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Sorcha Faal, as reported to her Western SubscribersFW

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Aug. 21, 2015

A truly apocalyptic Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that strategic battle plans have now been disseminated to all military and special forces commands in response to the expected mass invasion by US-led Ukrainian troops of separatist held region Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) and Autonomous Republic of Crimea ahead of what is expected to be an “Armageddon-like blow” to Western financial capitols on 23 September. 

Dubbed the “September War” by Federation defense planners, this report notes that on 23 September, Ukraine is due to pay a massive $500 million bond payment it is not able to do…which would then cause their default on a $3 billion bond payment to Russia meaning it would have to be paid immediately too.

Rather than risking the collapse of their already falling apart global economic system due to Ukraine falling into default, this report explains, Western capitols, led by the Obama regime, are “factoring” into this already fraught with danger situation a war with Russia as an “outlet” to divert their population’s attention away from the devastation of their own economies.

Security Council Secretary Nikolay Patrushev warned the West against this war earlier today by stating, “Both Ukraine and the forces currently governing the country from the outside should realize that the resumption of hostilities leads to further decline in the Ukrainian economy, a greater number of hostilities, destruction of infrastructure and affects negatively the regional and international situation.”, but further noted that pro-Kiev armed units in eastern Ukraine now total 90,000 men and officers, 450 tanks, 203 salvo artillery units, and five Tochka-U missile complexes.

The Defense Ministry of the Donetsk People’s Republic, Eduard Basurinearlier, yesterday grimly noted the “master plan” to be used by Ukraine in launching their “September War” by stating:

“Information has been received about the plan of forthcoming actions by the Ukrainian army from a source in the Ukrainian General Staff and, no matter how strange this may seem, there are still true officers there who do not want to fight against their own people.

Kiev plans to deliver two converging blows in the direction of the settlement of Uspenka to defeat the DPR and advance to the border with Russia and subsequently prevent civilians from reaching the Russian territory.  Along with this, two groupings [of Kiev’s forces] are intended to launch an offensive in the Donetsk direction north and south of Donetsk towards Ilovaisk, close the circle around the republic’s capital and encircle the city.

Further on, active offensive operations will be launched in the Luhansk direction with the aim to advance to the border with Russia.”


As these 90,000 US-led Ukraine forces are preparing to usher in World War III to protect Western “bankstersagainst 40,000 separatist fighters, this MoD report continues, NATO “comically” warned the DPR against grabbing anymore land, while at the same time, “equally as comical”, Secretary of Defense Ash Carter warned the Pentagon that Russia is now an “existential threat” to America.

As to how Russia could possibly be an “existential threat” to the United States, this report notes, is never explained by the Obama regime whose military spending is a staggering nearly $600 billion a year (compared to Russia spending $70-80 billion)…and as President Putin warned this past June: “Publish a map and mark all the US bases on it. You will see the difference between the US and Russia.”


Even the highly respected American press organization CounterPunch has noticed the sheer insanity of the Obama regime wanting war with Russia, this report says, and who in their article today titled Deadly Cheering for War in Ukraineby Western Press stated:

“The editors of the [Washington] Post are pulling off a ruse. Kyiv has not abided by a single clause of Minsk-2, and the regime’s foreign backers, including in the editorial offices of the nearly all of Western media, keep a careful silence on the subject. So let’s pause for a moment to reflect.

The Washington Post (and some other mainstream media) publishes articles and photo stories by journalists in and around Kyiv-controlled eastern Ukraine.

But the Post‘s journalists can’t seem to provide examples of how “Russia’s forces continue to shell and rocket Ukrainian positions on a daily basis”.

Surely, if the situation is that severe, there must be no shortage of visual examples to provide to readers? And surely the U.S. government can provide satellite images to mainstream media of the “9,000 Russian soldiers” in eastern Ukraine as well as other examples of Russian intervention? Unless… it’s all, or mostly, make believe.

On the rebel side of eastern Ukraine, there is no shortage of examples of grim, daily shelling by Ukrainian armed forces, which are backed by NATO. Alas, and not by accident, such reports never, ever grace the pages of the Western media.”

And as the “grim daily shelling” of civilians by US-led Ukrainian forces continues in Western media silence, this report further states, it goes without its irony that the American right-wing hawk Henry Kissinger and left-wing British Labour Leader socialist Jeremy Corbyn have now united together warning the West of their insanity in launching this “September War”…and which Kissinger actually stated what it was really about, “Breaking Russia has become the objective for US”.

Though not stated in this MoD report, it is worth noting that even the left-leaning American political website Vox Media is now warning of this “September War” too, and as they chillingly stated in their article titled How World War III Became Possible:

Europe today looks disturbingly similar to the Europe of just over 100 years ago, on the eve of World War I. It is a tangle of military commitments and defense pledges, some of them unclear and thus easier to trigger. Its leaders have given vague signals for what would and would not lead to war. Its political tensions have become military buildups. Its nations are teetering on an unstable balance of power, barely held together by a Cold War–era alliance that no longer quite applies.”

To if the American and European people themselves will be able to awaken before this war starts there remains no evidence as the vast majority of these peoples still remain asleep in their slumber of propaganda filled celebrity trivia news…but from they will, undoubtedly, soon be shaken from by the noise right outside their very windows.



August 21, 2015 © EU and US all rights reserved.  Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth.  Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?”.]