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Cornered CAIR claws back, desperate to damage WND, First Amendment


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WASHINGTON – When the Council on American-Islamic Relations sued one of WND's authors over the investigation that led to the publication of "Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That's Conspiring to Islamize America," it never expected the case to backfire.


But that's exactly what happened when WND hired a legal team equal to the challenge.


CAIR was not only unsuccessful in its bid to use the legal system to subvert the First Amendment, it also got burned in the process. Thanks to contributions to the WND Legal Defense Fund, the attorneys were able to expose the astonishing fact that CAIR doesn't even legally exist and was therefore unqualified to file the lawsuit in the first place.


"Muslim Mafia"Of course, that hasn't stopped the media, including Fox and CNN, from calling on CAIR officials for regular TV appearances. Neither does the fact that more than a dozen members, officials and board members of CAIR have been indicted or convicted of terrorism-related charges. Neither does the fact that CAIR has been named as an unindicted co-conspirator in a terrorism-financing case.

CAIR has virtually unlimited foreign money to back its litigious brand of courtroom terrorism. WND does not.

That's why, even after a big courtroom victory, the WND Legal Defense Fund needs your support.


Because this victory has cost us dearly and it is not over yet.

Denied as

CAIR is "throwing a Hail Mary pass" to keep its lawsuit alive by issuing subpoenas to prominent counter-terror expert Frank Gaffney, founder and president of the Washington, D.C.-based Center for Security Policy.

"The timing of their request is a sign of desperation," said Daniel Horowitz, representing former Special Agent P. David Gaubatz and his son Chris, who recovered thousands of pages of incriminating CAIR documents meant for a shredder while posing as a Muslim intern.

The subpoenas demand the testimony of Gaffney and his submission of any relevant documents and communications he may have had with the Gaubatzes, WorldNetDaily, WND Books and WND CEO Joseph Farah.

"Real, old-fashioned investigative journalism like WND does, and only WND does, tends to attract lawsuits," said Farah. "WND has faced its share over the years and expects to continue to face more in the future. It's hard to fund the investigations and defend them in the courtroom against adversaries with deep pockets.

"We have no sugar daddies behind us," added Farah. "It's WND vs. the Muslim Mafia."

That's why it's more important than ever to make your contribution to this important cause. Please make your most generous donation to the WND Legal Defense Fund today.

That's why it's more important than ever to make your contribution to this important cause. Please make your most generous donation to the WND Legal Defense Fund today.

Click Here to Donate Today

Joseph Farah

Joseph Farah

Editor and Chief Executive Officer


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Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2010 4:43 AM
Subject: Cornered CAIR claws back, desperate to damage WND, First Amendment