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'Frankenbombers': Al Qaeda hatches plot to implant explosives into suicide bombers

James White

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Al-Qaeda fanatics may be planning a horrific 'Frankenbomber' suicide attack by implanting explosives into a human body.

Defence analysts logged conversations between users of a online forum in which Muslim extremists debate terrorism methods which could beat new US aviation security checks.

The alarming posts included one by a user who claimed to be a surgeon, promising a 'new kind of terrorism'.

Threat: The new methods discussed on a terrorism forum could breach tight US security checks

Threat: The new methods for smuggling as bomb on a plane discussed on a terrorism forum could breach tight US security checks

It called on bomb makers and doctors to create the perfect solution to murder 'larger numbers of unbelievers and apostates.'

The post said: 'What is your opinion about surgeries through which I can implant the bomb... inside the operative's body?


'I am waiting for the interaction of the experienced brothers to connect the two sciences together and produce a new kind of terrorism, Allah willing.'

Monitoring of the site by the SITE Intelligence Group also revealed that stitching a bomb into the abdominal cavity made of plastic or liquid explosives - such as semtex or PETN - was judged the best method.

'It must be planted near the surface of the body, because the human body absorbs shocks,' advised one terrorist.

Worrying attack: A Saudi Prince was injured in a suicide bombing in which the would-be killer carried explosives inside his body

Worrying attack: A Saudi Prince was injured in a suicide bombing in which the would-be killer carried explosives inside his body


The forum discussion comes as US passengers reacted angrily to 'intrusive' body searches involve pat-downs and scanners in a security crackdown.

Such searches would not detect a 'Frankenbomber' implanted with explosives, it is believed.

Mark Rossini, a former senior FBI counter-terror expert told the New York Daily News: 'In the same way that drug smugglers have placed bags of narcotics in the body cavities of animals and had people ingest condoms filled with drugs, it would not be out of the realm of Al Qaeda operational planners to conceive of such a technique.

'No technique is off-limits to Al Qaeda to achieve its destructive goals.'

In August last year, Saudi Prince Mohammed Bin Nayef was injured when a suicide bomber with explosives carried inside his body managed to breach security and detonate the device.

Intrusive: But the checks wouldn't discover internal bombs

Intrusive: But the checks wouldn't discover internal bombs

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Dec. 6, 2010