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Porky, The Rat And Ukraine Gas

Karl W.B. Schwarz

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Feb. 12, 2015

The utter absurdity and lies of the new Kiev Junta that the USA blew $5.1 billion for ‘regime change’ would be laughable if people were not dying at the hands of these thuggish goons.


The new President Petro Poroshenko goes to Munich and while speaking is waving Russian passports as his evidence of ‘Russian Invasion into Ukraine’.  


Fact ­ about 34-35% of the entire population of the Donbas are Russians and have held Russian passports for many years.  Russia even expanded on that about 5 years ago by offering a second passport since holding a Ukraine passport was a block on travel opportunities thanks to idiots like Poroshenko leading that ‘one of the most corrupt in the world’ nation.  Porky is probably holding passports from Russian citizen Donbas residents he had arrested.  


Fact ­ after the Berkut police in Kiev figured out that the USA had launched a bloody coup for regime change, and both protestors and police were gunned down by the snipers that the USA arranged, trained and funded, then launched, many of the Berkut police defected from this current Porky Regime and took Russian passports, too.


The photo above was taken at the Russian Consulate in Kiev where many of the Berkut police force obtained Russian passports and washed their hands of this USA led and sponsored regime change.

Is this lying moron Petro “Porky” Poroshenko worth going to World War III with Russia over?  I vote ‘NO’ on that idiot idea coming out of Washington DC.


One has to wonder what history book Ukraine Prime Minister Arseniy ‘The Rat” Yatsenyuk read for him to go to Auschwitz for the 70th Commemoration and publicly state that Ukrainians liberated Auschwitz (historical fact - the Soviet Russia Red Army did, not Ukraine) and went on to state that the USSR invaded Nazi Germany during World War II.


I have seen some ‘historical dyslexia’ comments over the years but this one sort of took the cake as dumbest statement I have yet to hear.


Nazi Germany invaded Russia and Ukraine, not vice versa.  At a cost of about 20 million dead Russians they beat the invaders out of Russia and Ukraine and then marched westward through Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia and into Germany itself.


The Western powers do not give enough credit to Russia for the role they played in bringing an end to Nazi Germany.  With losses of 20 million or more, the Russians paid a far bigger price during World War II than any of the Western nations that came at Germany from the other direction.


I can only conclude that “The Rat” is a “Portrait of an Idiot in Action” and all across Europe they are now viewing him that way, too.  He is either a colossal liar or too stupid to lead his own way to the toilet.

Is this moron ‘Yats the Rat’ worth going to World War III over?  I vote ‘NO’ on that one, too.


The former President Viktor Yanukovych was not the most honest person around but his only real sin was refusing to sign the EU Association Agreement that would have bound Ukraine to EU, not Russia.  He wanted a trade agreement situation where Ukraine could benefit from being part of EU and being part of the Russia CIS and Eurasian Trade Bloc.  


President Yanukovych was making sure that Russian natural gas kept flowing across Ukraine into Europe, without stealing it like his predecessors and successors have done.  


He was actually trying to get along with both sides, but certain factions in the USA there funded $5.1 billion of US taxpayer dollars wanted him out and they wanted to install their Neo-Nazi Fascists buddies they had made in the Western part of Ukraine.  They committed murder to get their way when the snipers at Maidan opened fire on the protestors and the police.


I am hoping Oliver Stone will do justice in the documentary he has proposed about this illegal regime change that Washington DC went way out its way to pull off and then start pointing the finger at Russia.  


Actually, as the duly elected President of Ukraine, Yanukovych had every right in the world to seek the best overall agreement for Ukraine.  I have spent almost 5 months in Ukraine on business.  If any nation deserves a better break than they have received since the USSR disbanded in September 1991 it is Ukraine.


What they did not deserve was a USA funded and launched murderous regime change so the USA could force its will against Russia and use Ukraine as puppets and cannon fodder.


The US keeps denying that they backed known Neo-Nazi Fascists in Ukraine, but read on and you will see that is yet another Washington DC Political Lie.


Over the years Russia has invested in and built a huge pipeline network to deliver natural gas to Europe and other markets.  The USA wants that business and does not care that it would cost more to import LNG rather than purchase from Russia.  


The US move on Ukraine was to attempt to block Russia from being so dominant in Europe as a natural gas supplier.  That is especially true when you factor in that the oil and natural gas in the Caspian Basin that the US coveted and conspired ever since the Carter Administration to take over is mostly now in the hands of Russia and China.


The US not only lost in Afghanistan, they also lost most of the oil and natural gas they had conspired for over 30 years to take over.


Bush and Blair promised that natural gas to Europe, but failed to deliver and Russia does deliver huge amounts of petroleum products and natural gas so Europe can power their economy.  The EU economy is now about $2 trillion per year bigger than the USA, so the people of Europe have a vested interest in pulling away from US power trip games.


The US applied a lot of pressure on the EU to go along with the sanctions against Russia, and for which EU is waking up because the USA lied about why those sanctions were needed, too.  


Russia has not invaded Ukraine, and Russia had nothing to do with shooting down Malaysia Air MH-17.  

The EU rolled over and killed the South Stream project, and at that time Russia cut an unexpected deal with Turkey as noted on the map above.  The leadership in Russia informed their peers in EU that if they wanted more natural gas they need to talk to Turkey because South Stream is not dead, it is not running on the route the USA wanted killed as shown on the map above.


The reason for South Stream was the Russia desire to remove the ability of Ukraine to either steal natural gas or to try to hold EU and Russia ransom over the transport from Russia across Ukraine to EU.


After the bloody coup and regime change, in rides the USA pretending to be the White Knight rather than the murderous thugs they are.  Biden rushed right over to congratulate the newly elected Petro “Porky” Poroshenko.  


Of course, he had to bend the ear and provide some private lecturing to who had been the interim leader, Arseniy Yatsenyuk.  


But even before Biden rode in to celebrate their bloody regime change Senator John McCain was over there in  Kiev rubbing elbows and pressing flesh with the known Neo-Nazi Fascists that the media has been remiss on reporting about.  


On the far right of the photo is US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt, the co-conspirator with State Department Neocon Victoria Nuland.  Between McCain and Pyatt with the blue tie is Democratic Senator Chris Murphy, CT, representing the Obama side of this evil scheme they are playing in Ukraine.  


In the photo below the man to McCain’s left is Oleh Tyahnybok, the leader of Svoboda Party.  Just about everyone in Ukraine and Europe knows he is a Neo-Nazi Fascist but the USA keeps rubbing elbows with him and supporting his positions in matters.


Here is Oleh Tyahnybok again addressing his Svoboda party, and note that the hand signal is a Nazi salute symbol.  Svoboda won in three states in the western part of Ukraine on a party platform to get rid of the Jews and the Russians in Ukraine.