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Scores feared dead as explosions rock Moscow train stations

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The first explosion took place on a train while it was in the Lubyanka station in central Moscow, Irina Andrianova, the spokesman for the Russian emergencies ministry, told the ITAR-TASS news agency. An estimated 25 people were killed in the blast.

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Scores feared dead as explosions rock Moscow train stations
A fire-fighter and Interior Ministry officers work near the entrance of the Lubyanka metro station in Moscow. Photo: REUTERS

The headquarters of Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB), successor to the Soviet-era KGB, is located just above the station.

"14 people died in the wagon of the train and 11 on the platform," she said. At least 10 people were wounded.

The second blast hit the Park Kultury station at 0838 (0438 GMT), killing at least 15 people.

Interfax quoted a Russian security source as saying a suicide bomber may have been responsible for the Lubyanka blast.

Over the last decade the Russian capital has been hit by a string of deadly explosions by militants from its turbulent southern region of Chechnya but this has become less frequent in the last years.

March 29, 2010