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Oct. 1, 2014

The US has started 201 foreign armed attacks since WW2, causing the world’s peoples to conclude in polling that the US is indeed #1 as the most threatening nation to world peace. These US-started armed attacks have killed ~30 million and counting; 90% of these deaths are innocent children, the elderly and ordinary working civilian women and men. These US armed attacks have war-murdered more than Hitler’s Nazis.

Importantly, US official reports now confirm all “reasons” for war the US .01% claimed were known to be false as they were told.

More importantly, these lie-started US wars are not even close to lawful (here, here, here, here), and continue a long history of lie-began US Wars of Aggression. The most decorated US Marine general in his day warned all Americans of this fact of lie-started wars for 1% plunder, and W. Bush’s Senior Advisor and Deputy Chief of Staff, Karl Rove, chided Pulitzer-winning journalist, Ron Suskind, that government will continue with such actions to “create our own reality” no matter what anyone else might say.

As we all observe, the US/UK/Israel .01% continuously scream for even more war in Syria, Iraq, Iran, Gaza, Ukraine, Russia, wherever ISIS or Khorasans might be, and wherever else. All of these armed attacks are OBVIOUSLY Emperor’s New Clothes-unlawful from the two treaties won by all our families’ sacrifices from two world wars. These war-murders are supported by other former imperial-power-crazed governments and the agency they created after their last world war: the UN.

US rhetoric of being “heartbroken” for 276 African girls, or caring for 426 dead Syrian children are psychopathic pretense because the US reneges on every promise to end poverty that would save one million children from gruesomely slow and painful deaths every month (20,000 – 30,000 daily). I witnessed both parties’ “leaderships” only and always lie and dishonor their promises to end poverty as a lobbyist with RESULTS over two World Summits with heads of state.

Since 9/11, US reneged promises to end poverty have killed over 100 million children, twice the number of children enrolled in pre-kindergarten to 12th grade in the US.

Since the .01%’s reneged promises from just 1998, the total deaths from preventable poverty is conservatively greater than from all wars, revolutions, murders, accidents, and suicides in the 20th and 21st centuries.*

Since the 1990 World Summit for Children where the promise to end poverty was (again) sincerely pledged, total deaths from poverty eclipse all the above categories of death in all known human history.

Consensus among leading organizations is that ending poverty would require an investment from developed nations of just 0.7% of their GNI (gross national income), with a total 10-year cost of between $1 trillion and $3 trillion. Current US wars since 9/11 have a long-term cost now between $4 trillion and $6 trillion. This means that the US alone could have ended global poverty just since 9/11 for half the cost for their wars (also for perspective, 11 days of ongoing war cost would pay all tuition for US public college students).

In addition, the .01% hide $21 trillion to $32 trillion in offshore tax havens, with the top seven US banks hiding over $10 trillion.

The leverage point to remove the .01% is for those of us among the 99.99% with arrest authority to exercise it for ongoing War Crimes and murders of US soldiers who were lied-into criminal wars. Those of us with Oaths to “defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic” are honor-bound to expose and end these Orwellian crimes.

We invite all interested to demand arrests as lawful response to restore those explicit limits to government power, stop the War Crimes, and prevent further war-murders.

You can all commit your voice, heart, and mind, yes?

*Assuming 15 years of poverty deaths totaling 225 million and 23 years at 400 million (poverty deaths have decreased over the past 20 years) compared to the estimates of 160 million war deaths from Scaruffi, P., Wars and Casualties of the 20th and 21st Centuries, and 230 million from Leitenberg, M, Deaths in Wars and Conflicts in the 20th Century, (along with the relatively smaller numbers for murders, accidents, and suicides). Total global deaths in recorded history is probably a safe estimate given a global population of ~1.6 billion in 1900. My assignment for high school students on ending poverty with all of the documentation: The Economics of Ending PovertyDespite the investment to save a million children’s lives each month from preventable poverty being just 0.7% of our gross national income, despite that every historical case of ending poverty reduces population growth rates, and despite US promises to make that investment at global summits, the 1% “leadership” in government and corporate media renege and ignore all promises to end this crushing torture, these excruciating and prolonged deaths of children.