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Who Was Really Responsible for the London Bombings?

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----- Original Message -----
From: "BM" <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 07, 2009 5:59 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

RE: Who Was Really Responsible for the London Bombings?

F writes:"Many say it was the British Government itself who perpetrated the London Bombings last July 7.  Once again, numerous inconsistencies exist between reality and the official government story - much like 9-11 in the US?"

The intention of the architects of these attacks (as I see it) is to trick people in the US and UK into blaming their national governments for the 9/11 and 7/7 attacks, thus paving the way for the abolition of these national governments and national sovereignty, under the mandate of some supranational \"savior\" (this is why the "inside job" rallying cry is questionable). Such a staged "savior" might be someone within the British royal family, or possibly even the puppet Pope; the deception's frontmen could also be various representatives of the European Union and shadow North American Union. It\'s a problem-reaction-solution manipulation of the general public that the perpe-traitors are playing!

Problem: "Our national governments staged these attacks to get more power!"

Reaction: "Get rid of this treasonous corruption!"

'Solution': The hidden organizers of the attacks (various megalomaniacal globalist financiers, intermarried with European Black Nobility) use the generated national public outcry to completely take over the countries' sovereignty - which is what the plan was all along!

The perps are actually much more closely aligned with the United Nations, Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House), Council on Foreign Relations, and so on, than they are with national governments. So please beware of this deception! We must take our governments back starting NOW, not fall for this "outside savior" ploy!

(For further background on the motive, please view the smoking gun document from St. George's House, Windsor Castle, entitled: "Should there be a new World Order - and if so, what form should it take? Report of a House Consultation, March 4-5 2002")