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The Illusion of a Terror Threat is Over. The Government 's Excuse For a Police State and Illegal Wars Exposed

Realman 2020

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All for our safety to keep us from those evil Muslims was all a farce and a crock. There was no threat to us in the first place. All these phony plots were contrived and carried out by our own goverment after Sept 11, 2001. They found a low IQ malcontent, offered money and explosive to go hit this or that target in a sting so they can arrest them later. We have the underwear bomber who boarded a plane without a passport. The State Department ordered the man on the plane without travel documents. Now we have a used car salesmen accused going after Saudi Diplomats. All thought up by the FBI so they make an arrest saying there is a threat of terrorism to scare us.

              This terror threat is just a goverment illusion to scare us into giving up our rights and to go start a war has just had its Waterloo or watershed moment. This Iranian used car salesmen involved in a Terror plot was back in June. It was all government informants involved with no Iranian involvement. Iran has nothing to gain Iran had no more to do with this than Pewee Herman did. Now all of sudden Eric Holder is now called to testify before Congress about Fast and Furious to fabricate that our right to keep and bear arms as the cause for all the violence on the southern border with Mexico. When the Obama White House was behind running guns to Mexico from the evidence locker. This scandal will eclipse Iran Contra and Watergate. 

             Making the case for the Patriot Act, The TSA and the Department of Homeland Security is a farce created out of fraud is now clear. Now all these police state measure are now in jeopardy. Selling us the need to go into Iran fighting wars for Israel over nuclear facilities does not wash. We been lied to about Saddam's weapons of mass destruction.  This illusion of a foreign terror threat does not pass the test anymore. The case for more wars is no longer is justified. The US Government was behind it all concocting threats through these sting operations to justify we need more draconian laws that only help the real terrorist and punishes the law abiding.

             We the American people are tired of the wars. We are sick of these Homeland security checkpoints on the highways. We want to be left alone when we go to a football game or travel by airplane. We do not need to have our crotch grabbed. We want this extra judicial powers putting people on terror watch list and no fly list without due process must stopped. We want our right to Habeas Corpus restored. We want to be left alone. We are tired of being treated like criminals and all these cameras on every street corner watching our every move taken down. We want our lives back and stay out of our lives. This tyranny was all based on lies and a media illusion.

            It is over, the illusion of a terror threat is over. The government broke the straw on the camel's back. They been caught and found out.They can no longer sell us more wars and surrendering our rights to keep us safe. We do not trust a word the goverment says anymore. Why should we? They broken that trust long ago. The party is over and the mind games with the propaganda machine does not work anymore. It is over. The illusion is over. There is no threat and never was. The government who says they will keep us safe were the real terrorist all along.

Oct. 13, 2011