industrial complex.

Order Directly from Global Research

<> America's "War

on Terrorism"

by Michel


Copyright © 2012 Global Research

Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic

Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for

Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has

had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a

worldwide following. <>

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In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed

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Subject: Flashback 2002: Dr. Steve Pieczenik, M.D., Ph.D. (Harvard, MIT):

Bush/USMIL did 9/11 as stated by Bin Laden in his original interview

reported on CNN/FOX/etc. Bin Laden died DEC 2001, CIA Officer resigned in

2001 because Superiors did not allow capture of Bin Laden in Tora Bora; 9/11

was an inside job using Bin Laden as the scapegoat

1. <> Description:

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Description: Thumbnail6:40Description: Description: Description:

Description: Description: Description: Description: Watch LaterDescription:

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<> "9/11 was a false flag

operation, I would tell this in a federal court"

by IdBeAlright <> •1 year ago•6,419


An excerpt from an interview between Alex Jones and Dr. Steve Pieczenik

entitled 'Bin Laden, The Oswald Like Patsy Died 10 ...

<> Paul Watson: Bin Laden's

Corpse Has Been On Ice For Nearly a Decade 2/2

by TheAlexJonesChannel <> •1

year ago•36,667 views

actually died. In April 2002, over nine years ago, Council on Foreign

Relations member Steve R. Pieczenik, who served as ...

<> former Deputy Assistant

Secretary of State claims bin Laden died in 2001, 9/11 an inside job

by evmazu <> •1 year ago•1,052 views

In a 2002 interview, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Dr. Steve

Pieczenik claims that Osama bin Laden died ...

2. <> Description:

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Description: Thumbnail15:29Description: Description: Description:

Description: Description: Description: Description: Watch LaterDescription:

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<> Dr. Steve Pieczenik: Top

Doctor Confirms Bin Laden Had Marfan Syndrome 2/3

by rockdl <> •1 year ago•126 views

Paul Joseph Watson Infowars Thursday, May 12, 2011 Paul Joseph Watson Thursday, May 12 ...

3. <> Description:

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description:

Description: Thumbnail15:28Description: Description: Description:

Description: Description: Description: Description: Watch LaterDescription:

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description:


<> Dr. Steve Pieczenik: Top

Doctor Confirms Bin Laden Had Marfan Syndrome 1/3

by rockdl <> •1 year ago•249 views

Paul Joseph Watson Infowars Thursday, May 12, 2011 Paul Joseph Watson Thursday, May 12 ...

4. <> Description:

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description:

Description: Thumbnail15:09Description: Description: Description:

Description: Description: Description: Description: Watch LaterDescription:

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description:


<> Osama Bin Laden Assassination,

Another Photoshop Hoax! - Alex Jones Tv 2/2

by TheAlexJonesChannel <> •1

year ago•68,770 views

, the fake audio tapes, the fake claim of responsibility for 9/11.

Everything about the Bin Laden myth that has been ...

5. <> Description:

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Description: Thumbnail15:28Description: Description: Description:

Description: Description: Description: Description: Watch LaterDescription:

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description:


<> 10 Facts That Prove The Bin

Laden Fable Is a Contrived Hoax - Alex Jones Tv 2/3

by TheAlexJonesChannel <> •1

year ago•15,168 views

politically opportune moment. Top US government insider Dr. Steve R.

Pieczenik, a man who held numerous different ...

Please also note that the footage shown here of Bin Laden was staged with

actors to create the illusion that such a force exists.


US Always knew the whereabouts of Bin Laden because he worked for CIA until

Sep 11, 2001, when he was double crossed. He died in December 2011 of lung

and kidney disease: this story at the end.

The alleged Bin Laden house was actually described as a CIA safe house in a

2007 WIKILILEAKS memo.

1. 'Osama




3xcOCrnKSjQLfeTb1Gl4jDw> compound' in Abbottabad built as CIA safe house to

specific ... -


d&cd=7&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=sa> Cached

You +1'd this publicly.




..1c.1.6aeg9bIpu5E> Undo

2 posts - 2 authors - 6 Jun 2011

'Osama compound' in Abbottabad built as CIA safe house to ... town of

Abbottabad was built as a CIA safe house to specific architectural

specifications .... a.k.a. Wikileaks, =========> Department of State Cables

released to ... Remember how they kept bragging about how they had a full

scale model of the house to train?

CIA Occupied Safe House in Abbottabad

6 May 2011, (VOA News)


From: Mark

Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2011 3:22 AM

Subject: Steve Pieczenik, M.D., Ph.D. (Harvard, MIT grad: Bush/USMIL did

9/11 Says Former Asst Secretary of State

He is a Harvard-educated psychiatrist with an M.D. from Cornell University

and a Ph.D. in International Relations from M.I.T.

Dr. Pieczenik served four presidential administrations as Deputy Assistant

Secretary of State, International Crisis Manager, and Hostage Negotiator.

Dr. Steve Pieczenik is also a critically acclaimed author of

psycho-political novels and the co-creator of the bestselling Tom Clancy’s

Op-Center and Tom Clancy’s Net Force series.

Alex Jones is an Austin based nationally syndicated radio host heard on over

100 AM and FM stations nationwide. He also produces powerful ParaPolitical

documentaries such as Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove, Police State II:

The Takeover, Police State 2000, America Destroyed by Design, America, Wake

Up or Waco, Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports Exposed. His explosive

documentary, 9-11 The Road to Tyranny, has aired on over 300 cable access

channels and over 200 commercial stations.

Podcast download:

Steve Pieczenik, M.D., Ph.D. (Harvard, MIT grad--very high ranking former

defense official-- his bio is staggering in depth). Dr. Pieczenik

(pronounced Pah Che' nick) is another

real American hero insider who really did his best to serve our country and

is now doing so again.

Dr. Pieczenik is the highest ranking former govt official to ever appear on

the Alex Jones show (he is the ultimate insider--I suspect he still consults

quite a bit--he may be

the top expert in psyops that ever worked for the DOD!).

His disclosures are staggering in their significance. And he is THE REAL

DEAL. Another top American Hero !

Jim, this is the biggest break in the 911 wall of deceit and coverup EVER.

Only the pentagon run major mass media and the pentagon top command itself


keeping the 911 media taboo in place.

Jim this is close. We now have specific names now of those that ran the 911

op and the name of the principal ! All provided by more than one top


official ! These folks will testify and have hard evidence.

The DAM may break, it's 50/50 right now. Top DOD and Administration folks

are scared and this makes them very, very dangerous to the citizens.

They could move quick with another bigger 911 type false flag attack or many

small ones. This folks are EVIL TO THE CORE and are capable of anything

when cornered. And they may turn on themselves and "tie up loose ends" for

many of the participants, even top ones ! (this is only the tip of the


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These search terms are highlighted: steve pieczenik 2002 interview

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Interview of Steve R. Pieczenik - Alex Jones Show - April 24, 2002 (Partial





Interview of Dr. Steve Pieczenik – Bin Laden Already Dead in 2002

April 24, 2002


AJ: Our guest tonight is Dr. Steve Pieczenik and he’s one of the world’s

most experienced international crisis managers. He has over twenty years

experience in resolving international crises, working for four U.S.

administrations. Dr. Pieczenik served as Deputy Secretary of State under

Henry Kissinger and Cyrus Vance and James Baker. Working with Secretary of

State George Schultz, Dr. Pieczenik has used his psycho-political expertise

for the Secretary’s mediation of conflict in the Middle East between Israel,

Jordan, Syria, etc……………


SP: And so we have a blowback with Osama. But what made it more difficult

was, I found out through my sources that he had had kidney disease. And as a

physician, I knew that he had to have two dialysis machines and he was

dying. And you could see those in those films, those made-up photos that

they were sending us out of nowhere. I mean, suddenly, we would see a video

of bin Laden today and then out of nowhere, they said oh it was sent to us

anonymously, meaning that someone in the government, our government, was

trying to keep up the morale on our side and say oh we still have to chase

this guy when, in fact, he’s been dead for months.

AJ: You are talking about the obvious fat guy, sitting there that looked

nothing like bin Laden.

SP: You’ve got it. I mean the whole thing was a, I mean it was such a hoax.

I mean I said you would have to be, you know, blind and stupid to not

realize that this is really being manipulating in trying to manipulate us.


AJ: We are talking about Osama bin Laden, the CIA asset during the ‘80s,

right into the early ‘90s and now the mainstream reports here out of Europe

and the U.S. confirming that he was involved in the situation in the Bosnian

and the Serb war. And then what Dr. Pieczenik is calling the classic term

“blowback” – the bad boy getting out of control and this report of him in

the American hospital. It’s been in the Washington Times, you name it,

getting nursed back to health, meeting with the CIA Section Chief for ten

days. Dr. Pieczenik, a former undersecretary of State and member of the CFR,

you name it, can say, oh yeah that’s true but he’s got an explanation for

it. Please elaborate doctor.

SP: Well, I don’t have a very good explanation. I was shocked as well as you

were in that what is a Station Chief doing seeing Osama bin Laden * when he

was already declared an international war criminal under the previous

administration and then the Station Chief testified, with several others,

that the whole family – so that notion that the family of bin Laden when

they evacuated and left this country and then was subsequently interviewed,

said they had no relation with bin Laden and that they didn’t know where he

was and all that nonsense. It’s just sheer nonsense. And so when that popped

up and I saw that, I said there is a lot of things going on here that don’t

make sense. And that means that they are using bin Laden in a way that the

United States government or you call Big Brother is basically using it in a

very, ah, ah, ah, how should I say this, nefarious, in a very dangerous way

to manipulate the American public.

AJ: A pretext to get more control.

SP: Well, it’s a pretext to get, I don’t know if I would say more control.

They are not very good at controlling this. Because it’s really, it has

really discredited the ability of the government to handle a simple

situation without having to insult the intelligence of the American citizen.


SP: Well, it’s not a good situation but it basically says to me that this is

an orchestrated type of war and I think that I didn’t want to believe it for

a very long time. And then I said that somebody is orchestrating something

here with the agreement of the bin Laden family, knowing fully well that he

would die. And I think that Musharraf, the President of Pakistan, spelled

the beans by accident three months ago when he said that bin Laden was dead

because his kidney dialysis machines were destroyed in East Afghanistan.

Well, he was one of few that knew that he had a kidney problem. That wasn’t

well known before. Everybody thought he had a heart disease

AJ: Exactly, but we have him in this American, called the American hospital,

and that report was confirmed

SP: That was confirmed that he had kidney disease. So, what happened there

is that here we have Bush, Sr., Bush, Jr, dealing with the bin Laden family

and then going to war with an organization that we effectively created in

1970s and 80s, when we drove out the Soviet Union


*Centre for Research on Globalisation

An article in the French daily Le Figaro confirms that Osama bin Laden

underwent surgery in an American Hospital in Dubai in July.

During his stay in the hospital, he met with a CIA official. While on the

World’s “most wanted list”, no attempt was made to arrest him during his two

week stay in the hospital, shedding doubt on the Administration’s resolve to

track down Osama bin Laden.

Barely a few days ago Defense Secretary Rumsfeld stated that it would be

difficult to find him and extradite him. Its like “searching for a needle in

a stack of hay”. But the US could have ordered his arrest and extradition in

Dubai last July. But then they would not have had a pretext of waging a war.

Meanwhile, innocent civilians are being killed by B-52 Bombers as means “to

go after” Osama bin Laden. According to UN sources, the so-called “campaign

against international terrorism” could lead to the death of several million

people from an impending famine.

The original article in French is also posted on the CRG webpage.

Michel Chossudovsky, CRG. 2 November 2001

The CIA met Bin Laden while undergoing treatment at an American Hospital

last July in Dubai

by Alexandra Richard

Translated courtesy of Tiphaine Dickson

Le Figaro, 11 October 2001

Posted at <> 2 November 2001

Dubai, one of the seven emirates of the Federation of the United Arab

Emirates, North-East of Abi-Dhabi. This city, population 350,000, was the

backdrop of a secret meeting between Osama bin Laden and the local CIA agent

in July. A partner of the administration of the American Hospital in Dubai

claims that public enemy number one stayed at this hospital between the 4th

and 14th of July.

Having taken off from the Quetta airport in Pakistan, bin Laden was

transferred to the hospital upon his arrival at Dubai airport. He was

accompanied by his personal physician and faithful lieutenant, who could be

Ayman al-Zawahari–but on this sources are not entirely certain–, four

bodyguards, as well as a male Algerian nurse, and admitted to the American

Hospital, a glass and marble building situated between the Al-Garhoud and

Al-Maktoum bridges.

Each floor of the hospital has two “VIP” suites and fifteen rooms. The Saudi

billionnaire was admitted to the well-respected urology department run by

Teerry Callaway, gallstone and infertility specialist. Dr Callaway declined

to respond to our questions despite several phone calls.

As early as March, 2000, ‘Asia Week,’ published in Hong Kong, expressed

concern for bin Laden’s health, describing a serious medical problem that

could put his life in danger because of “a kidney infection that is

propagating itself to the liver and requires specialized treatment”.

According to authorized sources, bin Laden had mobile dialysis equipment

shipped to his hideout in Kandahar in the first part of 2000. According to

our sources, bin Laden’s “travels for health reasons” have taken place

before. Between 1996 and 1998, bin Laden made several trips to Dubai on


On September 27th, 15 days after the World Trade Center attacks, at the

request of the United States, the Central Bank of the Arab Emirates

announced an order to freeze assts and investments of 26 people or

organisations suspected of mainting contact with bin Laden’s organization,

and in particular at the Dubai Islamic Bank.

“Relations between the Emirate and Saudi Arabia have always been very

close,” according to sources, “princes of reigning families, having

recognized the Taliban regime, often travelled to Afghanistan. One of the

princes of a ruling family regularily went hunting on the land of bin Laden,

whom he had known and visited for many years.”

There are daily flights between Dubai and Quetta by both Pakistan and

Emirates Airlines. As to private planes from Saudi Arabia or from the

Emirates, they regulariy fly to Quetta, where their arrival is rarely

registered in airport logs.

While he was hospitalised, bin Laden received visits from many members of

his family as well as prominent Saudis and Emiratis. During the hospital

stay, the local CIA agent, known to many in Dubai, was seen taking the main

elevator of the hospital to go to bin Laden’s hospital room.

A few days later, the CIA man bragged to a few friends about having visited

bin Laden. Authorised sources say that on July 15th, the day after bin Laden

returned to Quetta, the CIA agent was called back to headquarters.

In late July, Emirates customs agents arrested Franco-Algerian activist

Djamel Beghal at the Dubai airport. In early August, French and American

authorities were advised of the arrest. Interrogated by local authorities in

Abu Dhabi, Beghal stated that he was called to Afghanistan in late 2000 by

Abou Zoubeida, a military leader of bin Laden’s organization, Al Qaeda.

Beghal’s mission: bomb the US embassy on Gabriel avenue, near the Place de

la Concorde, upon his return to France.

According to Arab diplomatic sources as well as French intelligence, very

specific information was transmitted to the CIA with respect to terrorist

attacks against American interests around the world, including on US soil. A

DST report dated 7 September enumerates all the intelligence, and specifies

that the order to attack was to come from Afghanistan.

In August, at the US Embassy in Paris, an emergency meeting was called

between the DGSE (French foreign intelligence service) and senior US

intelligence officials. The Americans were extremely worried, and requested

very specific information from the French about Algerian activists, without

advising their counterparts about the reasons for their requests. To the

question “what do you fear in the coming days?”, the Americans kept a

difficult-to-fathom silence.

Contacts between the CIA and bin Laden began in 1979 when, as a

representative of his family’s business, bin Laden began recruiting

volunteers for the Afghan resistance against the Red Army. FBI investigators

examining the embassy bombing sites in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam discovered

that evidence led to military explosives from the US Army, and that these

explosives had been delivered threee years earlier to Afghan Arabs, the

infamous international volunteer brigades involved side by side with bin

Laden during the Afghan war against the Red Army.

In the pursuit of its investigations, the FBI discovered “financing

agreements” that the CIA had been developing with its “arab friends” for

years. The Dubai meeting is then within the logic of “a certain American


Dr. Pieczenik served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Henry

Kissinger, Cyrus Vance, and James Baker. He is a Member of the Council on

Foreign Relations

AJ: Our guest tonight is Dr. Steve Pieczenik and he�s one of the world�s

most experienced international crisis managers. He has over twenty years

experience in resolving international crises, working for four U.S.

administrations. Dr. Pieczenik served as Deputy Secretary of State under

Henry Kissinger and Cyrus Vance and James Baker. Working with Secretary of

State George Schultz, Dr. Pieczenik has used his psycho-political expertise

for the Secretary�s mediation of conflict in the Middle East between Israel,

Jordan, Syria, again it goes on and on. He�s got best selling books. He�s

basically an infowarrior, a crisis manager. In fact he, according to this

and some of the news articles that we pulled up on him, coined the phrase,

if these articles are accurate, this isn�t even in his bio here, but it says

it there in some of the news articles, the �crisis mediation� and it�s just

endless. It says in one of the bios here that he is also a member of the

CFR. Steve Pieczenik, I really appreciate you joining us on the show. Of

course, he is also a doctor and PhD as well. Good to have you on the show

this evening, Sir.

SP: Can I call you Alex?

AJ: You certainly can.

SP: You can call me Steve, Dr. Pieczenik or Steve, that�s fine with me.

AJ: Well, Sir, I mean you�ve got a long bio here. (Crosstalk) just want to

mention to the listeners out there.

SP: Sure, anyway what would you like to start with Alex?

AJ: Tell us a little bit more about yourself. Any key areas of your life, so

folks know who you are.

SP: Sure, I�ll be happy to. I started as a, I was a medical doctor training

at Cornell University Medical College here. I worked my way up through

scholarships and then got into the military. I was, during the Vietnam War,

I was a very young O6, as many of you know, that is a colonel at the age of

32. I then went on to my training in psychiatry, at the same time at

Harvard, and at the same time, I got a PhD from MIT in International


AJ: Now that was the first MIT PhD, in this particular form of psychology.

SP: Correct, Alex. And the reason for that was that I understood very

clearly, a long time ago, thirty years ago that the very essence of

relationships between countries and understanding what our national security

is about has to lie in the psychological political arena. It�s not,

necessarily that I am interested in what mother did or your father did, but

I am much more interested in what kind of image perception propaganda has

been created against us and what propaganda information we have to create

against someone else. For example, one of the presidents whom I served.

Unfortunately, he is ill now. But one of the most brilliant presidents I

served and most people don�t recognize his brilliance. I think history will

(garbled) and that is President Reagan, who was, as you know, an actor. But

he had a photographic memory. And he understood the importance of psychology

because he had been an actor and he understood that perception becomes

reality. Well, this is a gentleman who using the study that I had worked on

thirty years ago and had been intimately involved with him, using psychology

and the concept of the perception, we were effectively able.. It�s a team

effort. I�m not saying myself only. But Reagan was effectively able and the

Reagan administration to bring down an entire Soviet empire without firing a

gun by simply manipulating the psychology of perception. That we were

forcing them into bankruptcy, which we were through the SBI (?) program and

at the same time, manipulating their mind using the Chief of Staff. If you

want me to go through the detail and showing him what our military

capabilities were. And once he saw that both on land and on sea, he

basically gave up. And that was Akhromeyev, who was then Chief of Staff of

the Soviet military who was an Admiral, and who eventually committed

suicide. But from that point on, we broke the entire, we won a war without

having to fire a bullet. And that is the kind of thing that I talk about �

psychological or psycho-political dimension.

AJ: We are talking to Dr. Steve Pieczenik and he has worked at the highest

levels of the psychological operations for four administrations. You are

talking about controlling paradigms � paradigm management.

SP: Well, that�s interesting. I�ve never used that word paradigm but you

clearly � you must be a professor, Alex. But the notion is. No, what it is

it�s a more sophisticated concept. For example, what I do is, I don�t just

manage a conflict. I may sometimes be sent in on behalf of, for example,

Secretary of State Schultz and Reagan. I was sent down to give Noriega a

message officially that we would like for him to leave and we would provide

the two planes, so and so and such and such. Well, he clearly, my sense was

that he was not going to leave. And as many of you remember, this was a

general who was chief of narco traffic out of Panama. And so, I would come

back and report it.

AJ: I�ve got to stop you for a second. This is intriguing. I have seen it

reported that then in the military build-up before the strike, that they

employed the psychological technique of having the Delta Force and others do

raids in and out of the area, touch down for six months, to de-sensitize

them, so when the real attack came that they wouldn�t respond with

SP: That�s correct. I can�t confirm or deny it but I can say yes. (laughs)

That�s exactly true.

AJ: You may not know it, but they had that on the History Channel.

SP: Oh, I didn�t know that was on History, then I can say yes. OK, I�m glad

you told me, yes. General Cisnero(?) and I, we worked on a psyops program,

that�s psychological operation, and we are very good at that. I don�t mean

me. But the United States is. And we�ve lost some of that capability over

the past administration. I�m not pointing fingers. We lost about 40% of our

military intelligence capability. And I would come back and every year talk

at the National Defense University at Carlyle War College � as a way of

showing my appreciation to the military and try to train them in

psychological operations. Some of what we saw � we saw that very effectively

done in Afghanistan. When we basically gave warning to all the civilians and

then we basically went in and broke up the Taliban and then starting going

after al Qaeda. We used a lot of psychological operations on (garbled) which

I can�t go into but we are using it right now, hopefully, around the world

because of the 68 countries now with al Qaeda individuals, 68 countries

filled with al Qaeda membership, including our own country. And we�re are

using both psychological operations, we are using military....

AJ: Let�s talk about his story. I mean we heard it was twenty dollar bills,

now it one-hundred dollars bills, with just the picture of George Bush. And

I mean that�s an obvious propaganda move and even the person pulling the

hundred dollar bill out realizes that it�s propaganda but still can�t help

having a pang of liking George Bush for that split second. So, isn�t that

acclimating them, conditioning them, whether they like it or not?

SP: Well that�s a good point, Alex. Yeah, I mean, there have been crises,

for example, where I had three buildings here held hostage by a

fundamentalist group called the Hanasi(?) Muslim. And he knew he was being

manipulated. The FBI called me in and I used the Koran to take over the

control and eventually he couldn�t help but follow the orders that we giving

to him and he eventually released the hostages. And so, in that sense, it�s

a very powerful tool and we are getting back into using that very

effectively. That�s exactly right, Alex.

What I do � I�ve done a lot of negotiation, I do a lot of stategy and

tactics where I�ve done a lot of things. For example, with the Gorbachev and

Reagan negotiations, with Arafat, I worked against him, I would track down

terrorists and then I worked against Arafat, I worked with Osama bin Laden

in �78, �81. In �79 when he was in Afghanistan and with Saddam Hussein when

he was our ally and I worked against him when they weren�t our ally.

AJ: Now again folks, we are talking to Dr. Steve Pieczenik and he is one of

the infowarriors in four administrations, crafting much of the police that

we have seen over the last twenty, thirty years. And I am so honored to have

you on the show tonight. I hope we can keep you for a while.

SP: I�d be happy to, Alex.

AJ: I�m not going to mince words, I�m going to cut to the chase.

SP: Sure. Go ahead.

AJ: About these technologies that you are talking about that are great for

defending the country being used by the wordsmiths, by the spin doctors, in

camps in this country against the American people. Whether it�s gun control

or big government or any of it. And I�ve seen the telltale signs all over

the place. And that�s why we have you here, so hopefully the American people

can become more aware of these tactics. I mean, certainly it�s just 101

Marketing to use psychology, but it�s getting a little more sophisicated

than that. Can you ..

SP: Well, yeah, I agree with you Alex. One of the things that I have been in

disagreement and it keeps coming out of the conservative movement. I mean

I�ve worked with these - is that the issue of the suppression of our civil

liberties is unjustified and particularly in this case on terrorists. And

when I mean specifically, for example, I can understand that we have to have

vigilance and we have to have surveillance. But you do not change the

constitution or alter it to such a degree that we have posse comitatus,

which I hope your audience understands � that means military control can

come in and take over civilian control. That�s a no-no.

AJ: Well I had the former professors on this show, the former JAG colonels

and generals, they say it was gone in �96 and they are concerned about it.

SP: I�ve very concerned about it because what happens is, you know generals

� I have a lot of respect for but it�s not generals that make the decision.

It will be a consultant who works for somebody in the White House who may

not necessarily know what he or she may be doing. And then we are talking

about civil liberties and profiling � where you suddenly get thrown off the

plane. They won�t tell you why. You could be blond, blue haired, you could

be dark and brown eyed. I mean I was almost in preventative detention down

in Reno, Nevada, and I said to the police, can I use the word terrorism? He

said no. Can I use the words, are you arresting me? He said no. Then why are

you sorting me out? And they couldn�t give me an answer. I said you are

making a big mistake, you are violating my first amendment, you are

violating my second amendment, and every other amendment. Can I talk about

guns? No. So basically that�s where I agree with you and your audience and

that is we cannot let the federal government or any government suppress our

liberties in any way whatsoever. Now, is there propaganda that�s given to

the American public. Absolutely. And I say that...

AJ: Let me stop you professor. What was this story where they come out and

go � oh we�ve got the office of strategic influence, strategic laws and

manipulation, and then we are going to activate it. But we all know it was

already operating for hundreds of years. Every country has one. Then, so

that was a lie to say it new. Then they say, oh we are not going to use it

anymore, we were just proposing it. Your take on that.

SP: Well, I was actually, but don�t call me professor. One thing I am not is

a professor of anything, but I do join you in saying that I tried to stop

that vehemently on the radio. My neighbor who is around the block was in

charge of that and I don�t know her all that well, Ms Clarke. It was clear

to me that they didn�t know what they were doing. What they were doing was

creating what we call of fusion of what we call blackops, black operations

meaning covert, and white noise, that means real facts and information.

Well, you don�t do that in the military. The reason you don�t do that

anywhere in the United States, but particularly in the military is that you

compromise the integrity of our military and at the same time, it was the

stupidest idea I�ve ever seen because they said they could divide the lies

from the non-lies and I said that�s ridiculous. Furthermore, we have had

problems in the past where the CIA and other organizations that instill

disinformation in overseas countries and American reporters pick it up as

fact. And then they have been really hoodwinked and the American public

doesn�t know what is fact and what is reality.

AJ: And then that discredits the media organs which are needed by the

government to form public opinion.

SP: Well, it�s interesting that you say that. There has been an interesting

kind of balance. CNN has been very, I would say, pro-Palestinian or pro-Arab

in my ways, what I would consider. Whereas, thank God my friend Roger Ailes

is the head of the MSNBC network, which is more conservative that the FOX

network, where you can see some questions. Like Chris Matthews and the

O�Reilly Factor, where we can get into some issues and really start

discussing them from another perspective. That is, it doesn�t have a

particular bias that is lent by the government. Now, it�s true, sometimes

the government brings in, you know, they want to give their message. But if

that message is out of whack, I�m more than happy to go on the air and say

that guy is not telling the truth. And that�s why I go on these radio

stations to say look, in my opinion, now I�m not gospel and I�m not,

everything I say is not written in stone. I�m as human as anybody else. But

I�ve had a lot of experience. And one of the things that I do not believe

in, is the notion that policy, that�s what is unfortunately true about

Washington. Politicians consider most of us, as American citizens, as pretty

stupid and not very bright. And they think they can herd us around. And the

answer is, they are mistaken. And I�ve said that repeatedly, that they have

underestimated the intelligence of the American public, repeatedly,

administration after administration. But this time around, Alex, we don�t

have the flexibility, because we are in what we would call a constant

struggle or war against the El-Jihad and the Muslims � Islamic

fundamentalists who are more than happy to destroy much of what we have. And

we can�t afford, at the same time, to be told all kinds of stories that do

not correspond to reality. So that is where I do agree with you, Alex.

AJ: Okay, thank you for that. You were, again, deputy assistant Secretary of


SP: That�s correct.

AJ: under Henry Kissinger, Vance and Baker, in key positions in many other

administrations, you are also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations,


SP: Yeah, I know what you are getting to. But I�m also a member of the

National Rifle Association, too. I didn�t put that down. The real issue of

the Council on Foreign Relations, this is where you would be concerned and

others is that the Council on Foreign Relaions was once, many, many years

ago, I�d say 15 or 20 years ago, a very elite Northeastern organization.

What it has really turned into is pretty much, with all due respect, I think

that is an old resume, but basically I haven�t attended a meeting in well

over a year or two because it has become very much a rotary club. Basically

it is the same people, returning by, saying the same thing and I eventually

found it of very little help. It was an organization basically designed not

to influence or direct everything, although, many of the secretaries of

state have come out of there previously. Particularly before World War II,

right after World War II.

AJ: Since 1922, when it got founded, it was out of the Royal Institute of

International Affairs..

SP: Right, it was the Rockefeller family that funded it and built it up and

there was a sense that there was a conspiracy here and I can tell you for a

fact that a member of the group that you are talking to, that it is not any

more conspiratorial there. There is a far more serious organization that we

are concerned about and that�s called the Carlyle Group. That�s a private

equity group run by a guy named Carlucci who is a former Secretary of

Defense that are profiting very handsomely from this war. And I�m very much

concerned about it because it because it could spread it.

AJ: See, that�s amazing because I got some of the � I don�t know if you knew

that some people were making some transcripts of some of your comments on

KFI and I�ve got them here, I don�t know if they are accurate. But in these,

you talk about the CIA and bin Laden in July and the rest of this ...

SP: Correct.

AJ: That�s accurate, you said that?

SP: Yes, that is accurate.

AJ: Okay, Sir, I want to hear this from you when we get back.


AJ: We are talking to Steve Pieczenik and he has got more titles than the

Queen of England. I mean he has been all over the place. No, I�m serious.

You have really led, and I envy all the dangerous and exciting situations

you�ve been in and I didn�t even know if I could believe this bio and did

some a little LexisNexis search and you actually play yourself down a bit on

your website. Why don�t you give that to them Steve.

SP: Oh, I can�t. Alex, I think you did a good job. I�m more than happy.

Let�s talk about bin Laden.

AJ: Your website for those who don�t know it...

SP: Oh well, my website is and I have a new book coming

out called, �Active Pursuit� under the name of Alexander Court, and another

one called �Active Measure� under Alexander Court, C-o-u-r-t, that will be

coming out this week actually. It�s about the violation of Sweden, how

hypocritical Sweden was during World War II, in establishing neutrality and

actually helped the Nazis.

AJ: Yeah, they made a lot of money off of it.

SP: Oh, they made a huge amount and the Wallenburg family in particular,

made a lot of money and then they violated everything we stood for. And we

forced Raoul Wallenburg to join the OSS to make up for their totally

treacherous behavior but the worst part about it was that I wanted to. See,

I use fiction to put reality in. And one of the comments was, I went after

one of their famous Nobel Prize winners, an extreme liberal, by the name of

Gunnar Nordahl, who accused us... I remember when I was up in North Korea

and I saw him, he said that Americans were despicable, we didn�t like human

nature and all of that. I said I�m going after this guy and I found out and

I put it in the book. And the Swedes have never denied it. This is a famous

Nobel Peace Prize winner and he wrote the welfare state. How do you create

the welfare state? Well, of all things, Alex, what happened was, and this

was a fact they never denied and I put it in the book in �Active Measure� by

Alexander Court, and you will read it there. What he did was to sterilize

innocent Swedish women between 1945 and 1974. He sterilized over 75,000

innocent Swedish women who had nothing more than perhaps, you know, abnormal

a little bit of behavior problem, or they were teenagers. But the real

reason was for economic reasons. He didn�t want to have any problems with a

potential abnormal child so they thought this was the best way to maintain

their financial capability, maintain their welfare state. So much for

greatest of free....

AJ: Sounds like Margaret Sanger.

SP: Well, it�s a lot more deadly than Margaret Sanger. This is a real effort

to really neutralize their entire population and the guys are saying you are

doing it for the welfare of the state. That�s called euthanasia.

AJ: Absolutely and we see that now being legalized in many of those

Scandinavian countries.

SP: That�s correct and they don�t... they have denied...they have said we

are looking at, and actually the kids don�t know about it. But it�s one of

the things that again, again not all Swedes are bad but the point is that

their government has been playing two-faced with the world for a long time,

as many governments have and that is what your point is, Alex.

AJ: Now Dr. Pieczenik, what I want to talk to you about tonight....

SP: is bin Laden and the....

AJ: Let�s get to that. We are about to break and start the next hour. Let�s

talk about it then if you�ve got time right now.

SP: Absolutely, I�ll give you the time.

AJ: I want to talk about Henry Kissinger. I mean this guy, I�ve got his

quotes on record where he says if there is a big enough crisis, we�d accept

a new world order, global government. I mean he has said stuff like this on

television and you worked under this guy. From talking to you, it sounds

like you�re 180 from the views of Henry Kissinger.

SP: Well, you are right on the nose. I, this I can share with most of your

audience, that I was asked to work for him personally and I said no. I

couldn�t, for many reasons that I don�t want to get into but primarily that

I didn�t have the temperament to tolerate his type of, what we call,

narcissistic behavior. He is very impulsive, childish and he rants and

raves. As a psychiatrist, I don�t tolerate that and set limits very quickly.

Secondly, I didn�t agree with his views but his deputy, Lawrence

Eagleburger, who has been under (garbled) management has seen me negotiate

the release of about seventeen hostages, (garbled) and he asked me if I�d

come on board and work for the U.S. government. I said, no problem. I had a

military commission. So the answer is you are right.


AJ: We are excited to have a great guest, an intelligent guest, like Dr.

Steve Pieczenik on the show. He has worked in four administrations. He has

worked for the deputy secretary of state, hostage negotiator, the list goes

on and on. He is a critically acclaimed author of psycho-political novels

and co-creator of the best-selling Tom Clancy�s Op-Center and Tom Clancy�s

Netforce series. He is a Harvard psychiatrist with an MD from Cornel

University and PhD in International Relations from MIT. The doctor served

for four presidential administrations. Again, now let�s start getting into

this whole bin Laden situation and I�ve got a bunch of emails and I got a

partial transcript of it and I called the station to confirm that you were

on but they didn�t have a transcript. And....

SP: You know, what I said was Alex, this is following issue.

AJ: We are talking about bin Laden for those that just joined us.

SP: Right, but we are talking about bin Laden. The issue is what the

relationship is between the bin Laden family and the Bush family. It�s much

more complicated than has been revealed, than has been revealed by anyone.

And that is that it goes back for several decades.

AJ: Back into the mid-70s.

SP: It goes back, exactly. They have now, Bush, Sr, who I have served as

well, and Bush, Jr. have literally gone to the bin Laden family and the

Carlyle Group. This is the private equity group here in Washington, which

the bin Laden family have been in. And they claimed they only had 2 million

dollars, but my sense is that it was far more extensive, that they owned all

kinds of companies, including one of the largest conglomerates in our

military contracting. And bin Laden was, remember, our ally, supposedly our

ally in 1979, �80, when he worked with us to drive the Soviet Union out of

Afghanistan. He was just a young kid.

AJ: Brzezinski talks about that in �The Grand Chessboard�.

SP: Right, and that he then turned against us and we created a political

Frankenstein. And that�s not the first time we�ve done that Alex and this is

what I want to tell your audience.

AJ: You are saying it is blowback.

SP: It�s blowback, exactly. And what I was saying about a blowback was that

if we tend to have a pattern here in the United States and it has to do, I

think primarily with the fact that we don�t have good intelligence or good

CIA capability to handle all of our so-called in between or gray-zone

friends/enemies. And what happens is we just dump them. It was the same

thing with Noriega. We had to go in and send in 22,000 troops. It was the

same thing with Saddam Hussein, we fought with him for five years against

Iran. We killed over a million people. We supplied him with the actual

biological and chemical weapons. It was the CIA that did that. Suddenly we

find ourselves at war with him. That was a blowback. Then we go to war and

we don�t finish the war. Now we are going back to war again. And I am trying

to say, wait a minute guys, if you messed up the first time, what makes you

think you are going to do it again the second time. And so we have a

blowback with Osama. But what made it more difficult was, I found out

through my sources that he had had kidney disease. And as a physician, I

knew that he had to have two dialysis machines and he was dying. And you

could see those in those films, those made-up photos that they were sending

us out of nowhere. I mean, suddenly, we would see a video of bin Laden today

and then out of nowhere, they said oh it was sent to us anonymously, meaning

that someone in the government, our government, was trying to keep up the

morale on our side and say oh we still have to chase this guy when, in fact,

he�s been dead for months.

AJ: You are talking about the obvious fat guy, sitting there that looked

nothing like bin Laden.

SP: You�ve got it. I mean the whole thing was a, I mean it was such a hoax.

I mean I said you would have to be, you know, blind and stupid to not

realize that this is really being manipulating in trying to manipulate us.

AJ: The type of psyops that we�d see coming out of Dr. Steve Pieczenik.

SP: It�s not the kind of thing that I would do to the American public. But

the more important part was that ...


AJ: We are talking about Osama bin Laden, the CIA asset during the �80s,

right into the early �90s and now the mainstream reports here out of Europe

and the U.S. confirming that he was involved in the situation in the Bosnian

and the Serb war. And then what Dr. Pieczenik is calling the classic term

�blowback� � the bad boy getting out of control and this report of him in

the American hospital. It�s been in the Washington Times, you name it,

getting nursed back to health, meeting with the CIA Section Chief for ten

days. Dr. Pieczenik, a former undersecretary of State and member of the CFR,

you name it, can say, oh yeah that�s true but he�s got an explanation for

it. Please elaborate doctor.

SP: Well, I don�t have a very good explanation. I was shocked as well as you

were in that what is a Station Chief doing seeing Osama bin Laden when he

was already declared an international war criminal under the previous

administration and then the Station Chief testified, with several others,

that the whole family � the notion that the family of bin Laden when they

evacuated and left this country and then was subsequently interviewed, said

they had no relation with bin Laden and that they didn�t know where he was

and all that nonsense. It�s just sheer nonsense. And so when that popped up

and I saw that, I said there is a lot of things going on here that don�t

make sense. And that means that they are using bin Laden in a way that the

United States government or you call Big Brother is basically using it in a

very, ah, ah, ah, how should I say this, nefarious, in a very dangerous way

to manipulate the American public.

AJ: A pretext to get more control.

SP: Well, it�s a pretext to get, I don�t know if I would say more control.

They are not very good at controlling this. Because it�s really, it has

really discredited the ability of the government to handle a simple

situation without having to insult the intelligence of the American citizen.

AJ: And you are saying earlier that you brushed up against this at an

airport, I believe you said Nevada?

SP: Oh yeah, in Reno, Nevada, where literally the police came and just took

me away. And I said, what are you after? They searched me three to four

times. I said, look you know, I�ve written these profiles. They didn�t

answer anything. That�s called preventative detention. I said am I under

arrest? They said no. I said what are you holding me for? And, can I tell

you, well I won�t use that language on the air what I said to them but

basically, this kind of activity is just totally unacceptable for the United

States of America.

AJ: And again, according to the press reports, you are the guy that coined

the phrase, or did you, �conflict management� or..

SP: I use what is called, I call it �crisis management.� I�m not sure I�m

the original one, but I�ve used it for most of my life and basically every

crisis from Arafat, in evacuating our soldiers, to evacuating our civilians,

to going into hot spots in Cambodia and trying to stop Pol Pot from another

killing field and still being on the hit list of a lot of terrorist groups

all over the world. Still on the number one hit list of the Red Brigade in

Italy, they still want me.

AJ: Okay doctor, everything you are saying makes sense and we have had other

CFR people on here couple of times and they are elitists. They..

SP: I don�t want you to think of me as a CFR, all I did was pay dues. I�m

haven�t attended a meeting in four or five years. So if you could use

another title, I�d appreciate it Alex.

AJ: Alright, I mean there are so many, my point is I�ve had these other guys

up and they�re pompous, they don�t even seem that smart. Compared to having

another talk show host on, but you seem very intelligent and obviously so, I

mean working around all these people. I mean here you are talking about this

bin Laden situation � give us your intel on that or what you have heard of

the info you have...

SP: Well, it�s not a good situation but it basically says to me that this is

an orchestrated type of war and I think that I didn�t want to believe it for

a very long time. And then I said that somebody is orchestrating something

here with the agreement of the bin Laden family, knowing fully well that he

would die. And I think that Musharraf, the President of Pakistan, spelled

the beans by accident three months ago when he said that bin Laden was dead

because his kidney dialysis machines were destroyed in East Afghanistan.

Well, he was one of few that knew that he had a kidney problem. That wasn�t

well known before. Everybody thought he had a heart disease

AJ: Exactly, but we have him in this American, called the American hospital,

and that report was confirmed

SP: That was confirmed that he had kidney disease. So, what happened there

is that we have Bush, Sr., Bush, Jr, dealing with the bin Laden family and

then going to war with this organization that we effectively created in

1970s and 80s, when we drove out the Soviet Union. And that was the

conversion, again blowback, of the young mujahideen where we gave them

armament through the CIA again and that was no great secret. Everybody knew

that and then there was a blowback.

AJ: They knew the blowback was coming and allowed it to happen. Again, I am

absolutely blown away, doctor, because this is in all the evidence that I

have. I have over a hundred mainstream articles, government documents,

Northwoods, you name it, on in the government prior knowledge

section. And, to have you up on this show, I mean I didn�t know which

direction you were going to go and I just had some of the transcripts from

another interview that you did, but it�s amazing and now more and more

people are saying it. But look, they created bin Laden, they use him, the

family is in bed with the Bushes back in the mid-70s, and you are talking

about a stage-managed war. I mean, you just said it. I mean, boil it down

for us. What are you saying, a former deputy secretary of state, what are

you saying?

SP: Well what I am saying is, I mean as a deputy assistant, what I am saying

is that I am coming to the same conclusion that you came to. And that is,

and I hope I�m wrong, but more and more evidence points to the fact that

somehow, given who the people are that they appointed to the Dept. of

Defense, they were civilians who had never been in the military. The same

guys who were in Iran-Contra dealings. And then you have the same people who

are involved with Saddam Hussein � Cheney and you have Condoleezza Rice who

really wasn�t all that much impression and the same whole cast, very tightly

controlled and they are managing something that doesn�t make sense to me.

And that is, yeah there was an attack on the World Trade Center, yet we

don�t really know who did it. And the president shows and says well here I

have the evidence that bin Laden did it. Well, if bin Laden did it, then why

was the first mention and the first order that was given, and I think you

would remember this, so would your audience, is the FBI has to evacuate the

entire family. If you were to go into a criminal scene or investigation, you

wouldn�t say to everybody there, if you wanted to know who the culprit is,

and you say oh that�s the culprit, let�s get rid of the whole family and not

ask anybody any questions. That was a big mistake.

AJ: That�s another red flag, another smoking gun that I didn�t even put in

my 144-minute tour de force film that�s has so much evidence every 5

seconds, there�s some new document or news release or public statement.

You�ve got them, when all other aircraft are grounded, other than the

military, you�ve got jets flying out of Florida and Boston ferrying this

Royal family out of here.

SP: That�s exactly right. And so the question becomes, what�s going on here?

And then the last one is of course is the fourth plane which had

seventy-five minutes, in other words, those of you who are particularly �

fighter pilots understand this. You can�t fly at about three or four-hundred

feet off the ground and at seventy-five minutes out, you have to go out to

the Chesapeake and the ocean and you are telling me that we couldn�t get

fighter planes in there? When we had already had two attacks and you are

telling me that that was not a military pilot who was trained to crash into

the Dept. of Defense? That�s unbelievable and that was a sleeper. So, I

can�t put that all together, but I�ll put all together and it�s not a good

picture, Alex.

AJ: What was a sleeper?

SP: The guy, the one flying that plane into the Dept. of Defense. Those guys

were sleepers. I mean you�ve got to explain, does your audience understand

what, a sleeper is a concept that came out and it�s actually, they are

agents that are trained that came out of the old cold war where the Russians

would create and have individuals who were trained to kill and then they

would be activated many years later. If you saw the movie, The Manchurian

Candidate, you�d get a good idea of that.

AJ: MKUltra mind control

SP: MKUltra mind control, exactly.

AJ: You know this is incredible. We�ve got one of the pre-eminent hostage

negotiators, psyops guy, you know, worked with Tom Clancy, worked in four

administrations, and then here you are with all the information.

SP: It is very disturbing to me Alex as it is to anyone of our American

citizens who is not buying it.

AJ: So why did you decide to start going public with this? Was it


SP: I went public with this, no, I went public, well I�ve always been kind

of a maverick. But I was offered an O7, and I said look I work alone, I�m a

singleton basically and I work on my own and I work for my country. I never

got a pension. I never really got paid much for what I did. I often had to

pay back most of the expenses. I�m not telling you how great I am as an

American. But as an American citizen, the reason that I went public, the

first thing that bothered me was when Vice President Cheney was (garbled)

for having had at Haliburton, and that big corporation that he had in oil,

which he was given $35 million for all his knowledge in oil which he had

none of, he had been a former secretary of defense, he had put in a embargo

on Iraq and then he denied that he didn�t know anything about the embargo �

the fact that they had violated the embargo by having a $75 million joint

venture with Iraq and at that point I said, that was the straw that broke

the camel�s back for me. Cheney was just outright lying and he committed a

crime by violating an embargo. And I said these guys are in trouble and I�m

going out publicly to say this can�t continue. Not as an American citizen,

I�m not going back to war. I�m not going back and letting American soldiers

die � for something that may have been concocted or created. It�s one thing

if we are attacked by the Nazis or the Japanese or something. I�m not

denying that we were attacked. The question is who did what and how it was

orchestrated and if it was orchestrated, then we have a real problem and

that will destroy our democracy. That�s why I went public � and you know


AJ: Doctor, stay right there. I am shaken by this. You know, David

Schippers, the guy who impeached Bill Clinton, said basically the same

things on this show and more and more great American inside the system, cold

warriors are blowing the whistle. We�ll be right back with our guest.


AJ: ..Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, he is best-selling author, works

with Tom Clancy, you name it and he is concerned. I�m glad that more and

more Americans are concerned about government prior knowledge and

involvement in allowing September 11th to take place. And, you know, Dr.

Pieczenik, a lot of people don�t understand, they say well if the government

had prior knowledge of September 11th or allowed it to take place, like FDR

allowing the Japanese to attack Pearl Harbor. They had it on the History

Channel. Well, how did those guys then fly aircraft into buildings? And my

only point is this: all you need is a double agent like bin Laden who we

know has been an asset of the CIA, to go in and hype up the Islamics. Then

the door is open and they are allowed to come in ...

SP: Well, you know, I�ve got .. Go ahead, Alex, keep going...

AJ: Then their names are kept out of the Customs computers. Then the watch

list doesn�t get to the airlines. Fifty-eight minutes they had to shoot down

the second plane that hit the World Trade Center and, as you said, seventy

plus minutes to get that other plane. So, example after example, and then

somebody with an incredible track record and serious resume like yourself

comes out with an analysis that I don�t even come out with on the air, even

though that�s what I suspected � most Americans can�t grasp sleeper agents.

If you start talking about this, because of the military precision of the

Pentagon attack or even what we saw with the twin towers. I mean, again,

elaborate on this for us. This is earth shattering.

SP: Well, it�s earth shattering for me, too. It was the kind of thing that I

wouldn�t want to believe. I mean, you know it�s not like I just came out of

the closet and I was a whistle blower. I want the audience to understand.

I�m a patriot and I�ve always felt strongly that the reason that I served my

country is because it�s an honor to serve, to serve the people. I don�t

serve a institution or a government that got out of control. And by the way,

I wrote a book about this years ago, called �State of Emergency� where I

said that we are going to have fights about the devolution of federal power,

but basically it was over water rights in the Colorado River and occurred

over Nevada and Arizona and that�s what�s happening � it�s States vs.

federal rights.

AJ: Sagebrush rebellion.

SP: You got it. And let�s go back to that. And then what�s bothering me Alex

and I think you articulated it better than I have was I didn�t want to

believe what I was putting together. And you are beginning to articulate it

and this has been going on for well over six to nine months. I mean I have

been saying for a long time even to the individuals involved and whom I know

personally in the White House and elsewhere, you are making a mistake by

bringing in the people that you are doing, you are signaling to those of us

who are knowledgeable these are not serious people. These are people who

have caused problems in the past. And something is going on here. And that�s

why when you get a guy like Cheney, Vice President, believe me this is a

micromanager. There is nothing that goes by that he does not know and that�s

the reason he�s got five heart attacks. But I don�t find him, not one of

them has served in the military, other than Armitage. But not one of them

has ever....

AJ: Richard Armitage, this guy is hooked up with the short trading, caught

red-handed on United and American in that story...

SP: Is that true, is that what you have him on?

AJ: Oh yeah, we got it in triplicate.

SP: Okay, well I�m not surprised, part of the neocon group again is a

conservative group of guys who come from the extreme left that suddenly have

an epiphany and go to the extreme right. So one of the reasons that I was

concerned is that we�re heading in for a war that is partly orchestrated by

us and we went into Afghanistan and that was one of the phoniest things that

I have ever seen where General Kelly said, and he finally admitted, that we

made a mistake. We used these war lords as the surrogates for fighting

instead of American soldiers. And I�m saying, what is this a joke? I mean

what idiot is going to believe that. I mean anyone who knows the war lords,

knows that they are the most distrustful, dishonest guys in the world. They

run narco traffic through Afghanistan. We went through this before after ten

years, twenty years before. So what is this nonsense about suddenly we win a

war in Kandahar and Mazar-e-Sharif in twenty minutes and it turns out we

didn�t win anything. What happened it was a revolving door. Everything that

we were going after, al Qaeda, they took in and made their exchanges and

then it had to do with issues of a pipeline being put down in the north of

Afghanistan. It goes back to the Carlyle Group and Unocal. Unocal, then I

started checking the records, put up a one-hundred billion dollar bid and

this is open record. You can check it in front of the Congressional

committee and UNOCAL and that�s one of the big five put up one-hundred

billion to put up an oil pipeline up to the Caspian Sea to that base where

they found trillions of gallons of barrels of oil and we could dump the

Middle East that way. And that started to explain to me � well, you�ve got

Cheney, you got Bush, the oil boys, they are concerned about that pipline,

you�ve got the Carlyle Group and then you�ve got the neocons forcing us to

get into wars with people who have weapons of mass destruction. Well, there

are a lot of countries that have weapons of mass destruction. That doesn�t

mean we go to war with them.

AJ: Professor, we�ve got to break again. This is one of the most riveting

shows we have ever done. It�s amazing to have you on the air with us and I

know you don�t want to be called professor, its says that in one of the

bios. Doctor, we�ll be back after this quick break.


AJ: Steve, I have to be honest with you. I though that you were going to

come on and make excuses for what happened with the bin Ladens being in with

the Bushes and...

SP: No way, Alex, I�m an American. The one thing you don�t do as an American

is you don�t play and mess with my constitutional freedom. I don�t care who

you are, what your name is, what you think you are. When you mess with that,

you are going to see me retaliate. And I warned the White House. I warned

them, quite frankly. Some of the people who are involved because they know

me well. I said if I can help you up there and I helped both Bushes to get

elected. Trust me, I�m going to help bring you down because you don�t play

with the American public and their freedom. And you don�t play with lives,

American soldiers� lives that I value, because not only am I a physician but

having been in wars, seeing these boys die for who, for whom, and the answer

is no - as long as I live and I have a breath, I will still fight for that

constitution. The constitution was based, created by men who understood what

it meant not to centralize power, to make sure that we had the freedom of

the individual and that the individual was more important than the State.

AJ: And that is why our country has produced so much and now it�s all being

squandered. So, again,

PS: We are not producing anything Alex. We�ve become a third-world country.

Right now you�ve got China is a big problem. They are producing more than we

are. And what are we sending out � billions of dollars. We are creating a

nonsense organization, Homeland Security. I�ve never heard of such idiocy.

Seventy-six billion dollars for a man who has never run anything, totally

emasculated, Tom Ridge, a nice man, as a governor who doesn�t know anything.

He never saw a terrorist in his life.

AJ: I�ve heard of Homeland Security � that�s what Sturm Stoffel, SS stood


PS: Well, I don�t want to go that far but the point is what came out of the

seventy-six billion dollars. You got the color red, yellow, green and blue

to tell me, what am I supposed to do? What am I supposed to do?

AJ: They are going to have nightly alerts and FEMA is going to activate our

TV and radios, they told us.

PS: Sure, that will be the day.

AJ: Recapping before we get into any other subjects that you�d like to


PS: Let me recap it very simply so that I make my position. I have not just

suddenly come out of the closet. I�ve come out in a very distinct position

my whole life. I stand by what I believe. I have served different

administrations not because I served the administration but I served the

American public. That�s the way I viewed it. I was the only one who

resigned. I mean Cyrus Vance is proud that he resigned on Carter but I

resigned over Cyrus Vance�s handling of the Iran hostage siege because he

sent me one of these left wing nuts by the name of Ramsey Clark. I knew we

would never have a chance to deal with the hostage negotiation and like

chess, when you open up the move, you lose a lot of time. And we were in

deep trouble. So, I said Mr. Secretary, you are incompetent. And so I quit

and that�s the kind of guy I am. And that�s why I�m not in this

administration or others. When they called me in, believe me, there is a lot

that hit the fan. And the reason why I come back in is because I cleaned it

up for the American public. Not for the president who�s elected, not for the

people there because they have become too self-important. What we have

created, it�s not a democracy but we created for ourselves is common

royalty. And they think they are that indispensable and the answer is no man

is indispensable to lead this country. No man. And every citizen is

indispensable. And when you get to that point where we have to salute the

flag � we have five different police forces here in Washington and jet

planes flying overhead. Give me a break. And that�s what I believe in. The

American way of life is very simple. Let�s us do what we do. Leave us alone.

Don�t get in my back pocket and don�t come into my bedroom. That�s how I






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-along.html> Forget Pakistan, US Knew Bin Laden’s Location All Along


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US intelligence pinpointed terror leader’s precise location on numerous

occasions and let him escape every time

Paul Joseph Watson

<> Prison

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The notion that the US was only aware of Bin Laden’s precise location for a

matter of months before they executed their alleged raid of his compound in

Pakistan is an insult to the truth, which is that the US knew the Al-Qaeda

leader’s precise whereabouts before 9/11 and also protected him from capture

on numerous occasions afterwards.

A year after the FBI had issued a global arrest warrant for Bin Laden

following his alleged involvement in the 1998 Nairobi and Kenya embassy

attacks, British tourists Alan and Cindy Thompson were traveling through

Pakistan when they stopped off at a town called Zhob.

After driving for 11 hours on dirt roads they came to a checkpoint and were

detained by armed Pakistani guards. The Thompsons later discovered that they

were stopped because they had discovered the secret lair of Osama Bin Laden,

before being told by American aid workers that the location had been visited

by US consulate officers, British, Australian, and Swiss ambassadors, and

that it was guarded by a team of US commandoes.

The aid workers also told them that they had been forced to move their

offices because of a similar experience in Kandahar, where they ended up

stationed right next door to Bin Laden.

After the couple were picked up by the British embassy they were invited to

a garden party where all the British ambassadors and aid workers were

bragging that they were stationed in the same area as bin Laden’s secret


The Thompsons tried to alert the FBI and Scotland Yard to the astounding

information, but were completely ignored.

“We were gobsmacked,” said Cindy Thompson. “We found it incredible that we

were offering to give first hand true information about the most wanted man

in the world and the US embassy couldn’t even be bothered to get off their

butts…it is about time that this story is told to the world to let the

people know the truth…the hunt for bin Laden is a farce.”

The account was reported on at the time by Pakistan’s Dawn newspaper and the

Thompsons later confirmed it to author Kenyon Gibson, who related the story

in his book, Common Sense: A Study of the Bushes, the CIA and the Suspicions

Regarding 9/11.

The account is important because it correlates with


times-2004-03-24> several instances where the U.S. had Bin Laden in their

sights and deliberately ordered special forces soldiers to stand down or

refused to launch air strikes.

In December 1998, Bin Laden was located in Kandahar but Bill Clinton refused

to authorize military action.

In February 1999, Bin Laden stayed at a hunting camp in Afghanistan’s

Helmand province for more than a week, but after US intelligence pinpointed

the exact location, authorization for an assault never came.

US intelligence again located Bin Laden’s location in Kandahar in May 1999

but took no action.

According to the U.S. Senate, Bin Laden was

<> “within the

grasp” of the U.S. military in Afghanistan in December 2001, but that

then-secretary of defense Rumsfeld refused to provide the soldiers necessary

to capture him.


<> Description: Description: Description:

Description: Description: Description: Description: Forget Pakistan, US Knew

Bin Ladens Location All Along 210311banner

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In January 2004,

<> Lt. Col.

Bryan Hilferty told the Associated Press that the US military was “sure”

that they would catch Bin Laden that year, clearly indicating they knew his


In October 2004, the <> San

Bernadino Sun reported that, “The Pentagon knows exactly where Osama bin

Laden is hiding in Pakistan,” according to 9/11 Commission member John

Lehman, who said that his capture was being delayed because there were too

many Taliban fighters in the area.

“There is an American presence in the area, but we can’t just send in

troops. If we did, we could have another Vietnam, and the United States

cannot afford that right now,” said Lehman.

“Look,” he said, “Musharraf already has had three assassination attempts on

his life. He is trying to comply, but he is surrounded by people who do not

agree with him. This is not like Afghanistan, where there was no compliance,

and we had to go in.”

“We’ll get (bin Laden) eventually, just not now,” concluded Lehman.

<,7340,L-3342268,00.html> In 2006, a

French documentary also claimed that French soldiers had Bin Laden in their

sights on two occasions in 2003, but authorization to kill or capture the

leader was not forthcoming from US authorities.

<,2933,304306,00.html> Colonel Hunt

subsequently wrote an article for Fox News in which he stated, “We know,

with a 70 percent level of certainty — which is huge in the world of

intelligence — that in August of 2007, bin Laden was in a convoy headed

south from Tora Bora. We had his butt, on camera, on satellite. We were

listening to his conversations. We had the world’s best hunters/killers —

Seal Team 6 — nearby. We had the world class Joint Special Operations

Command (JSOC) coordinating with the CIA and other agencies. We had unmanned

drones overhead with missiles on their wings; we had the best Air Force on

the planet, begging to drop one on the terrorist. We had him in our sights;

we had done it. Nice job again guys — now, pull the damn trigger.”

“Unbelievably, and in my opinion, criminally, we did not kill Usama bin



.html> Democrat Rep. Maurice Hinchey later told MSNBC that the Bush

administration deliberately allowed Bin Laden to get away in order to

justify the attack on Iraq.

Despite the fact that US intelligence knew Bin Laden’s precise location in

Pakistan more than a decade ago and deliberately failed to apprehend the

terror leader on numerous occasions in the years since, Pakistan itself is

now being targeted with threats for that very same reason.

Bin Laden was allegedly shot dead in his compound at Abbottabad, which is

virtually a stone’s throw away from an important Pakistani military academy.

President Barack Obama’s counterterrorism adviser


796.html> John Brennan told NPR that it was “possible” that members of

Pakistan’s military knew Bin Laden was hiding in the compound.

Pakistan’s ISI intelligence agency is tied at the hip with the CIA, to the

extent where it is basically a branch of the Central Intelligence Agency.

Bin Laden’s shocked neighbors have told the media of their disbelief that

Bin Laden or his aides could have lived in the town without being noticed.

Indeed, one man who lived next door to the compound raided by US Navy SEALS


ml> told Al Jazeera that residents in the area carry documents because they

are constantly asked to identify themselves by military forces.

Talking points centering around the notion that Pakistan knew all along that

they were sheltering Bin Laden are likely the culmination of a blackmailing

process and in retaliation to

<> massive

unrest in Pakistan over the US Predator drone strikes which have killed

hundreds. Saudi Arabia is also being blackmailed in light of the contrived

“Arab Spring,” which has been hijacked by globalist interests and is now

being used as a threat to destabilize the Saudi Kingdom.

The globalists could quickly isolate Pakistan and make them the next target

of the ‘war on terror’ by claiming they were in league with Osama Bin Laden,

when in reality Bin Laden’s whereabouts were well known to US intelligence

all along


bl-photos.html> because he was their prize asset.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for <>

Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a

regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.


Subject: Falling Apart: Bin Laden killing story: The Re-Killing Of Seal Team


Very, very interesting expose - it actually makes sense!!!

The Re-Killing Of Seal Team Six

By Joel Skousen, editor

World Affairs


With Obama revelling in the death of Osama bin Laden a year ago, a review of

how the government pulled off this propaganda stunt is in order. CT Campbell

provided a short review of the implausible US version of events:

"A review of the problems with the story is simply incredible. The lack of

any tangible evidence, the massive changes to the official story that came

out in the days immediately following the raid all add up to something being

very wrong. No Shootout, no wives used as human shields, no wives or

children taken into custody have been produced, no video of the raid, the

White House did not watch the raid live as originally indicated. Now, as

many predicted, the people we are told took part in the raid are all gone as

a result of a recent helicopter crash. We were then told the UBL [Usama Bin

Laden] body was immediately buried at sea and we have almost instantaneous

DNA results that it was him.. No pictures of UBL's body are released, under

the excuse they would instill hatred for America. Not only do we see no UBL

body, we see no captive wives or children, we have no seal team members to

give their accounts in disguises to conceal their identity and never will

after the recent helicopter crash in Afghanistan. In the days that follow,

we do get some photos of the people we are told were killed inside the


Now there exists much more specific witness testimony that directly

contradicts the US version of events, and provides new evidence of what

happened to Seal Team Six, lauded for carrying out this alleged death raid.

Paul Craig Roberts brought to the attention of the world an important

Pakistani National TV interview with Muhammad Bashir, who lives next door to

the alleged compound of Osama bin Laden.

"In Bashir's account, every member of the landing party and anyone brought

from the house died when the helicopter exploded on lift-off. This provides

a very different version of events than what the media parroted from

Pentagon reports. Here are the key points Bashir made in the interview [all

key statements put in chronological order and edited for brevity]:

Muhammad Bashir: The events that happened are thus; we were awake, we were

not asleep.

Reporter: Where were you standing when this happened?

Muhammad Bashir: Inside the house, on top of the roof, I was not in the

house, just on top of the (flat) roof, lying down on the roof, lying and

watching this and what was happening. A Helicopter came, and circled and

dropped some people there... after that, the helicopter returned and went


Reporter: How many people were they?

Muhammad Bashir: They were ten, twelve people. After that it left and for

approximately 20 minutes, there behind us, on those mountains, it kept going

around, the top of the mountains. After 20 minutes, it returned. When it

returned, at that time there were TWO more helicopters arrived but didn't

land. One came from the West and one came from the North.

Reporter: There was only ONE helicopter?

Muhammad Bashir: Only ONE helicopter, that dropped its passengers.... The

people who were dropped from the craft... That walkway...that...where our

gates are...they banged them hard...and shouted...don't come out...don't do

this, don't do that, if you come out you will be shot..we will do this, we

will do that, all the people who were dropped, all of them spoke Pashtu

(Afgahni Language) - Pashtun!

Reporter: Who were these people?

Muhammad Bashir: This I do not know! Those who were dropped from the craft

(helicopter), those people.

Reporter: somebody else told me -- that they spoke Pashtu.

Muhammad Bashir: They WERE Pashtun! we do not know if they were working for

the Americans, we do not know if they were working for Pakistan, we do not

know if they were army people or civilian, what people, BUT they SPOKE

PASHTU!, [Later Bashir hypothesizes that they could be Americans speaking

Pashtu: "agents can speak all sorts of languages. It could be that it is the

American army and they could speak Pashtu and the people would think that it

is our own people."] The SAME [helo] returned to pick the people and there

was an explosion within it. ONE helicopter landed down here, the second

helicopter came from above and went towards Mansera. It did not land. No

second helicopter landed! When it [the first helo] approached for landing,

there was an explosion within it and there was fire within it, immediately,

we came out... the helicopter was on fire, it was burning. They are saying

we killed Osama here. After that, they picked him up and took him away. -

how did they do this? This, what we are thinking [since witnesses saw the

only Helo that landed explode and burn!].

Reporter: How did you get inside? (the compound)

Muhammad Bashir: the gate was open, when there was fire, the gate was open

[doesn't sound like a secure compound for Osama].

Reporter: You came from upstairs to downstairs?

Muhammad Bashir: I came down, from my own house into the gulley [Gulley is

(in Urdu) a sidewalk or pavement between two houses], I didn't go alone

inside the other house, 200 other people went inside! Everybody saw it!

Reporter: All 200 saw the dead bodies?

Muhammad Bashir: Everybody saw this. Whoever went inside they saw


Reporter: In the helicopter... you saw dead people?

Muhammad Bashir: We saw dead people... This, we could not count, within the

compound there was fire. The gate was open, we entered the gate, at that

time the Army had not arrived. When the helicopter exploded, it scattered

everywhere, one piece fell over there, one fell here, one here, a lot of

pieces fell in the gulley outside, they reached up to the gulley and our

house and also some pieces managed to reach onto my roof. so, the area of

the open space there (in front of the house) is about four Kanal in size. It

is a very large compound. You cannot see all of it from one location. After

that, about twenty minutes later the Army arrived, the police arrived. They

moved all of us back... when the army arrived, they moved all the people

back. Move aside, move aside! So we moved aside. Then they closed the area


Reporter: Tell me; two helicopters came, lifted and took the rest of the


Muhammad Bashir: No -- they did not take the rest of the people, because

they did not even land, One came from the West and it left towards the

North, the one that came from the North, left towards the South. They did

not land!

Reporter: where was your cousin [who reportedly grew vegetables inside the


Muhammad Bashir: My cousin was at that time in the house.

Reporter: Did he go with you?

Muhammad Bashir: He was with me, but I did not notice when he was picked up.

Reporter: Has he returned yet?

Muhammad Bashir: Yes, he has returned. They picked him up and took him away.

Reporter: What is he saying?

Muhammad Bashir: I have not met him yet, he is at home they will not let him

come out, we are not allowed to visit him, they will not let him come out.


Paul Craig Roberts comments: "Bashir's cousin is the person who, according

to the reporter had a vegetable garden inside the wall of the alleged bin

Laden compound. Is it likely that with a hunted and dangerous person hiding

within, locals would be permitted to have vegetable gardens inside the


"Readers can arrive at their own conclusions. It seems clear that under

intense pressure and serious threats from the US government, the Pakistani

government fell in line with the US government's claim that a commando raid

had killed bin Laden and all had returned safely, and that the TV news

organization also got the message to get in line.

"It is likely that the many witnesses who observed the dead from the

helicopter crash have been warned to keep quiet. However, a news

organization, should one be so inclined, could certainly interview Bashir

and the 200 others who saw the dead bodies.... I am confident that no news

organization believes that it could confront such an important US national

myth in this way. OBL's death will remain one of those many 'truths' that

rest on nothing but the government's word."

I find particularly disturbing Bashir's comments about the inserted team

speaking fluent Pashtu. Navy Seals are not linguists, as agents may be. They

may be trained with a considerable vocabulary or phrases but hardly enough

to pass off as native speakers to another native. The whole story about this

being a CIA operation which was secret from the Pakistani army is blown wide

open by this testimony. It is obvious that a lot of people in Abbottabad and

in the Pakistani army know that the US story is totally fabricated--but they

are being silenced.

Is There a Link to Recent Deaths of the Same Navy Seal Team? There are some

strange contradictions in the highly publicized crash of an Army CH-47

Chinook helicopter in Afghanistan that supposedly included the very members

of Seal Team 6 that allegedly captured and killed Osama bin Laden. How


1) If, as Mr. Bashir has testified, no Navy SEALs survived the special ops

helo crash in Abbottabad, the government would need to falsify their deaths

later in order to be able to explain to the Seal Team families why their

hero husbands were never coming home.

2) It would also mean that Obama's visit to Fort Campbell, Ky did not occur

in front of the actual Seal Team Six, but their larger unit. The fact that

Obama showed up with cameras rolling at the return of the bodies from the

recent crash indicates that this is a continuation of the big lie.

3) Seal Team Six has its own special ops stealth helicopters and doesn't

normally fly on Army choppers. Why was this SEAL Team inserted onto an Army

reserve transport helicopter and mixed with other military operations? Was

this story a fabrication too?

4). The US government claims it has killed the two who shot down the CH-47.

I'd like to know just how you could know that unless you were controlling

that shoot down operation. That shows that either they are lying or

complicity. Either one is bad.

5) The government is already changing its story about who was on the doomed

helicopter. According to CNN, "The Pentagon will put the death toll of Navy

Seals in last weekend's downing of a helicopter in Afghanistan at 17,

[instead of 22]. Officials say further information that has come in also

indicates that not all of the SEALs were assigned to a top-secret Naval unit

as they originally said. [Only] 15 were SEALs belonging to the top-secret

unit that conducted the raid on Osama Bin Laden's compound in Pakistan. Two

others were SEALs assigned to a regular Naval special operations unit. Five

additional Navy personnel were so-called conventional forces with particular

specialties who regularly worked with the SEALs. One official said that

included a dog handler and some communications specialists. The other eight

U.S. troops killed were three Air Force forward air controllers and five

Army helicopter crew members. Multiple military officials had said for days

there were 22 SEALs among the dead, and all were members of the same overall

unit that killed Bin Laden."

Let me tell you as a former military pilot that there is written manifest

for every flight containing the names of every person on board when setting

out from a regular base of operations. There is no way the military could

have been "confused" about who was on board. Someone is scrambling to

coordinate whoever is supposed to be dead from those who are not dead.

Here's a partial analysis from "The government admits that a

super secret helicopter did crash during the OBL raid but says no one died;

our intel is different. We predicted that the spin doctors would stage a

crash or when a real crash took place that they would say the SEALs died

then. This is a old trick that governments all over the world have been

caught pulling in the past.

"Mainstream sources are seizing upon claims that the Taliban took credit for

downing the helicopter, but that means nothing. Media instantly ran reports

that al Qaeda was responsible for the bombing & shootings in Norway;

moreover, anyone on a message board can make such claims."

CT Campbell concludes, "We may never know the true story. If I were to

guess, someone got off a lucky shot against the helicopter or there was an

accidental explosion of ordinance onboard. Since this whole thing IMO was

designed to boost Obama's declining ratings and status, they could not come

out with the truth that it had ended in a colossal mess. The recent crash of

the helicopter in Afghanistan may have been staged to provide a cover story

and give closure and release of bodies for people killed months ago. It

might also have been used to eliminate any witnesses who survived the


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Revealed: Military emails show that NO U.S. sailors

witnessed Osama bin Laden's secret burial at sea

* Emails describe how Osama bin Laden's body was washed, wrapped in a

white sheet and slid into the sea after religious remarks in Arabic

* Defense Department says it cannot find any images or videos of bin

Laden's aboard USS Carl Vinson

* Pentagon failed to produce autopsy report, death certificate or

results of DNA tests

* Military officials referred to bin Laden's body as 'package' in

coded missives

* Release of emails mark first public disclosure of information about

bin Laden's May 1, 2011 death




Internal emails among U.S. military officers indicate that no American

sailors watched Osama bin Laden's burial at sea from the USS Carl Vinson,

and traditional Islamic procedures were followed during the secret ceremony.

The emails, obtained by The Associated Press through the Freedom of

Information Act, are heavily blacked out, but are the first public

disclosure of government information about the al-Qaida leader's death. The

emails were released Wednesday by the Defense Department.

Bin Laden was killed on May 1, 2011, by a Navy SEAL team that assaulted his

compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan.

One email stamped secret and sent on May 2 by a senior Navy officer briefly

describes how bin Laden's body was washed, wrapped in a white sheet, and

then placed in a weighted bag.

According to another message from the Vinson's public affairs officer, only

a small group of the ship's leadership was informed of the burial.

‘Traditional procedures for Islamic burial was followed,’ the May 2 email

from Rear Adm. Charles Gaouette reads. ‘The deceased's body was washed

(ablution) then placed in a white sheet. The body was placed in a weighted


‘A military officer read prepared religious remarks, which were translated

into Arabic by a native speaker. After the words were complete, the body was

placed on a prepared flat board, tipped up, whereupon the deceased's body

slid into the sea.’

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description:

Description: Description: Final destination: Bin Laden's body was taken to

an unknown location aboard USS Carl Vinson and dropped into the sea, but the

Defense Department says that it cannot find any images showing the terrorist

mastermind's remains on the ship

Final destination: Bin Laden's body was taken to an unknown location aboard

USS Carl Vinson and dropped into the sea, but the Defense Department says

that it cannot find any images showing the terrorist mastermind's remains on

the ship

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description:

Description: Description: Fallen mastermind: In this undated file image from

video seized from bin Laden's walled compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, the

al Qaeda leader watches TV

Fallen mastermind: In this undated file image from video seized from bin

Laden's walled compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, the al Qaeda leader watches


Description: Description: Description: Description: Description:

Description: Description: Stronghold: Members of the anti-terrorism squad

are seen surrounding the compound where bin Laden was killed by Navy SEAL

Team 6 in Abbottabad May 4, 2011

Stronghold: Members of the anti-terrorism squad are seen surrounding the

compound where bin Laden was killed by Navy SEAL Team 6 in Abbottabad May 4,


The email also included a cryptic reference to the intense secrecy

surrounding the mission.

‘The paucity of documentary evidence in our possession is a reflection of

the emphasis placed on operational security during the execution of this

phase of the operation,’ Gaouette's message reads.

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description:

Description: Description: Long-awaited news: U.S. President Barack Obama is

pictured after announcing live on television the death of Osama bin Laden

from the East Room of the White House in Washington May 1, 2011

Long-awaited news: U.S. President Barack Obama is pictured after announcing

live on television the death of Osama bin Laden from the East Room of the

White House in Washington May 1, 2011

Recipients of the email included Adm. Mike Mullen, then the chairman of the

Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Gen. James Mattis, the top officer at U.S.

Central Command. Mullen retired from the military in September 2011.

Earlier, Gaouette, then the deputy commander of the Navy's Fifth Fleet, and

another officer used code words to discuss whether the helicopters carrying

the SEALs and bin Laden's body had arrived on the Vinson.

‘Any news on the package for us?’ he asked Rear Adm. Samuel Perez, commander

of the carrier strike group that included the Vinson.




ssmans-17yo-niece-patdown.html> TSA agent pulls down dress to expose the

breasts of 17-year-old niece of Congressman during airport pat-down as he

demands federal investigation



diate-effect-confirmed-Egypt.html> A truce in Gaza... but how long will it

hold? Fragile ceasefire after eighth day of attacks



mbers-blow-U-S-base-Afghanistan.html> Analysis of a bomb blast:

Investigators search for clues amid the carnage after suicide attack claims

four lives at U.S. Afghanistan base

‘FEDEX delivered the package,’ Perez responded. ‘Both trucks are safely

enroute home base.’

Although the Obama administration has pledged to be the most transparent in

American history, it is keeping a tight hold on materials related to the bin

Laden raid.

In a response to separate requests from the AP for information about the

mission, the Defense Department said in March that it could not locate any

photographs or video taken during the raid or showing bin Laden's body. It

also said it could not find any images of bin Laden's body on the Vinson.

The Pentagon also said it could not find any death certificate, autopsy

report or results of DNA identification tests for bin Laden, or any pre-raid

materials discussing how the government planned to dispose of bin Laden's

body if he were killed.

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description:

Description: Description: Historic moment: In this May 1, 2011, image,

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, President Barack Obama and Vice

President Joe Biden receive an update on the bin Laden mission in the

Situation Room

Historic moment: In this May 1, 2011, image, Secretary of State Hillary

Rodham Clinton, President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden receive

an update on the bin Laden mission in the Situation Room

The Defense Department also refused to confirm or deny the existence of

helicopter maintenance logs and reports about the performance of military

gear used in the raid.

One of the stealth helicopters that carried the SEALs to Abbottabad crashed

during the mission and its wreckage was left behind. People who lived near

bin Laden's compound took photos of the disabled chopper.

The CIA, which ran the bin Laden raid and has special legal authority to

keep information from ever being made public, has not responded to AP's

request for records about the mission.

<> aangirfan

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links (embedded or otherwise) on this site does not in any way, shape or

form, implied or otherwise, necessarily express or suggest endorsement or

support of any of such posted material or parts therein.

Thursday, March 01, 2012



1600/Abb.jpg> Description: Description: Description: Description:

Description: Description:


Pakistan has begun to demolish the house where the CIA claimed that Osama

bin Laden once lived.

<> CIA compound being

demolished in Pakistan

The CIA reportedly kept a number of its assets and agents in the Abbottabad






w8lP_Vf6uoQsFaH4DtoOQ&sig2=g3l47X6olZ0YySImhKe6vA> PAKISTAN ARRESTS 'CIA


The 'Osama bin Laden compound' in the Pakistan town of Abbottabad has a

special design.

Reportedly, it is a design used by the US military.

Reportedly, the US military use this design for constructing secret and safe

homes for top officers in dangerous zones.





&usg=AFQjCNErDyej0kw5WZmqmfwX90mWXfI5MQ> Did Dawood's construction firm

build 'Osama's' Abbottabad home? /



eB_lGAs6CE011IOBicI0g&sig2=ZrcmWOOTKgfw7VigVyrxbg> Did Dawood's construction

firm build 'Osama's' Abbottabad home ...)


1600/zzz%2BAbbottabad.JPG> Description: Description: Description:

Description: Description: Description:

00/zzz%2BAbbottabad.JPGThe Abbottabad compound

"Highly placed sources in Indian intelligence" reveal that the contract to

build such homes in Pakistan has been given to Safari Construction.

Safari Construction is reportedly owned by Dawood Ibrahim.





&usg=AFQjCNErDyej0kw5WZmqmfwX90mWXfI5MQ> Did Dawood's construction firm

build Osama's Abbottabad home?)

Reportedly, Dawood Ibrahim is an asset of the CIA.

The 'Osama House' was well known to the CIA.

<> The

'OSAMA HOUSE' was raided in 2009


1600/LEFT%2BSIDE%2BDIFFERENCES.JPG> Description: Description: Description:

Description: Description: Description:

00/LEFT%2BSIDE%2BDIFFERENCES.JPGThe copy in Bagram, Afghanistan.

In April 2011, the US military reportedly made a full scale replica of the

'Obama compound'. (Full-Scale Replica.



sg=AFQjCNHfh0_VQfgeh4mzaGd2UHrp8PQ45A&sig2=F-Rc-lgzXTZQLpGZJULo1w> )

"They replicated the one-acre compound at Camp Alpha, a segregated section

of Bagram Air Base." (the Atlantic


at-killed-osama-bin-laden/238163/> )


1600/0%2BOsama.jpg> Description: Description: Description: Description:

Description: Description:

00/0%2BOsama.jpgTwo TV sets, digital satellite decoder, computer, calculator

with printer.

"Electricity bills seen by The Sunday Times show that the compound used

hardly any power, just enough for lights and a small television "




k8crA> Talk of who betrayed Osama bin Laden sparks a harem scuffle


1600/arrest-1705_l.jpg> Description: Description: Description: Description:

Description: Description:

20/arrest-1705_l.jpgCIA asset arrested in Karachi?

It looks as if the Pakistan military is cracking down on the CIA.

1. On 17 May 2011 we learn that, in Karachi, Pakistani security forces have

arrested Muhammad Ali Qasim Yaqub.

Muhammad Yaqub, alias Abu Sohaib al Makki, is a senior al Qaeda (CIA)

operative from Yemen.



XB0P0f4h74oQ&sig2=tSIlZCcjoxMsJRQbDNfzGQ> Pakistani army: senior al Qaeda

(CIA) operative arrested

According to the Pakistan military, Yaqub (al Makki) had been "working

directly under al Qaeda (CIA) leaders along (the) Pakistan-Afghan border."

The US Embassy in Pakistan claims not to know Yaqub (al Makki) and say his

name does not appear on any lists under the US Rewards for Justice program.

"The arrest of al Makki is a major development in unraveling the al Qaeda

(CIA) network operating in the region," according to the Pakistan military.

Yaqub (al Makki) was arrested some time after 2 May 2011.


1600/Umar%2BPatek.jpg> Description: Description: Description: Description:

Description: Description:


2. In January 2011, Umar Patek was arrested by Pakistani forces in


Umar Patek, an Indonesian, was reportedly an asset of the CIA.

"He was captured with his Indonesian wife during a gun battle with local

Pakistani security," according to Indonesia's General Sutanto.




1600/DAVIS%2B2.jpg> Description: Description: Description: Description:

Description: Description:


3. On 27 January 2011, the CIA's Raymond Davis was arrested by the Pakistan

authorities after he had killed two agents of the Pakistan spy service ISI

in Lahore, Pakistan.




1600/Baitullah-Mehsud.jpg> Description: Description: Description:

Description: Description: Description:

20/Baitullah-Mehsud.jpgBaitullah Mehsud, whose nephew was allegedly staying

in the 'Osama' compound in Abbottabad.

4. On 17 May 2011, we read that the Pakistan security forces "have arrested

... three family members of the ... militant leader Qari Zainuddin Mehsud

from a mountain (two miles from Abbottabad) which is believed to be the hub

of (Pakistan) Taliban militants, while three hotels were raided to hunt down

foreign journalists..."




1600/LEFT%2BSIDE%2BDIFFERENCES.JPG> Description: Description: Description:

Description: Description: Description:


5. There is evidence that it was Pakistan forces who carried out the raid on

the so called 'Osama' compound.





















<> PAK PM,























Posted by Anon at 5:22 AM



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Labels: Abbottabad <> ,

Bin Laden <> , CIA

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Anonymous said...

Dammit, Aang, I wanted to post that first, lol. U were ahead of me again!

11:40 AM




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<> Description:

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John Friend <> said...

Man, this stuff is so confusing... it seems as if the CIA/Mossad/MI6 nexus

has infiltrated and controls virtually all of these "terrorist"

organizations, like al Qaeda. It also seems as if the Pakistanis, Indians,

and other intelligence agencies work with the CIA/Mossad/MI6 nexus, at least

at times. All these spooks are mucking the entire planet up, perpetuating

war and misery for profit and geopolitics.

BTW - I'm sure you've seen this, but just in case you haven't, it's worth

checking into:!

This too:

7:39 AM






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