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Feds Arrest Second Patsy in Federal Reserve Bombing Case

Kurt Nimmo

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Oct. 19, 2012

Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis, the deluded al-Qaeda wanna-be who supposedly plotted to bomb the Federal Reserve, had an accomplice, according to the feds.

The government says Howard Willie Carter II, aka Yaqueen, is a child porno pervert who collaborated with Nafis.

The dysfunctional duo allegedly communicated with each other over the internet. Nafis lives in New York and Carter in San Diego.

Both men were under government surveillance as part of an elaborate sting operation. FBI informers acted as agents provocateurs in the case. The government claims the bus boy turned terrorist Nafis wanted to kill Obama and blow up the New York Stock Exchange.

NYPD Commissioner Raymond Kelly used a precrime argument to justify the entrapment of Nafis.

“You have to be otherwise not disposed to do a crime,” he said. “And if it’s your intent to do a crime, and somehow there are means made available, then generally speaking, the entrapment defense does not succeed.”

Despite the government’s assertion that Nafis is a hardened terrorist who pledged loyalty to Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda, a classmate at a Missouri college where Nafis enrolled said he often said Muslims don’t believe in violence.

Jim Dow, a 54-year-old Army veteran, said the terrorist image portrayed by the federal government “doesn’t seem to be in character” of Nafis, the Seattle Times reports.

The feds claim Nafis was inspired by American-born cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, who was “the spiritual leader of the alleged 9/11 hijackers, a fact that didn’t seem to concern Pentagon top brass who invited him to dine with them just months after the September 11 attacks despite the fact that he had personally colluded with the very hijackers who were alleged to have slammed Flight 77 into the Pentagon,” Steve Watson wrote for in September, 2011.

“Every indication points to Awlaki being a double agent working for US intelligence. He has been involved in almost every terror plot over the last couple of years.”

The case has rekindled the argument that the government needs more authority to violate the Constitution in order to root out terrorists.

“Civil liberties have taken a backseat to preempting terrorism, there’s just no doubt about it,” Columbia University foreign policy and counterterrorism expert Stuart Gottlieb told GlobalPost.

“And that’s because, whether you were under the Bush or the Obama administration, they still are operating under the premise that there are groups and individuals trying to do some pretty bad things, and they need to have the policies in place that remain controversial with civil libertarians … that will preempt attacks, rather than just respond to them after they occur with the criminal justice system.”