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Obama takes full ownership of all Bush admin. Guantanamo policies with his prosecution of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed - communist tactic to polarize to divide, confuse and drain American people

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From: Dick Eastman
Sent: Friday, November 20, 2009 5:08 PM
Subject: [frameup] Obama takes full ownership of all Bush admin. Guantanamo policies with his prosecution of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed - communist tactic to polarize to divide, confuse and drain American people
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed as "Sand Nigger"
Obama now has taken full ownership of Bush-Cheney totalitarian "Guantanamo" policies.
Having, against his campaign promises, avoided any examination of the 9-11 evidence withheld from the 9-11 Commission during the Bush Administration, and having continued the war in Iraq and now escalating the war in Afghanistan, Obama and his Attorney General, Eric Holder, have just signalled their complete assumption of ownership of Guantanamo and the Cheney-Bush-Israeli injustice.
Holder has announced that he has told prosecutors that "failure is not an option" --  that he will prosecute an innocent man  -- Holder and Obama and you and I all know that 9-11 was a false-flag frameup and that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed never confessed anything, only said what was necessary to end waterboarding torture (see my note below). 
Rather than the constituional and common law practice of assuming a man innocent until proven guilty -- Obama is exercising Israeli and Red Chinese legal principles.  In stead of saying that his prosecutor will make a very strong case and that the jury must decide, Obama has declared in advance the verdict and the punishment, adding that the public that he respects won't find it "offensive at all when he's convicted and when the dealth penalty is applied to him."  Such is the "law" taught by this student of Alan Dershowitz at Harvard  -- pure communism, pure totalitarian force posing as the defender of freedom and enemy of "terrorism" -- which "terrorism" we all understand is political opposition to this new tyranny.
Not only will statements elicited under contingencies of torture be admitted, but the evidence in the hands of American citizens like myself, proving that 9-11 was the act of a conpiracy within our own government aided by Israeli agents and British secret services serving not the people of Great Britain but the clandestine and criminal  interests of the City of London   will not be allowed in the courtroom, and in fact the jury will be presented with "secret evidence" that the defense and the public will not be able to see.
And the not-so-much-duped-as-bought-off families of the 9-11 false-flag attack victims will be present in great numbers, mobilized by every Jew neighbor and employer etc as well as agents who will be controlling them  --   the ones who kept them from the 9-11 investigators  -- holding their signs with pictures of their loved ones  --  generating a mob psychology rather than the dispassionate quest of reason for the truth that alone serves justice.
I expect these master criminals of the planet to proceed in this way  -- what sickens and demoralizes me and all other informed people of good will  is the fact that  none of you are saying this, none of you are speaking out publically against this robbery of the most basic freedoms that, not ten years ago, thought so secure in this country.
Dick Eastman
Yakima, Washington
Every man is responsible to every other man
Waterboarding is a communist technique, the fact that the US Defense Department used it shows the links between the dual-citizenship Zionist-Trotskyite Jews running the department and Red China allied with Trotskyite-Zionist Israel is allied.  Waterboarding was used in  Cambodia during the Khmer Rouge regime. The same communist organizations and communsit Pavolovian control techniques are employed by at Guantanamo because the neo-cons are Jewish Trotskyite communist infiltrators.  Water-boarding is communist modus operendi, evidence that communists control the US government and military.
In warterboarding the prisoner is tied to table face-up.  The table is on a slant so that the head about four feet higher than the head.  Water is then continuously poured over the mouth and up the nose. -- the presentation of an aversive stimulus, the removal of which is used as a reinforcing event.  The prisoner placed in this aversive state and then told to give a hand signal when he is ready to talk. If his talk is not what is wanted he is returned to the aversive water flow.  Alternatively he may be on an interval program.  The flow of water over the upturned face proceeds at intervals, each interval followed by a pause, so the prisoner can catch his breath and speak.  The right kind of speech in answer to the interrogators questions is rewarded by a delay in the return of the water.
It is under this negative reinfrcement regime (reinforcing desired verbal behavior by removal of aversive stimuli, or delay of new onset of aversive water  stimulation)   that Khalid Sheik Mohammed's confession of 9-11 was conditioned/coerced/forced.  Imported to America by Jew communists who now control America.
Remember, the  Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), a network of dual-citizenship Jews -- and a crew of sociopathic yes-men and yes-women with Ivy Leage educations --  used this technique on Moslems kidnapped from their countries by the US on the basis of information obtained from and validated by Israel --  which is then confirmed by torture generated "confessions."  
Dick Eastman
Yakima, Washington