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Paul Joseph Watson

4-1 0-17
[Comments within brackets added by Rocky Montana.]
Troops massing as deep state plots regime change

The Trump administration is currently locked in a heated debate over whether to launch a full ground invasion of Syria, with hundreds of thousands of soldiers now massing.

According to White House sources who spoke to Infowars, Trump is reticent to see U.S. troops embroiled in yet another Middle East quagmire, but is under pressure from top neo-cons in his administration to prevent Russia from dominating the region as the fall of ISIS nears.

Trump has refused to agree to a no fly zone over Syria and does not want to directly attack Assad’s forces in Damascus.  However, Assad is apparently backing away from a deal he made with the Pentagon four years ago to step down from power in order to prevent a U.S. military bombardment that Obama pushed for back in 2013.

The air strike ordered by Trump was apparently a reminder to Assad of the deal he struck to step down once jihadists had been defeated.                [This may be a contributing factor, however, President Trump has made clear his true, misguided intentions for attacking the Syrian air base, which was retaliation for the chemical attack on Syrian citizens that has been recently verified that President Assad was NOT responsible for this attack.]

Troop numbers are now being massively escalated in western Iraq to reinforce this message, including the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit, to back up and cover the flank for U.S. Army ground forces in case of possible attack by Assad.

Trump’s response to the alleged chemical weapons attack allowed him to look decisive and was a show of strength towards China and North Korea. It also served to temporarily silence the repeated accusations that he is in collusion with Russia.

Trump’s aim with the air strike was to destroy Syria’s remaining chemical weapons to make Assad follow through on the deal.                                     [Ah, but we were told by the MSM that the chemical weapons cache on the Syrian air base was left untouched because bombing would have led to chemical pollution that might have claimed additional innocent civilian lives.  Who to believe?]  If he didn’t act, Trump would have been eviscerated by his critics as being equally as weak as Obama.

However, increasingly prominent neo-cons within the administration, led by National Security Adviser H. R. McMaster, are exploiting the circumstances to maneuver Trump into a position where he is pressured into green lighting a full scale ground war, an attack on Damascus and a confrontation with Russia.

If Trump allows himself to be manipulated in this way, it will undoubtedly destroy his presidency and leave him with a legacy on a par with George W. Bush.

As Mike Cernovich’s sources confirm, "McMaster is manipulating intelligence reports given to President Donald Trump" and is "plotting how to sell a massive ground war in Syria to President Trump with the help of disgraced former CIA director and convicted criminal David Petraeus."         [Generals McMaster and Petraeus have shown themselves to be two Rothschild agents, stooges and traitors doing the bidding of their puppetmaster.  President Trump must understand this fact before it is too late.]

Trump sees resolving the Syrian civil war as imperative because Syria is a gateway into Turkey, whose Islamist government is exploiting the chaos to exacerbate the refugee crisis and force Europe into capitulation to Muslim colonization.                                                                                                [This is a diversion from the REAL Rothschild goal, which is to remove Assad from power and install a Rothschild puppet President who will do Rothschild's bidding; approve the Rothschild-Saudi natural gas pipeline to run across Syria so that Rothschild can flood Europe with cheap natural gas and put Russia out of the natural gas business in Europe.  Trump must also understand this fact before it is too late.]

However, if neo-cons are able to assert their power and silence nationalist voices within the Trump administration, like Steve Bannon who opposes regime change in Syria, the consequences of toppling Assad will be completely disastrous for both Trump and the entire region.                             [This is all part of the Rothschild "GREATER ISRAEL" Plan.  In summary, it is to use the Rothschild-Zionist agents, stooges and dupes embedded in the U.S. government, military and intelligence community to divide and conquer the countries in the Middle East for the Rothschild cabal.  Look at how well the plan has worked thus far; Iraq, Libya, and Syria are in total chaos.  We-the-American-people not only have and are continuing to allow these travesties to occur, but are cheering them on.  Oh blind and ignorant lambs to the slaughter.  What will you do when the come for YOU?    "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. ..."  --Hosea, 4:6]