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There was recently a gas attack on civilians in Syria. I

It has been blamed on Assad.  However there was an article that suggests that this was in fact carried out by another group including the Clintons. Can the Zetas shed any light on the Nerve agent attack on civillians in Syria?

[and from another]

Putin claims that the leak was intentionally planned by rebels to blame Assad regime and the mastermind behind the operation is Hillary Clinton. Bashar had no reason to gas his own people when he is winning the battle without much effort. Rebels are the one's who are loosing ground and are desperate.

[and from another]

A day prior to the attack, Gulf-based Orient TV announced “Tomorrow we are launching a media campaign to cover the airstrikes on Hama country side including the usage of chemical warfare against civilians.” This shows clear foreknowledge that the rebels were going to stage an attack by Orient TV. It is known 250 people were kidnapped last week from the nearby city of Hama, which is the same number as the current body count of wounded and killed civilians. According to award winning journalist Seymour Hersch, intelligence reports show the rebels smuggled in chemical weapons from Libya through Turkey with the approval of Hillary Clinton. ISIS is also known to be in possession of chemical weapons having conducted attacks on Syrian forces in Deir Ezzor.

[and from another]

Survivors of a deadly airstrike in Syria have described chemical bombs being dropped from planes, in accounts that directly contradicted the Assad regime's version of a dawn attack that drew condemnation around the world. The White House and the UK blamed Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's regime for the attack that struck the rebel-held town of Khan Sheikhoun while many were still asleep. Amnesty International said evidence pointed to an "air-launched chemical attack." International agencies are investigating the origin of the agents used in the strike. At the United Nations, Western powers lambasted Russia for standing by the Syrian regime.

[and from another]

FALSE FLAG: US announces removal of Assad is no longer a priority, 4 days later nerve gas attack is blamed on him. Seems awful convenient, doesn't it? The US announces it will no longer try to overthrow Assad. Four days later he allegedly does the only thing that could possibly change their minds. Using the "never let a good crisis go to waste" protocol, they turned it into a chemical attack by Assad, since there is probably forensic radar/satellite evidence of his jets dropping ordinance in the area at the time of the incident.

[and from another]

The US representative to the United Nations has said that the US is no longer prioritizing the removal of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. March 30, 2017.




Almost simultaneously, St. Petersburg has a terrorist attack and yet another suspicious chemical weapons attack happens in Syria. Can this be a coincidence? The US had just days earlier announced they were no longer going after Assad. Connect the dots! Those trying to start World War III – and this includes the Soros and Hillary crowd – see themselves losing and are making desperate moves. It is all quite obvious but Western media backing the Hillary crowd shout fake news, once again. Of course Assad did not gas his own people, just when he was obviously winning against the formerly US backed rebels.


Putin and Seymour Hersch agree. Hillary was setting the stage for this type of False Flag event during her tenure as Secretary of State, and her crowd is still playing to the script. The rebels then joined with ISIS, thus coming into possession of US weapons and support. On a day when Syria was going to be conducting air raids in the area, gas some kidnapped civilians. Meanwhile Trump is stuck acting indignant, as to do else would put his leadership in question and raise the claim of collusion with Russia once again. This will eventually sort out, but meanwhile, the public is once again being misled by CNN.



Prior 2013 ZT:

The use of poison gas in Syria was arranged by Israel. Of course it wasn’t Israeli soldiers. Of course they were very much behind the scenes in supplying the rebels. Not just a hand away, but many hands away, so that it would be impossible, literally, to trace where the gas came from. This is arranged by killing those intermediaries. And why did they do this? If the US gets involved in Syria, it will bleed over, they hope, into Iran. Iran has been backing Assad.