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Oslo Terror: Whose Agenda Does It Serve?

Paul Joseph Watson

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Bombing of government building and mass shooting arrive as establishment seeks to manufacture “white Al-Qaeda” myth

Today’s bombing in Oslo and a related mass shooting that occurred just outside the Norwegian capital are already replete with inconsistencies and questions that demand further inquiry into whose agenda this deadly attack serves.

Authorities have already said that the man who carried out the shootings at a youth camp in a nearby resort has direct ties to the earlier bombing in Oslo of a government building.

- An eyewitness to the blast who was just 200 feet away from the explosion called into the Alex Jones show and stated that there was a “bomb sweep” of the area the day before the attack. Norwegian television also reported this story.


- According to a Norwegian who emailed us, his father who is an explosives expert has analyzed the bombing scene and states that due to the pattern of the damage and debris, the blast was clearly underground.

There are also reports that the road was closed off in recent days for underground sewer works. This is inconsistent with the official story that the blast was caused by a car bomb.

- Friday was a public holiday in Norway and the building that was bombed was largely empty, which is why only seven people died. The Daily Mail reports, “Fortunately, it is a public holiday in Norway and the offices are less busy than a normal weekday.”

Why would “terrorists,” who presumably want to kill as many people as possible, choose to bomb the building on a day when they know it will be almost empty?

- Reports that the culprit of the mass shooting at a Labour youth camp outside Oslo, who early indications show killed at least 25 people, was a blonde-haired Norwegian man, fit perfectly into the recent propaganda campaign to hype the “white Al-Qaeda” as the most deadly terror threat.

Self-proclaimed security experts quoted by Reuters are already predicting the blame will “fall on both Islamists and right-wing extremists,” in some form of alliance that led to a “hybrid assault,” which in an of itself is a ludicrous notion but does serve to link anti-government sentiment amongst the host population with Muslim terrorism, which has been the goal all along.

- As Kurt Nimmo reports, the man accused of leading the group blamed by some for the bombing, Mullah Krekar, has had dealings with the CIA previously, having been approached to work with them in 2005. Members of Krekar’s group, Ansar al-Islam, are veterans of the CIA-ISI collaborative war against the Soviets in Afghanistan.

- Is the attack a slap on the wrist for Norwegian meddling in the globalist agenda? Norway is not a member of the European Union and its recent actions will have undoubtedly angered many of the power players amongst the global elite within that inner circle.

Specifically, Norway’s support for full Palestinian statehood, set to be voted on at the UN in September, Norway’s decision to reverse its support for the bombardment of Libya and withdraw completely from the NATO operation on August 1, and Norway’s move to freeze a $42 million dollar payment to Greece, an obvious hindrance to recent efforts to prop up the country’s dire debt crisis, are all massive issues that could have caused a fall out between Norway and the Anglo-American establishment.

Juyl 22, 2011