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The War You Don't Know About

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From: WorldNetDaily
To: Bellringer Patrick
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 1:43 PM
Subject: 'The war you don't know about'
The Third Jihad (DVD)

Radical Islam's Vision for America

By PublicScope Films

Can the United States of America as we know it crumble from within in just a few short years?

The stunning possibility is more than just a dream to some enemies of the greatest nation on Earth. It is a fast-becoming probability.

"We all know about terrorism. This is the war you don't know about," declares "The Third Jihad: Radical Islam's Vision for America," an eye-opening movie now available on DVD.

The movie, the newest offering from the producers of the captivating documentary film "Obsession," explores the existence of radical Islam in America and the emerging risk that this "homegrown jihad" poses to national security, western liberties and the American way of life.

"It's an entire movement, and the idea of it is hatred for our way of life," says former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani."

Watch the Trailer

Featured in the DVD are clips of Muslim leaders in the U.S., including Abdul Alim Musa, an imam in Washington D.C., who boldly states, "On our website we talk about the Islamic State of North America by 2050."

The 72-minute film examines a secret document uncovered by the FBI that reveals the plans of the radicals already in America.

"The Third Jihad," narrated by devout Muslim American Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser, opens with the following statement: "This is not a film about Islam. It is about the threat of radical Islam. Only a small percentage of the world's 1.3 billion Muslims are radical. This film is about them."

Very special offer to WND readers:
For a limited time, order your own DVD copy of "The Third Jihad" and you'll also get a FREE copy of "Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West," featuring shocking undercover footage of the indoctrination of young children into hate and violence, secret jihad meetings and the initiations of suicide bombers!
You'll Also Get – FREE:
Obsession: (DVD)

Radical Islam's War Against the West

How powerful is the video documentary "Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West" – a video exposé of radical Islam's agenda throughout the world?

So powerful that The Detroit Free Press refused a paid deal to distribute free educational copies of the acclaimed DVD to its subscribers.

Using actual video footage from Arabic TV rarely seen in the West, "Obsession" documents the calls for world domination and global jihad made by Islamic leaders daily. No need to read between the lines here—their message is loud and clear.

The undercover footage shows suicide bomber initiations, the indoctrination of young children into hate and violence, secret jihad meetings and public celebrations of 9/11.

And yet, "Obsession" has become "the movie Hollywood doesn't want you to see," due to the fact that despite overwhelming public interest, no distributor was willing to pick up the film for release because of its controversial nature.

The feature-length DVD version of "Obsession"—which was awarded Best Feature Film at the Liberty Film Festival and a Special Jury Award at the WorldFest Houston—can be yours FREE with your purchase of "The Third Jihad."

Click here to get "Obsession" FREE with your order