Indian Premeir League (IPL 3)games being played currently. The reason being to divert world’s attention from Israel which is being isolated more and more due more" /> - Delivering Truth Around the World
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India warned of the coming Israeli False-Flag operation

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ttp://">Indian Premeir League (IPL 3) games being played currently. The reason being to divert world’s attention from Israel which is being isolated more and more due to country’s Zionzai policies against the native Palestinian Muslims and Christians and its political and military confrontation with Islamic Iran, Lebanon and now its ‘godmother’, the United States.

” We believe the Israeli Mossad is likely to stage a false flag terror attack during the ongoing IPL 3. We say it with conviction and basis of studied & thoughtful analysis of the international political situation, rooted in history. The reason we say so is the explosive political situation that exists in the Occupied Territories across Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza. Moreover, the Israeli government has clearly indicated to Joe Biden, the visiting US Vice-President that Israel would carry on the policy of expanding the (illegal Jewish) settlements. This has been rightly taken as a grave slight by the Obama administration and has invited remonstration from the White House. Never since 1975 have we witnessed such vituperative discord between Tel Aviv and Washington and this has been stated by Israeli ambassador to the United States, Michael Oren…”

“Israel also carries on with the policy of extreme provocation as they continue to violate the very sanctity and sovereignity of the Haram-e-Sharif that houses the Masjid-e-Aqsa and the Dome of Rock, which are amongst Islam’s most sacred shrines. Thus we are witnessing the outbreak of the “Third Intifada”, which is being met by brutal Israeli repression. Fanatical and extremist Jewish Zionists and Christian Zionists Armageddonists’ are publically committed to the destruction of the two mosques and the construction of the Third Temple at the very site. A strong resonance of the Ram Jamma Bhoomi-Barbari Masjid crisis indeed, but with consequences that are fraught with danger and far too unimaginable for the world.”

“From the above it is apparent that Israel doesn’t want to negotiate a peaceful Two-State solution and is committed to annexation of all historical Palestine.”

“Another target in the aftermath of the false flag terrorist attack will be Iran and a major US-NATO military build-up has been and is currently underway in the Persian Gulf, as Iran is continued to be surrounded on all sides”.

London weekly, The Sunday Times, has reported that Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, during his visit this week to Washington will press Barack Obama to release the advanced weapons needed for a possible strike on Iran’s nuclear sites. Meanwhile, the shipment of the 387 US smart bunker-buster bombs have arrived at US military base Diego Garcia, near Yemen. US military sources have admitted that the shipment was destined for Israel which Washington promised to Tel Aviv as part of US annual military aid to Israel in 2008. The Zionist entity needs these bombs to destroy Iran’s underground nuclear facilities.

Paul Craig Roberts in his article, titled Expect a False Flag Terror Attack to Precede Invasion of Iran, wrote: “The next step will be a staged “terrorist attack,” a “false flag” operation as per Operation Northwoods, for which Iran will be blamed. As Iran and its leadership have already been demonized, the “false flag” attack will suffice to obtain US and European public support for bombing Iran. The bombing will include more than the nuclear facilities and will continue until the Iranians agree to regime change and the installation of a puppet government. The corrupt American media will present the new puppet as “freedom and democracy……. The U.S. population, it seems, is comprised of naifs whose lack of comprehension is bringing ruin to other lands.”

March 21, 2010