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Islamic Supremacist Group to Recruit Terrorists July 19 Chicago (Chicago, United States of America)

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America-Hating, Islamic Supremacist Group to Recruit Terrorists with July 19 Chicago Conference, Allowed by US Government

Khilafah, a.k.a caliphate, means a worldwide Islamic dictatorship to brutally subjugate Jews, Americans, Christians, non-muslims, atheists, agnostics, ex-muslim apostates, gays, and even moderate muslims; and to destroy democracy, liberty, and capitalism (incl. personal property ownership). Moderate sensible muslims reject this insanity and are also targeted. The Islamic supremacists Hizb ut-Tahrir will be holding a Khilafah planning conference at the Hilton Oak Lawn Grand Ballroom 9333 S. Cicero, Oak Lawn, IL opening at 11am, Sunday July 19, with free admission. Madeleine Gruen who tracks this group on wrote, "Indeed, HTA's announcement that it will host the Khilafah conference in July indicates that the U.S.-based branch now perceives itself as solidly prepared to emerge from its covert status into the second stage."

I am shocked that this well documented pro-terrorism, seditious, treasonous group is not banned from the US as is it from many countries like Germany, and even Islamic countries like Turkey. Investigator Bill Warner exposed some of the criminal dealings of this extremist group in 2005.

I am alarmed that many Islamic supremacists will be flying in on airplanes from other countries to my city Chicago this week. The thought of all these psychopaths riding airplanes into O'hare and Midway airports reminds me of the horror of the Sept.. 11 attacks in New York. CBS News reported its investigation on this pro-terrorism event in an online article "Extremist Islamic Conference Shut Down" saying that the conference was rejected from its original location, a Chicago Islamic school because it lied and mislead the school. Please read the whole CBS article.

"CBS News' national security advisor Juan Carlos Zatare still believes the group's activities are a cause for concern. He describes the global Hizb ut-Tahrir as "an extremist group that has served as a platform not just for dissemination of extremist ideology, but also as a platform for individuals to engage in terrorist activities." Zatare does not have information about the group's U.S. branch, but is familiar with Hizb ut-Tahrir in the U.K. and globally. "There have been so many problems about its membership as well as activities in the U.K. that I would suggest that a group forming in the U.S. is extremely worrisome," he notes. "

However, after the CBS article was written, the Islamic supremacists booked a Hilton ballroom where the conference is still going to take place in Chicago. CBS has not even issued an update. The Investigative Project on Terrorism has an important updated article Pro-Terror Group to Meet in Chicago Suburb.

Please call all your elected officials, call the news media, call the Hilton franchise and Hilton parent corporation to stop this event and to prevent anything like it from happening ever, not just to forcing it to change location again. Hilton Corporation should be getting bad publicity for condoning this groups behavior. The government must ban this and similar lslamic supremacist groups and their members from entering, remaining, operating, fundraising or recruiting in the United States. Such behavior must be an immediately deportable offense, for a start. When this pro-terrorrism group tried to have conferences in Europe, there were protests by responsible citizens. However, in the US the conference is so far not going to be protested or even objected to. Silence is acceptance and only sets a precedent. No one, not newspapers, tv programs, radio or government authorities, is talking or mobilizing action about this. We all should be though.. Please act. Countdown to July 19. Countdown to khilafah.

(Postscript Update): A group I haven't heard of before is arranging a pro-freedom demonstration at this event. For more info go to