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July 26, 2012

(Photo:  Rome burning)
"To ravage, to slaughter, to usurp under false titles, they call empire; and where they make a desert, they call it peace." - Tacitus (AD 56 – AD 117).


There are predictions that the Mossad and British secret services will stage a new false flag terrorism event at the 2012 London Olympics and claim the lives of thousands of Olympic tourists.


One name to look out for is Australian-Israeli businessman Frank Lowy, who is Larry Silverstein's investment partner, and owns the Westfield Stratford City Mall, which is serving as a key transit hub during the Olympics. The mall opened last September and many analysts have speculated that it could be the scene of a coordinated false flag attack by the Mossad and MI6.


Lowy will stand to gain a large fortune if his building is destroyed, but money is not the main issue, it is his loyalty to the Israeli state that matters. "The state-backed British Insurance company Pool Re is covering up to $7 Billion on the Olympic terror threat," says Salman An-Noor Hossain in his article, "Silverstein's 9-11 Partner Owns Olympics "Gateway." 


It is not a coincidence that Lowy's partner Silverstein received a windfall of cash after his building, WTC 7, was hit by the CIA and Mossad on September 11, 2001. Silverstein can be seen here being confronted about the false flag 9/11 events by Luke Rudkowski of We Are Change.


The company we keep is a good indication of what kind of men we are. Silverstein reaped millions of dollars for keeping his mouth shut about the Mossad-CIA false flag on 9/11. So it is logical to assume that his partner's property will be chosen by Mossad as the perfect target at the Olympics for exactly the same reason: Lowy will keep his mouth shut.


All this is speculation. Hopefully, the 2012 London Olympics will be peaceful and a huge success. But since a very disturbing precedent was set on 9/11 by Israeli and Western intelligence agencies it is our moral and civic responsibility to always remain on guard for the next false flag. It might be a nuclear 9/11.


II. The Dark Olympics: A Great Fire Will Rise


The 2012 London Olympics is the biggest international stage. A successful false flag terrorist event by the Mossad on this Shakespearean stage would immediately increase global sympathy for Israel and its insane stance against Iran.


Maybe we're all just crazy conspiracy theorists. I certainly hope so. But I have a deep suspicion, as you do, that Israel is going to lit the torch of terror and parade like a victim across the Olympic stage.