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Moscow metro: 19 black widows could launch fresh attacks

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The warning will heighten fears that Monday's rush-hour suicide attack on the Moscow metro by two women may just be the start of a large-scale terror campaign.

Investigators have said they were trying to confirm whether the two women were part of what was originally a 30-strong female "martyrs' brigade".

The terrorist who trained the brigade, an Islamist convert calling himself Said Buryatsky, was killed in a special forces operation earlier this month in Ingushetia, a strife-torn region bordering Chechnya. He was known as the Islamist rebel movement's ideologue-in-chief in southern Russia and the media had dubbed him "the Russian Bin Laden."

Investigators said the late terrorist, whose real name was Alexander Tikhomirov, had recruited 30 potential female suicide bombers in Chechnya and Ingushetia and dispatched them to Turkey to be taught the precepts of radical Islam in an unnamed Madrasah.

On their return to Russia, he had personally continued their "education." The women are known as "black widows" because they have usually lost husbands or close relatives in clashes with Russian forces and are motivated by a desire for revenge.

Nine of the original thirty brigade members are known to have already blown themselves up in the lawless North Caucasus region along Russia's southern flank where suicide attacks started up again last year after a long pause, and two more are thought to have blown themselves up in the Moscow metro on Monday.

But that, say investigators, leaves 19 "black widows" at large.

The Moscow metro attack may have been vengeance for his death, they added.

"If people trained by Buryatsky himself were involved in these attacks then the explosions are only the beginning," said a source from Russia's FSB security service.

"Especially since Doku Umarov, the leader of the militants gave Buryatsky his orders and has long promised to spread war across Russia."

No group have claimed responsibility for the bombing.

The worrying disclosure came as Russia marked a day of mourning for the 39 people who lost their lives in Monday's attacks and as unconfirmed reports claimed the security services may have had advance warning of the bombing. Flags fluttered at half mast across the country and mourners lay flowers in the two metro stations targeted. At least five people who were badly wounded in the blasts remain in a critical condition.

There was strong criticism of Vladimir Putin, the prime minister, as well as President Dmitry Medvedev, for not doing more to prevent the atrocity. Questions were also being asked of the country's state-controlled television stations who were slow to interrupt normal programming and report news of the bombings.

Mr Putin responded in typically tough fashion. Speaking on state television, he said he was confident the perpetrators would be "scraped from the bottom of the sewers" where they were hiding. Other officials called for the death penalty to be introduced for terrorism offences.

March 30, 2010