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A Possible Break in the Al Qaeda Plot Against Hillary Clinton?

SJ Reidhead

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Since early September, I have been trying to locate a confirm/deny out of the State Department about an al Qaeda attempt on the life of Hillary Clinton while she was in Kenya in August of 2009. I have two BC articles on the subject that may provide more background on the subject.

The recent attempt on the life of the Danish cartoonist, Kurt Westergaard has turned up a recent connection to the August 2009 attempt on Hillary Clinton's life.  

The unidentified Somali who was shot by Danish police was detained by Kenyan authorities as a possible suspect in the Al Qaeda plot against the Secretary of State, but was released due to lack of evidence.

I received a comment about the possible break in the story this evening on my blog, The Pink Flamingo.  There is an article out of a Danish newspaper mentioning the fact that the individual who is having his identity protected by the Dutch  was held by the Kenyan authorities but later released due to lack of evidence. 

(The Google Translation)

"...Assassination attempt against cartoonist Kurt Westergaard is not the only terrorist action, a 28-year-old Somali man was suspected. For five months ago was now killing incidental man arrested in Kenya. Here he was suspected of participating in a foiled terrorist plot against U.S. Secretary of Hillary Clinton. It learns politics from several sources close to the case...."

Later versions of the story, and the various wire services have this specific bit of information either redacted, deleted, or have chosen to ignore it.  This goes back to my September Blogcritics article asking why the media is ignoring the plot to kill Hillary Clinton.

Why is the media ignoring this aspect of the story?

To date (as far as I can ascertain)  the State Department has yet to confirm or deny the story that al Qaeda attempted to kill Hillary Clinton while she was in Kenya in August, 2009.  There have been other interesting denials, but nothing denying the al Qaeda plot.