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Terrorists Create Terrorists

Karl Schwarz

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If you are paying attention to this Christmas Day wannabee bomber on the Northwest Airlines flight from Amsterdam to Detroit, make sure you really pay close attention. There is a lesson to be learned in this unraveling story.

The alleged ringleaders behind this person were formerly prisoners at GITMO! Damn, why am I not surprised?

Now, how does a PEACEFUL, CHRISTIAN NATION like the US make so many enemies?

By lying, by illegally detaining people for no just cause or reason, robbing them of years of their lives, torturing them, demeaning and defiling them, and then arrogantly pretend 'no harm, no foul' because of the wanton arrogance of the United States of America under current management. That is how.

I have stated it very clearly many times in the past five years, there is NO Global War on Terror. The Department of Homeland Security is protecting American thugs from the wrath of the American people. That GWOT fable is a DC lie to cover up their true agenda. The RNC was planning this crap back in 1994-1996 after they took the House and Senate from Clinton and I walked out on them. They were insane then and they are insane now with this constant pretense of bantering between the DNC and RNC as to 'who is best at defending America'.

Come to grips with it: The leadership of our nation is creating the terrorists. These are not just wars; they are wars of imperialism and wanton greed and initiated on lies.

By preaching human rights, while being the biggest violator nation of human rights on the face of this planet. That is how.

DC words make a mockery of verbal veracity.

By painting them as enemies when they are not and having brain-damaged mercenary cretins like Blackwater USA wrongfully kill them. That is how.

By fabricating wars with lies to attack other nations, just so some rich bastards could line their pockets with billions, hundreds of billions or trillions in ill-gotten oil gain. That is how.

It is completely fitting that they cannot and will not have what they coveted and lied about for the past 30 years. They have completely and totally perverted and prostituted US policy to line their pathetic sorry-assed pockets. Just about every nation on Earth has trumped these foaming at the mouth greedy bastards and they will continue to trump them at every turn.

By massacring hundreds of thousands, millions of innocents in Afghanistan and Iraq. That is how.

By being WAR CRIMINALS and lying every time they open their despicable mouths, just so they do not have to stand in front of a camera, jury or firing squad and ADMIT THE TRUTH of their evil deeds and how sleazy they are as a human being. That is how.

By aiding and abetting the slaughter of the Palestinians by the Zionist Jew thugs in Tel Aviv. That is how.

Are you aware that the Pentagon has a group of officers designated as "Off World Officers", as in, NOT PLANET EARTH military? As if these 3-brain cell idiot military planners think they have the right to project such hatred, hostility, aggression and arrogance beyond this planet?

Did you ever see the original version of 'The Day the Earth Stood Still'?

Klaatu when speaking just before he departed Earth and had just been revived from being shot dead by friendly Earthlings in America:

"I came here to give you the facts. It is no concern of ours how you run your own planet -- but if you threaten to extend your violence, this Earth of yours will be reduced to a burned-out cinder."

That is what is coming at Earth and there is not a damned thing we can do to stop it.

History is very clear on this subject: Cross God and you die.

If you do nothing else this holiday season, go watch the movie 'Avatar'. There is a very powerful message in that movie, so see it and pay very close attention. In these current times, this might be one of the most remarkable movies that Hollywood has ever dared to produce.

When you get that foul taste in your mouth that tastes like pig crap, remember well that what you are watching is the US military-industrial complex in action, waging a resource war against another world and beings, and its total wanton disregard for the lives and rights of others. Just as on Earth, they think they have the preemptive and absolute right to do anything to anyone and not be held accountable.

Just think of the inhabitants of Pandora as being Iraqi, or Afghani, or others that these idiots are already planning to attack, or assassinate.

Then, prepare yourself mentally and physically to go to the polls November 2010 and send all of these lying bunch of despicable, worthless lumps of pig shit out of office.

Then in 2012, get rid of this big talking, do nothing sack of pig shit named Barack Obama. He is an aberration in American history.

Wow, Barky wants a full report on his desk as to what went wrong and they failed to detect the wannabee bomber. Idiot, anyone can figure out what went wrong. The problem is AMERICA and these worthless things in Washington DC and what they have done to other humans.

There is no mystery, the sins of our lies and the sins of Gitmo will hit us back. It is called blowback, action, reaction.

Simple picture folks - the terrorists in DC are who has to fear the terrorists they created.