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Taliban threatens Pakistani singers and actors with death

Emal Khan in Peshawar and Isambard Wilkinson in Islamabad

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Nazia Iqbal, a singer from Peshawar who is known as much for her beauty as her popular melodies, retired this week from singing and joined the Tablighi, a conservative religious preaching group.

She was just one of a group of singers to make the enforced transformation.

Taliban Militants: Taliban threatens Pakistani singers and actors with death
The Taliban is forcing singers and actors to join radical preaching groups in Pakistan or face death. Photo: AFP

Wagma, another Pashtu-language woman singer, said that she had also received death threats and joined the group of preachers.

“In the initial stage, I joined the group under threat, but now I have realised that this is a noble way of life and I shall stick to it and shall never return to singing,” she said.

The death knell for Peshawar’s once vibrant cultural life is one more indication that the Taliban has infiltrated the gates of Peshawar, a strategic frontier city close to the border with Afghanistan.

Peshawar, the capital of the troubled North West Frontier Province (NWFP), is a staging post from where the US is attempting to embark on development projects to counter the “Talibanisation” of the region.

But its citizens are increasingly bitter that the federal government has left them at the mercy of the Taliban and fear that the provincial capital could become the “next Swat” which will fall under the sway of the militants.

In the Valley of Swat, a former tourist destination in NWFP, militants embedded in the local population have forced the Pakistani army to agree to a peace deal and to impose sharia, or religious, law.

The same symptoms of Talibanisation that first surfaced in Swat have now appeared in Peshawar.

When militants killed a woman dancer in Swat several months ago, her murder forced scores of other dancers and their families to take refuge in Peshawar, Lahore and Karachi.

Shahenshah Bach, a singer from Peshawar who is an icon among young rural Pashtuns, has also joined the group of preachers.

With a black beard and a white turban wound around his head, the singer who was once known for his emotional love songs is now moving with groups of preachers from village to village and city to city to spread the message of hardline Islam.

The singers are reluctant to admit they have been forced to abandon their livelihoods to become “missionaries”.

But a comic actor’s public renunciation of his craft left locals in Peshawar in no doubt that most were forced to adopt religious garb.

A month ago a prominent stage and TV comedian, Alamzeb Mujahid, announced his departure from acting at a press conference.

He had been kidnapped beforehand by unidentified people and was kept in captivity for almost a week.

Mr Mujahid announced to the media that he would be joining the Tablighi and would never return to TV or stage shows again.

The 35-year-old, who appeared cowed and exhausted, said he would grow a beard and would pass the rest of his life in the way of Allah.

Lying in a broad, open valley, Peshawar is flanked on two sides by the mountains of Pakistan’s lawless tribal areas, from where militants have recently staged forays into its outskirts.

At the end of last year up to 200 tribal militants ransacked Nato and US supplies in depots in Peshawar, setting fire to hundreds of vehicles carrying supplies destined for coalition forces in Afghanistan.

In December a huge bomb blast ripped through Peshawar’s crowded Storytellers bazaar, killing 30 people and wounding over 100 people.

Tariq Hayat Khan, the civil servant in charge of the neighbouring Khyber tribal area on the city’s outskirts, has enlisted the army to launch limited operations in his area.

A militant group in the name of Lashkar-e-Islam, or the Army of Islam, which operates in the Bara area of Khyber Agency, is believed to have targeted the musicians.

But it is just one of many Taliban groups operating in the area.

At the end of last year the army claimed that it had expelled militants from 22 out of 25 villages around the city.

But tribal militants have continued to hit Peshawar with a spate of kidnappings and murders as well as assassinations and bomb blasts.

In Swat, militants have prosecuted a highly effective campaign of assassinating local politicians, among them even conservative religious leaders who had spoken out against their reign of terror.

The same tactic is being employed in Peshawar. On Wednesday, Bashir Bilour, a leading figure in the province’s ruling Awami National Party (ANP) escaped a gun attack on his life.

Alamzeb Khan, a party member in the NWFP assembly, was killed in a roadside bomb attack in Peshawar on Feb 11.

The ANP’s chief, Asfandyar Wali Khan, who had pledged to deliver the province from violence, has also survived an attempt on his life. Now local politicians rarely appear in public.

The militants are attempting to alter the city’s religious diversity. The people of Peshawar believe that the Lashkar-e-Islam was involved in the recent bombing of the shrine of a Sufi poet, Rehman Baba.

The group had destroyed mausoleums of other saints in the city before, arguing that visiting tombs is un-Islamic.

Rehman Baba, known as the “Nightingale of Peshawar”, is venerated as a mystic throughout NWFP and in Afghanistan.

Militant groups disapprove of Pakistan’s majority religious tradition that allows for spiritual intercession through the tombs of saints, where visits are often accompanied by music and dance.

The Sufis have fought back. Earlier this year in Swat, Pir Samiullah, the custodian of a shrine who spent three years meditating in a cave, formed a militia to fight against the Taliban.

But militants killed him. His body was mutilated and strung up in public.

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