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What did SPLC teach Oregon police?

David Codrea

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The Southern Poverty Law Center, which considers opposition to draconian gun control laws to be "crackpot," has sent one of their "experts" to Eugene to teach police from multiple agencies about "Hate in America Today- a National Overview of Far Right Domestic Terrorism."

You will recall that in the brave new world of Obama, "right wing terrorists" include gun owners, Constitutionalists, military veterans and supporters of limited government.

Here's the EPD news release. Among other things, it says:

The session examines the wide variety of hate groups currently active in the United States -- their history, activities and leaders. Beginning with a broad overview of the various factions of the hate movement, which include the Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazis, racist Skinheads, black supremacists and others, it will then focus on the most prominent national organizations and state and local chapters. The session will also examine various techniques that will enable law enforcement professionals to spot and investigate potential domestic terrorist or hate groups.

Interesting, considering recent headlines, that one group is conspicuously not listed as currently active...

SPLC, of course, has been notorious for its attempts to imply groups like Oath Keepers are "particularly worrisome," going so far as to link to articles about them in their "Hate Watch Headlines." Spokesman Mark Potok's equivocating denial notwithstanding, the intent here is clear.

Yo, Eugene "law enforcement professionals": You all took an oath to the Constitution. Let me further "enable" you to "spot" someone who takes that seriously:

This is hateful?

I have two challenges for Eugene Police Acting Lieutenant Doug Mozan, the apparent department apologist for inviting SPLC into the fold:

1. Make all handouts and training materials used in the SPLC presentation publicly available, and disclose what, if anything, was said about Oath Keepers.

2. Invite Sheriff Richard Mack to come train your personnel, to "enable them to spot" people you should be training them to emulate.

Continue reading on What did SPLC teach Oregon police? - National gun rights |


Written Nov. 2009

Posted to FW 1/11/11