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Pakistan Facing Serious Threats

Muhammad Khurshid

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US President Barack Obama is facing a serious challenge on the frontline on war on terrorism. Pakistan, which is frontline state in war on terrorism is complete political turmoil. Both the US and UK ambassadors have been trying to defuse the situation, but so far there is no respite in the volcanic situation in the country.

Terrorists have been using the situation in their favour as the main aim of terrorists is the instability in the world. They want the destruction of this whole world. At the moment it seems the terrorists are successful in their plan. They have created economic crisis in the United States. There may be a lot of people who will differ me, but this is the fact that economic crisis in the US is the handiwork of terrorists.

Terrorists have been trying to engage the whole world in war, death and destruction so the attention of the rulers would be diverted from the real issues. Then the people will rise in revolt and this will be the success of terrorists.

In Pakistan terrorists have been playing their cards very well. They have engaged the whole system in the political turmoil so now attention is being diverted from war on terrorism. During last few days security forces have registered victory against terrorists in Bajaur Agency. Terrorists have faced complete defeat in Bajaur Agency.

After failure in Bajaur Agency and other parts of tribal areas now the terrorists have been trying to take over Islamabad. If that happens it will be disastrous for the whole world. Pakistan is needing full attention of the US administration led by Barack Obama. Pakistan must be saved at all cost as it is the frontline state in war on terrorism. If the terrorists succeed in breaking the frontline this will be disastrous for the whole world. There must be an end to political turmoil in Pakistan.

Author's Bio: Muhammad Khurshid, a resident of Bajaur Agency, tribal areas situated on Pak-Afghan border is journalist by profession. He contributes articles and news stories to various online and print newspapers. His subject matter is terrorism. He is also heading Voice For Peace working against terrorism in tribal areas. The aim of the Voice For Peace is restoration of peace in Bajaur Agency, tribal areas and whole world. He is looking for freelance and correspondent work from media organizations, to cover the part of the world where Al Qaeda and the Taliban are most active.