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Orlando: Distraction from WWIII with China and Russia? Sh*t hitting the fan in the Pacific.

Investment jWatch Blog (IWB)

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Naval Exercise Malabar kicked off 12 hours ago (US, India, Japan), amidst much speculation that all these “exercises” involving the world’s major navies are a steaming crock of coverup for what is the closest thing to a war in the Pacific that we’ve seen since WWII.

I don’t believe in coincidences. “Worst mass shooting ever” just before major naval adversaries flood into the South China Seas?

Google “south china sea” for past 24 hours and you’ll see what I mean.

There’s also a MAJORLY hot international issue pending regarding the “official” recognition (or lack thereof) of China’s claim to basically all of the world’s oceans, lol.

Jokes aside, I don’t like the feel of this at all.


US, India, Japan kick-off joint naval exercise ‘Malabar’

Govt to formulate official stance on South China Sea dispute

The government will draw up an outline of Indonesia’s stance on South China Sea disputes in anticipation of the upcoming verdict of a Philippines-China arbitration court hearing looking at the dispute, a senior minister has said.

“President [Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo] has urged us to formulate our stance on the South China Sea so that all state officials have the same answers [in response to queries on the disputes],” said Coordinating Political, Legal and Security Affairs Minister Luhut Pandjaitan after meeting with Jokowi at the State Palace in Jakarta on Monday.

The minister further said all related ministries were set to hold a meeting to formulate the government’s stance, which could be hopefully be completed on Tuesday.

“There will be a meeting tomorrow. I hope we can finalize our stance in the meeting because we already have the draft,” Luhut said.

NATO/Russia deploying huge amounts of forces in eastern Europe. This is gonna be a hot summer

Based on recent events involving NATO and Russia, the DEFCON Warning System advises the public to consider preparing for possible hostilities. While neither side appears to be moving into offensive positions, Russia continues to move huge amounts of equipment into its western border regions which we believe is directed toward the Ukraine, while NATO has moved an unprecedented amount of military equipment in the region respectively.

Current information known to the DEFCON Warning System:

Two U.S. aircraft carriers have been deployed to the Mediterranean region. Indications are that 3 more aircraft carriers are preparing to deployed in the Atlantic Theatre.

Russia has continued its military buildup on its western border, including very heavy military equipment and troops.

NATO has moved more readiness brigades into the Baltic region and intends to move more equipment into the region.

Me thinks Russia is preparing for something nasty in response to NATO’s meeting announcements…

July is gonna be hot folks…


Sounds like NATO is sending 4 battalions near Russia… this is heating up fast.

Commenting on the latest plans for four battalions, the NATO chief said: “This will send a clear signal that NATO stands ready to defend any ally.