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A Deadly WarGame Of Tit For Tat?

Rocky Montana

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August 21, 2015

Latest round of the Currency War; China, United States and Russia flex their muscles.   

Were the 4.0 San Francisco earthquake (August 17, 2015) and formation of Hurricane Danny (August 20, 2015) occurring three and five days (respectively) after the Tianjin, China explosions (August 12, 2015), retaliation against the United States government by the Russian government for said explosions?  And were the explosions allegedly caused by the U.S. government in retaliation against the Chinese government for its two day devaluation of the Chinese yuan (August 11-12, 2015), which resulted in rattling U.S. stock markets and causing massive financial losses to investors in the U.S. and worldwide?  

Connecting the dots.

1.   Two day devaluation of the Chinese yuan:

  "On August 11, 2015, China devalued its currency, the renminbi (yuan), by 1.9%.  It was the currency’s biggest one-day drop since 1994.  It didn’t stop there, either.  At one point the following day, the yuan had cumulatively lost as much as 3.9% of its value against the dollar." [1]

2.   Two major explosions rock the Port of Tianjin:

  "The 2015 Tianjin explosions were a series of explosions that occurred at a container storage station at the Port of Tianjin starting on Wednesday, 12 August 2015.  The first two explosions occurred within 30 seconds of each other at the facility, which is located in the Binhai New Area of Tianjin, China." [2]  The most recent casualty count: 114 dead, 400 injured, 57 still missing.

3.   On August 13, 2015, Sorcha Faal reported:

 "...that President Putin earlier this morning ordered a massive buildup of the Western Fronts 20th Army with over 100,000 additional specialized forces, and even more ominously, further ordered the immediate activation of all “personal, equipment and countermeasures” associated with the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) feared “Project Mercury” tectonic (earthquake) weapons programme.

The reason behind these extraordinary war orders being given, this report says, was yesterdays “deliberate apocalyptic special weapons” attack upon the new center of world finance located in the Yujiapu Financial District of the Chinese city Tianjin by Obama regime forces.

As to the reason the Obama regime attacked the world’s newest financial center, this report explains, was due to China’s devaluing its currency for the second day in row which caused massive disruption to global stock and currency markets, that in turn lead to the evaporation of hundreds-of-billions of dollars of “paper wealth” of the West’s most moneyed elite class." [3]

4.   Two natural or man-caused geophysical events occurred within eight days:

Was the 4.0 San Francisco earthquake a natural or man-made event?  Refer to article: 'Earthquake strikes San Francisco Bay Area' [4] for additional information. Was this earthquake a "shot across the bow"of the U.S.S America by the Russian Federation's tectonic earthquake weapons in retaliation against the alleged U.S. military strike against the port of Tianjin, China?  Further, was Hurricane Danny a coincidence or not-so-much a coincidence?  Hurricane Danny formed Thursday morning (Aug. 20) becoming the first hurricane of the 2015 Atlantic season, according to the National Hurricane Center. [5]  Is this yet another show of force by the Russian Federation?  Oh yes, informed Phoenix Journal readers have known of the existence of Russian weather-altering technology and earthquake-creating technology controlled from low orbiting platforms called cosmospheres since the 1990's.  We know that these weapons have been fully operational since 1976 and that they have been repeatedly used against the United States.  Didn't get the memo from your government or the controlled media?  Its probably classified under the heading "National Security".

A message to the Chinese, Russian and United States governments:  Wouldn't you prefer a nice game of chess? [6] 



[1] analysis/ making-sense-of...

[2]   Wikipedia.

[3]   WhatDoesItMean.Com.

[4] hurricane/ index.ssf/ 2015/.

[5] local/ lanow/ la-me-earthquak...

[6]   'WarGames'  (1983)