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Moscow Metro Blasts: Another FSB Inside Job? (with video)

Paul Joseph Watson

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“The first explosion took place on a train after it had stopped in the Lubyanka station in central Moscow, close to the headquarters of Russia’s FSB security service, a spokeswoman for the Russian emergencies ministry told AFP.”

Moscow Metro Blasts: Another FSB Inside Job? 290310top

“The first blast at the Lubyanka metro station killed 22 people and wounded 12. The second at Park Kulturi station left 12 dead and 7 wounded,” reported AFP.

Russian Federal Security Service chief Alexander Bortnikov has already blamed Chechen rebels for the attack, an explanation slavishly accepted by western media outlets like the BBC who are already running feature articles about the history of terrorism in Russia that completely fail to mention the FSB’s direct role in almost every major attack to have taken place over the last 10 years.

Since the explanation that two female suicide bombers with explosives strapped to their bodies were responsible for the bombing has come directly from the FSB, past history means we can only treat the official story with the utmost suspicion.

The notorious Russian FSB has a documented history of staging false flag events in order to accomplish political agendas.

Vladimir Putin came to power as a result of an FSB orchestrated reign of terror in the autumn of 1999 which involved blowing up apartment blocks all over Russia and blaming the attacks on Chechen separatists, allowing Putin to start a new war and secure victory in the presidential election.

FSB agents were caught planting Hexogen explosives underneath an apartment block in Ryazan. Records indicate that the first call the “terrorists” made after planting the bomb was to FSB headquarters and the culprits were allowed to flee the country by authorities.

The FSB admitted planting the sacks of explosives, but later claimed they contained sugar and were used as part of a drill to test security procedures. Authorities first stated that a terrorist attack had been averted and that the sacks did contain Hexogen, until FSB involvement was discovered at which point the story was changed.

Alexei Kartofelnikov, the first eyewitness to see the explosives and alert the police, went on the record to state that the substance was clearly not sugar, describing the material as looking more like rice and yellow in color – a clear match for the description of Hexogen.

The FSB had planted real explosives and were caught in the act of staging a false flag terror attack, forcing them to concoct an elaborate cover story while blocking any real investigation and silencing whistleblowers.

This instance and many more are documented in the excellent documentary film The Assassination of Russia, which you can watch in full below courtesy of Google Video.

Alexander Litvinenko, the former FSB agent who was later poisoned by radioactive polonium-210 in London, resulting in his death in November 2006, had exposed how the Russian FSB was involved in terrorism, abductions and contract killings in his 2002 book Blowing Up Russia: Terror From Within, co-authored with Yuri Felshtinsky.

The September 2004 Beslan hostage crisis, which led to the deaths of over 300 people including many children, another event blamed on Chechen terrorists, was also wrought with contradictions and red flags suggesting inside involvement.

A video that was finally released in 2007 showed that Russian security forces were likely responsible for the first blast during the event.

A video that remained secret for nearly three years after the horrific Beslan hostage crisis has cast new doubt on official conclusions about what led to the deaths of 334 people, more than half of them children, during one of Russia’s worst terrorist attacks, reported the Associated Press.

The footage is far from definitive, but appears to lend credence to the theory that security forces bear at least some of the blame for the high death toll.

The footage depicts explosions taking place outside of the school buildings and contradicts the official explanation that militants were responsible for the initial blasts, while validating survivor’s accounts of what took place.

As our investigation at the time highlighted, many aspects of the Beslan siege provide stunning contradictions to the official story and clearly indicate that Russian forces had a hand in staging if not at least provocateuring the massacre.

- The Parliamentary Committee investigation uncovered the fact that high-ranking Russian military officers were involved in the plot and acted as accomplices to the terrorists. These individuals were ranked “higher than a major and a colonel,” according to the Committee.

- A former policeman was also exposed as being involved in the plot. Other police involvement was later confirmed.

- The Parliamentary Commission also found evidence that a “foreign intelligence agency” was involved in coordinating the massacre.

- Journalists who reported on the Beslan siege and uncovered evidence of inside involvement were later drugged and detained by Russian authorities as the cover-up swung into high gear.

- During the siege, Russian authorities refused to reveal what the terrorists’ demands were, blocking all phone communications and claiming a tape containing the terrorists’ demands was blank.

- The alleged Chechen terrorists did not even speak Chechen and received orders from abroad, according to reports.

The Beslan massacre occurred amidst a wave of terror attacks in Russia and shortly after the crashes of two Tupolev passenger airliners, which were blamed on Chechen terrorists by authorities. However, citing the fact that the aircraft debris was scattered over large areas, the independent Russian media accused Vladimir Putin of ordering the planes shot down in a crude false flag ploy to secure an election victory for the pro-Kremlin Chechen President Alu Alkhanov two days later.

Chechen separatist leader Aslan Maskhadov denied any involvement in the plane crashes or the school siege, citing “a third force that brought Russian President Vladimir Putin to power” as being responsible for the carnage.

The manifestly provable history of Russian FSB officials staging terror attacks which are then blamed on their political enemies illustrates the fact that we would be foolish to immediately accept the government version of events for today’s deadly metro blasts in Moscow until more details can be confirmed by independent parties.

March 29, 2010