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Top Kremlin Aide Slams Needless Atomic Bombing of Japan

Steten Mitrovic

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June 5, 2015

Chairman of the State Duma said that WWII atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the US were “a crime against humanity, which still has not been correctly assessed.”

The US dropped atomic bombs on Japan when the country was already defeated. This was the only time nuclear weapons were used. The two bombs killed between 129,000–246,000 people and caused severe birth defects in the following decades.


Speaking at the annual Russian–Japanese Forum Sergey Naryshkin said:

Many funeral and memorial events will be held in Japan in the beginning of August, which would be 70 years after these barbaric and inhumane bombings took place. We in Russia will grieve along with our Japanese friends.

Speaker of the Russian lower house added that Japan and Russia “have good potential for increasing cooperation,” but “certain f

The greatest war crime, ever. It's the elephant in the corner of 20th century history