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Portland 3/11/09 Exercises Preparing for Martial Law?

Captain Eric H. May

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From: Captain May

Subject:  Portland 3/11/09 exercises preparing for martial law?

To: "Portland Nuclear Inquest"Received: Tuesday, March 10, 2009, 12:11 AM

This evening I received the message below from W. Leon Smith, my publisher at The Lone Star Iconoclast. While it is impossible -- without further information -- to evaluate this, it is nevertheless of concern to me.  It should be of particular concern to those readers living in the Portland/Seattle area.

As many of you know, I've rated Portland as the tertiary US false flag target, behind Houston and Chicago.  For more, search my article "False Flag Prospects, 2008."


A couple of other things come to mind... One is that 3/11, the date identified below as the start day for the exercises, is the fifth anniversary of the Madrid bombings -- and we all know how much the NWO kooks like repeat dates.  I just published an article about date coding, easily found with the search phrase "USA 666 WMD"


The other is that NASA is sending up a shuttle on 3/11.  The simulated nuke that Ghost Troop documented just south of Houston on 7/28/05 came after the 7/26/05 launch of Space Shuttle Discovery, which was the first shuttle flight after the Columbia explosion three years earlier.  The interview transcript should be listening for those who suspect that NASA is a military operation at heart, and that the government can and will do what it wants as the media shuts the matter up: http://tinyurl. com/5lx6oz


Any feedback related to my thoughts above or Mr. Smith's report and questions below would be most welcome!  Thanks, Captain May

--- On Mon, 3/9/09, Iconoclast <news@lonestaricon. com> wrote:

From: Iconoclast

Subject: re: question regarding execises

To: "Captain May" <

prodigy. net>

Date: Monday, March 9, 2009, 6:24 PM

Capt. May,


I have just been told by an anonymous source that U.S. Navy Exercises (NW TRAINING COMPLEX) are being planned to begin on March 11 in the Portland area that will include the states of Washington, California, Idaho, Nevada, Alaska, and other areas, as well, and that these are unpublicized exercises. Also, I was told that the Navy has refused to follow through on considering normal environmental impacts of the weapon tests that are planned.


I was told that contracts have been issued for bottled water, prisons have been established on boxcars, and that there are a lot of Blackwater-type mercenaries in those areas.


Also, I was informed that the weaponry fired will include DU rounds, red, white and yellow phosphorus, CHFF particulates, RDX, and HDX, and MOAS 1, 2 and 3 (I don't know what these last ones are).


The person calling me was female, and claimed to be a teacher, Girl Scout leader, and a wildlife naturalist. She said that as we were speaking it was snowing at her location in Portland and that the consistency of the snow was not normal ("very heavy"). She said that as a longtime resident there she knows a lot about how snow falls and what it looks like and this is not normal. She said, "I know snow." She was concerned about HAARP weather weaponry being used there. She said that she didn't know what they were, but several people have commented about seeing chemtrails.


She said that there are a lot of people there who are worried, but there is no organizing entity for them to share their concerns. Anyone addressing authorities is usually ridiculed.


She said that there are forest areas that previously available to the public are no more, and a lot of road building is taking place in wilderness areas. Prison contractors are going up an down roads building things, she said. Regular hunters and tourists are being scared away from park-type areas due to machine gun fire. Big black helicopters have been involved in starting forest fires, but this is covered up. When patients who have been shot are brought into emergency rooms, doctors are refusing to document the weaponry used.


She said that HUD is selling off its property in Portland and a huge portion of HUD's budget is being redirected for CIA and FEMA. She said that some of the contractors in Portland are the same folks who impoded Building 7.


Bechel (I'm not sure I spelled this right) is being issued no-bid contracts to rebuild bridges, she said.


She said she is also concerned about HR 875, the Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009, which could negative impact the food supply. Also, she said that the National Guard has been removed from this area, which she feels makes Portland residents sitting ducks.


I am wondering if, indeed, there are military exercises gearing up for March 11 in this area, and,if so, is the caller correct in that there could be negative environmental impacts? What is the true nature of these exercises, including the duration and scope, and exactly who are involved? What is the mission and where exactly is this taking place? Where is command HQ, who is in charge, and why are the exercises being conducted? Who authorized them?


What the caller said sounds very severe. We need to learn more. I just now got off the phone with her, so I have not yet been able to follow up, but thought this should go out to others who might already know about this and can answer some of the questions.


W. Leon Smith

The Iconoclast