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CIA & Mossad Death Squads Exposed In Syria


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March 13, 2012

Targeted assassinations by the CIA and other covert agencies have become well-known to everyone. Claimed to be necessary by the perpetrators, these extra-judicial killings nevertheless target a few high-profile individuals in far-off lands, leaving the average Joe unaffected personally by and large. Less well known is the new trend toward killing ordinary civilians going about their normal business. This tactic of raining down terror on anyone who happens to be 'in the wrong place' has become the 'weapon' of choice for those who are bent on fomenting instability in order to bring down a regime! First brought to light through deadly drone attacks - killing scores of civilians - in countries with no hot war taking place, they came into their own during the recent regime change operation in Libya!


The formula is already somewhat familiar - first, contract mercenaries willing to do your 'dirty work', including even those who belong to known terrorist organizations such as the CIA-created Al Qaeda. Next, provide them with arms and logistical support to create confusion through widespread killings to be blamed on the despotic regime - totally reinforced by complicit and one-sided media reporting. Air strikes called in supposedly in support of the 'brave' rebels - mercenaries for the most part - are callously directed against cities or regions that refuse to go along with the proposed regime change. And as we saw in Libya, journalists who dare to report the actual truth (over fabricated propaganda) become targets for the very sniper bullets directed against those going about their normal business!


Why change a working formula - so long as the truth continues to be hidden away from public view? While it appears likely that Iran will not face full-scale war in 2012, this is not so for Syria - the last domino to fall before the major Iranian prize will be ready for plucking. For now the toppling of such 'evil' regimes in far-away lands seems like a reality show viewed in the comfort of their living rooms. But the other half of the boomerang's arc is yet to come as Westerners can glimpse their own future!


'What goes around, comes around' is a wise old adage that is especially relevant to our current time. The bloodthirsty megalomaniacs have embarked on a campaign of terror in order to cow the masses into submission and realize their goal of world domination. Educate yourself while there is still time!
