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THE AL-QAEDA DEMON VIRUS (Updated June 6, 2012)

John Kaminski

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June 4, 2012

A government that survives 

by lying to its own people 

is a government that needs 

to be permanently overthrown,

 immediately, if not sooner.


It's in the mall now, and in those cameras at the traffic lights. It's in the airports on the gloved fingers of blue-collar security guards fingering the genitals of strangers. It's in the rage of the cop on steroids tazing grandmothers. And as the strange clouds and dripping jet trails twist the Sun into Satan's smile, it's already in your DNA.


You hear about it on TV: cancel Social Security for older Americans so we can increase military aid to Israel to fight the savage terrorists, who were invented by your favorite beloved politicians for the very purpose they are serving — designated boogeymen to solidify our certain fear-soaked slavery into the congealed blob of throbbing morons we have all become.


It's somehow perfect that the American government invented Al-Qaeda for the purpose of creating The Perfect Enemy, one that could never be caught because it did not actually exist —  so in theory it could be fought forever! (Al-Qaeda, in case you still don't know, was created by Zbigniew Brzezinski and comprised of Saudi [read: Jewish] thugs who were close friends of the Bush family).


Utilitarian to the max, this perfectly camouflaged enemy could fight on any side of any conflict at any time for any purpose. Whether it was good guys in Libya but bad guys in Egypt, allies in Bosnia but enemies in Afghanistan, child butchers in Syria but saviors in Yemen — they could be blamed by everyone and yet be accountable to no one but their bloodsucking masters.


But it all depended on concealing the deal from the people. Since they own the media and have anesthetized the public, it was not a difficult task.


This perpetual formula for terror mirrored perfectly our inner need to have an enemy — to have an obstacle to overcome to prove our seriousness about life. Not just a task nor a purpose but a holy cause to throw ourselves into unabashedly, to commit to and believe in. A herd to belong to. My country, right or wrong. Only then are we ever really comfortable, when we are certain of our direction.


As with the creation of heaven by priests, which enabled them to control the thought processes of civilization, this inner need to have an enemy derives from the thought-process archetype of having to follow certain spiritual rules you have been taught to defeat death, and gain honor and immortality, etc.


Having an enemy unites any tribe in patriotic zeal and fellowship, and, more importantly, makes them less critical of the imperfections of the advocates who have mobilized them in the first place. At what point this patriotic fealty degrades into the mindless zombie rape mentality of the American military, I know not, but I know it's somewhere near fogging out on the flag, hyping on methamphetamines, and forgetting everything anyone ever told you in your life about love.


Somewhere along the line they decided that they couldn't find any more countries to fight because they owned them all, so they invented The Perfect Enemy — those ever-present terrorist Wahhabi al-Qaedas — to serve as both enemy to wipe out and ally for use in overthrowing legitimate rulers and raping them in the streets.


As we realize now that the Muslim Brotherhood is just another Jewish-run front group posing as spiritual liberators like the rabid Rev. John Hagee preaches love for Israel to Christian evangelicals, those who only pretend to speak for God lead their blind followers to either lobotomized lives or senseless deaths.


I believe we (all of us who pay attention to these matters) have all achieved a seriously successful "mission creep" into the components of the psychological prison imposed on us by a century of Jewish media that most seriously threatens all of our lives in a poisoned cornucopia of deception.


It is time to take advantage of our knowledge and begin as best we can to detoxify the world by first detoxifying our thoughts.


Get used to the idea that Al-Qaeda is a bogus operation invented by American, British and Israeli intelligence services, who are all serving at the pleasure of the Jewish moneymen who have already fulfilled Mayer Amschel Rothschild's death bed instructions to steal everything in the world and leave nothing for the Gentiles.


The whole world needs to know that when the Jews are thoroughly done robbing you, they kill you, and that is what is taking place right now, with the situation remaining the same down through time — the goyim are always too slow to realize what's happening to them until it's far too late, as it is now.



John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please support his work by mail: 250 N. McCall Rd. #2, Englewood FL 34223 USA.


#1  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: AM
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2012 1:25 PM

 AMEN!   John Kaminski for telling it like is!


