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FW:  June 18, 2915

 (Oct. 27, 2003)

Monsters in our midst - the U.S., Britain, and Israel

By John Kaminski


Sometimes, after a long storm, the wind eventually blows the clouds

away, and the sunlight shines through, revealing a familiar landscape

that has never looked so different to us, which comes as a tragic and

emotional shock when we realize the time we've squandered refusing to

see the beauty right in front of us and the lives we've wasted believing

things that in this new light of day we now know for certain were not


As I have said many times before in an inarticulate and unformed

way, the great tragedy of the 9/11/2001 debacle - in which thousands of

Americans lost their lives in a cynical stratagem designed to increase

the bloody profits of the weapons makers - was a failure to see how this

evil pattern of treason from within was actually the design template of

American political behavior throughout the 20th century.

First, by covert financial assistance followed by widespread

aspersion and calculated provocation, we create our desired enemy,

always with the ultimate aim of reaping fabulous profits from the sale

of weapons and the theft of resources down the line.

This design template realizes itself most recently in the creation

of Osama bin Laden and the so-called Muslim terror threat, which has now

culminated in the disaster in New York City and a schedule of endless

wars, now underway, that threatens to destroy the entire planet with its

spread of radioactivity and the reduction of all humans everywhere to

economic prisoners of this evil game.

Saddam Hussein as well was a creation of the American CIA, which

nourished him as a reliable, dual purpose lackey who when the time was

right could either be counted on to assist in the repression of those

from whom the Western tyrants wanted to steal, or morphed into an evil

villain who could then be conveniently destroyed, each course achieving

the same objective - total control of the hapless dupes in possession of

the coveted resources.

Though it's crystal clear now to many who realize that American

aggression throughout the world is always kindled from the devious minds

in Washington who put profit before principle, it is not so clear -

owing to the multi-layered media mindlock that forever keeps Americans

blocked from seeing objective political reality - how the U.S. has

accomplished and perfected this demonic practice of creating conflict as

a way to sustain its own affluence.

Again, the great tragedy of 9/11 is that people were afforded the

opportunity to look through a window at America's political behavior in

real life and in real time, but instead decided to look the other way.

America's corporate and financial leadership participated in the

formulation, execution and coverup of these fake foreign invaders for

the purpose of profit, much in the same way as Vietnam was created out

of fiction, as Nicaragua was oppressed based on propagandistic fairy

tales, and as hundreds of other foreign incursions were triggered by

public relations schemes emanating from Washington. This sorry lineage

goes all the way back (if not further) to the Spanish American War of

1898, in which an accidental (or perhaps self-inflicted) explosion in

Cuba led to the creation and worldwide ejaculation of what we now know

as the American war machine.

But the clearest - and most horrifying - glimpse connecting 9/11 to

America's past deceptions goes directly to World War II - the so-called

good war, which paralyzes the American psyche in a way no other event

has before or since.

Like all the other American military interventions overseas, World

War II was about reviving the American economy after a devastating

depression had reduced the vast majority of U.S. residents to painful


Today, the object lesson of World War II manifests itself most

vividly in the obscene proliferation of Holocaust museums, which

constantly remind us that Jews were victims of Aryan genocide. It is a

perfect psychological cover for the one thread that connects all the

major wars of the 20th century.

Few people today remember the pivotal event of World War I, an event

known as the Balfour declaration. President Woodrow Wilson campaigned

for re-election in 1914 on a peace platform, and vowed to keep America

out of the Great War then consuming the European continent. After he was

re-elected however, he changed his mind. Why is a question that can be

traced to a single document.

England was losing the war, badly. In a letter to Lord Rothschild,

power behind the budding Zionist enterprise, Arthur Balfour promised

Britain would look favorably upon a plan to create a homeland in

Palestine for the Jews.

Suddenly, Wilson changed his mind. Some say it was because he was

blackmailed over a secret lover. Others insist it was his Jewish

handlers. Whatever the cause, many tens of thousands of Americans lost

their lives in World War I because of a promise by Britain to Zionists

to steal Palestine from its Arab inhabitants and create a Jewish


Few people today remember the seminal causes of World War II,

either. After a demonstrably unfair settlement to conclude World War I

(some say engineered by Wilson's Jewish adviser, Colonel House)

depriving Germany of all its gold, Hitler came to power and resuscitated

the German economy at the very moment the entire rest of the world was

ravaged by a bank-created economic meltdown, now known as the Great


Using a barter trade system that completely circumvented control of

the Jewish-dominated banking system (and getting help from American

quislings among whom were the ancestors of George W. Bush), Hitler made

Germany into an economic power when the rest of the Western world had

been reduced to poverty-stricken chaos.

Because of the unfair treatment Germany had received during the

creation of the Treaty of Versailles concluding World War I, and because

Jewish bankers engineered that ripoff, Hitler began systematically

stripping Jews of the their power in Germany. In 1933, world Jewry

declared economic war on Germany, a fact well-documented in the history

books. The move did little to curb Germany's economic success, as I say,

at the exact time America was suffering the dire consequences of its

Great Depression.

Further, Zionists worked out a deal with Hitler to not only fleece

Jews in Germany, but to help some of them emigrate to Palestine, but

only the Jews who Zionist officials deemed worthy to help start a new

Jewish state were eligible. The remainder of the Jews were abandoned by

the Zionist enterprise.

The epiphany that connects 9/11 to World War II is that there does

not exist any non-Jewish written evidence supporting the contention that

Hitler had a plan to exterminate Jews. It is true that once Hitler

realized in 1942 that the Zionists with whom he had a working

arrangement to help colonize Palestine had switched their allegiance to

the British that he began rounding up Jews with renewed zeal.

But there is no written evidence among German documents (and Germans

were and are notoriously meticulous record-keepers) that there was any

plan for what is now known as the Holocaust. Nor is there any hard,

non-Jewish evidence of so-called gas chambers. The Jews who did die -

certainly not 6 million - perished from either malnutrition or typhus.

Now, in many European countries, there are laws prohibiting anyone

from voicing these assertions. Freedom of speech around the world has

been killed by Zionist Jews.

In fact, the Holocaust industry (as it is known today) did not

really begin to capture the popular imagination until after the first

Kennedy assassination, almost 20 years after WW II ended.

Sad to say - and it will horrify many so-called conscious and

compassionate observers - but you can't clearly see the horrendous

deception forcefed to the world about Arab terror and the Muslim threat

without first seeing the colossal hoax of World War Two's so-called

Holocaust, which gives the architects of the Jewish homeland a free pass

to work their sinister strategies against the entire world.

And when you do see the Holohoax and 9/11 in the same wan light, you

can also see how the Soviet threat was fabricated in the late 1940s to

accelerate the profits of the arms makers. And possibly - if you

research it - you can understand how Wall Street funded Hitler and the

Bolshevik revolution was triggered by a batallion of Jews from Brooklyn.

Hitler, bin Laden, Saddam. Targets created by the Western powers to

reap huge profits from the sale of armaments and the robbery of

resources. The cost in innocent lives has never been a concern to those

who reap those profits, and is of no concern today.

This is what we should have realized two years ago when we watched

the rubble in downtown New York City being carted away and dispersed to

foreign countries before a proper forensic investigation could be


Arabs in an Afghani cave (built with CIA money, by the way) could

not have dreamed up this complex a scheme, involving the deliberate

standdown of America's air defenses, the bribery of a plethora of

American officials who assisted in a very profitable manipulation of the

stock market, and the planting and endless regurgitation of the

fantastic fable by the Jewish media.

One fact about the so-called Arab hijackers that is rarely mentioned

nowadays is that they were shadowed during their entire flight school

follies by a complex network of Israeli "art students" who were quickly

spirited out of the country after the dirty deeds were done. Also, many

of the "hijackers" have been found alive, living comfortably in other

countries, and no attempt has been made by American authorities to

rectify this transparent error in the cynical cover story about 9/11.

Now, I am not so naive as to believe that naked power does not rule

this world. It has since the Assyrian war machine first massed its

phalanxes against the feckless villagers of the Fertile Crescent some

five millenia ago.

The sad part is that in 5,000 years later, human nature has not

evolved one iota, and in the very villages where Sargon and Nabonidus

and Xerxes once slaughtered innocent families simply trying to live

their lives, now two George Bushes have continued the same primitive

practice of killing without mercy in order to steal without conscience.

I am not so naive as to believe that if America, Britain and Israel

weren't busily trying to co-opt and prostitute all the nations of the

world, then somebody else would be attempting the same stunt. It still

doesn't make it right.

From our own so-called modern perspective, it was Britain that first

mastered this evil strategy, and built up an empire on which the sun

never set by claiming they were bringing civilization to unenlightened

regions, but really they were just smuggling drugs, opium, to be


Perhaps to be fair, the British learned this technique from the

Spanish, the Dutch, or the French, or the Romans, the Greeks or the


The Americans simply copied the British model, but there exists

strong evidence that the U.S. didn't adopt this model until the Zionists

began to enter into the halls of public power at the end of the 19th


Since that time, in what has been called the American century but

might better be termed - considering Einstein, Freud, and the New York

Times et al - the Jewish century, we have seen the continuation of mass

murder covered up by lies, of oppression masked as economic opportunity,

and of a so-called civilized society slaughtering innocent indigenents

for profit, and then sitting back smugly while praising their own

humanitarian self-satisfaction.

The real axis of evil (to borrow a phrase from a certain low IQ

politician who brays about his religion but has no real concept of its

principles, like Thou Shalt Not Kill) is the United States of America,

Great Britain, and the Jewish homeland.

The U.S. is the triggerman, which trumpets its hallowed legacy of

individual freedom as an excuse for depriving others around the world of

that very thing.

Britain is the architect, which perfected its colonial plan and then

exported it to America, and retained real wealth in a subterranean way

even as it pauperized its own people (something America is doing right


Israel, the Jewish homeland, is the tumor that facilitates the

cancer's spreading, working its malevolent deceptions so greed triumphs

over compassion and survival is everything, even though because of that

philosophy the planet is dying, and so is every species on it.

It is wrong to blame Jews for inventing this kind of behavior,

because they have only copied it from the other tyrannies of history.

But with the sanction of their holy books, particularly the notorious

Sanhedrin, which approves of their lying and sanctifies the robbery and

killing of non-Jews with no penalty, we can all be sure that this

conscienceless behavior will not be corrected as long as Judaism exists.

There are other, lesser accomplices in this great crime, like

France, Australia and Japan, feigning fits of conscience while all the

while remaining alert for trickle-down largesse, like perverts dawdling

outside the brothel door, hoping for glimpses of flesh that will trigger

their pathological spasms of voyeuristic satisfaction.

Once upon a time, America had no real enemies, only friends wanting

to be just like us, a land of freedom and opportunity where everyone

could get a fresh start.

Now it comes to pass that America has no real friends, only

embittered former allies, resentful of the exploitation America has made

them suffer with its wars and its graft. Now they all want to destroy

us, and justifiably too.

In a way it's ironic. Now that America has revealed itself as a

killer nation eager to steal and plunder from every other nation on

earth, every other nation on earth still wants to be just like us.

This is the world we have wrought, and the dark future we have

charted for ourselves, as a result of the shrewd governance of the real

axis of evil, which is the U.S., Britain, and Israel.



John Kaminski is the author of "America's Autopsy Report," a

collection of his Internet essays. For more information, go to

A second collection, titled "The Perfect Enemy," and featuring the

popular essays "9/11 Is A Hoax" and "Arrest The President Now," is just

about ready for publication. For more information contact Dandelion
