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Reality Report: From 9-11 to the Present

Christopher Rudy

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Sept. 11, 2014


  Since 9-11, the global economy has become enmeshed

   with the power elite power struggles over oil (power) and

   control over the physical and human resources of Earth.

  This has become a global affair of bi-polar dysfunction

     between the ‘more developed’countries of the West and

     the ‘less developed’countries of the other hemisphere of

    the ‘Global Mind’ as the platform for conscious evolution.

Our consciousness of ourselves as the Family of Man

  in a global village of instant-everywhere and interactive

TeLeComm capabilities has brought us to this point of

 either thinking for ourselves as ‘United Sovereigns’ or

   failing to overcome the bi-polar diseaseas comes from

 the sense of separation (half wit) from a 'whole brain'.


The mainstream media is not reporting that the entire

Mideast powder keg is blowback from the horrendous

U.S. destruction of stability and civility in Iraq, Libya,

Syria and Palestine – widespread anger and hatred

that targets the ‘National Security’ issue of Western

nations –- the oil fields in Northern Iraq AND the oil

fields in Eastern Ukraine -- that are both tied to the

petrodollar currency standard of the West as is now

being challenged by most of the world’s population,

the BRICS Nations (Brazil, Russia, China, India and

South Africa) who are creating their own currency

standard, independent from Western domination.

They want to own their own lives without the

New World ‘Odor’ that stinks to high heaven.

It is the trillionaire banksters and their billionaire

cronies in militarized corporate government who

are once again manipulating the mass mind with mainstream media rationalization and justification

for intervening to seize power resources under

the cover of a humanitarian crisis they created



    Whether you believe that Israel was involved in 9-11 or not...

        and whether you are aware that Jewish NeoCons were respon-

      sible for the Iraq War or not... and whether you agree that the

    Jewish State of Israel 'controls' many U.S. interests or not...

    you can believe that Big Oil plays a big role in global politics.

 Just as there are oil pipelines running through the

  Eastern portion of Ukraine that Russia controlled,

 there are oil wells and pipelines in Northern Iraq

that were going through Syria to BRICS nations

India through Pakistan, but are now being taken

by the ‘Western Alliance’ for power and control

  just as the oil was ‘confiscated’ in Southern Iraq

by the Bush-whackers false flag terror alert of

‘Weapons of Mass Destruction’ – a Big Lie.

A lot of people mistake a short memory

for a clear conscience.

So all the National Security blather we hear on

the mainstream news about the ISIL terrorists

 is more ‘shock and awe’ to manufacture public

  ‘consent’ for more plunder of foreign resources;

    another power elite power grab for more control

  of energy-based currencies of power, globally.

  If ever there was a good reason for promoting

use of suppressed free energy technologies,

this is it folks.  The whole world would thrive

 with no more excuses for endless terror war.


The power of belief is such that mankind will suffer intolerable

austerity with poverty consciousness (no moral conscience)

when our "‘Belief Systems’ become corrupted (BS) by the

Big Lie that is so BIG and so bold and so often told that

- just as was witnessed by the true prophets of old -

“They believed the lies and dam nationwas just,”


“The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to

  think things out, without regard to prevailing superstitions and taboos.

Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government

he lives under is dishonest, insane, intolerable.”~ H. L. Mencken

That acerbic cynicism is especially true for anyone who is in pain

over the dishonest and virtually insane policies of the militarized

corporate government that is out of control and intolerable.

Sometimes, things have to get this bad before global humanity

 says, “It’s time to check and balance the out of control

abuse of power that does what it has always done

yet promises hope for change we can believe in;

a popular definition of insanity.”

Over the last 100 years, concentration of power has centralized

with the collusion of Big Banks, Big Oil, Big Pharma, Big Media

and Big Government that represents the Big Lie which creates

and manages insecurity with terror, endless war and disease

for the purpose of population control and reduction for profit.

This has created a form of insanity, call it ‘bipolar dis-ease’

whereby mainstream ‘BS’ in the left brain’s programming

is disconnected from the “heart” (right brain intuition).

When we’re in our ‘right brain’ with heart coherence,

that small voice within of good conscience has the

power of discernment of the liars and their lies.

Along comes the Internet and the Big Shift has hit

  the Aquarian Age ‘fan’ as theSource Field surges

   with cosmic intent for the waking up, wising up and

 rising up of ‘Effective Sensory Perception’ with

  a more enlightened-conscientious common sense.

Fear of insecurity is no solution to impurity of intention

 by those power elite potentates whose preference for

profit, prestige and power prevails at the expense of

 public prosperity as prevails when peace is profound.

 “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace

alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety)

 by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins,

all of them imaginary.”

~ H. L. Mencken   

The history of false flag attacks on America’s ‘Security Interests’

 has always advanced the power to profit of a behind-the-scenes

  cabal of power-brokers behind militarized corporate government.


 There are no military solutions for a dearth of social conscience.

That insanity brings the war home with a militarized police state

  and totalitarian NSA surveillance that equates dissent with terror

and a ‘threat against National Security’.

The end of 2014 could be the beginning of real security with the

  purity of public intent worldwide for increasing social conscience

   in our ubiquitous social networks. Global TeLeCommwill do that,

empowering well informed choice with a heart.

There’s no good reason why global public health could not begin

with free online Universal Self Care that will clearly demonstrate

those unique breakthrough healing resources and protocols that

best work to prevent and treat disease for all global Netizens.

There are however lots of bad reasons; to create and manage

disease like the cabal creates and manages war… for profit,

for power, and for the prestige of power elite ethical infants.

The DNA of humanity is fast becoming crap because of GMOs,

vaccines, and toxic genetic poisons in our food, air and water.

Heaven knows that an Aquarian Age of Freedom-in-Love will

come either through our rapid alignment with Natural Law, or

by the mercy of the Great Law, before we destroy our DNA,

the ‘Great Purification’ will proceed with new solar flares and

pole shift that flips Earth’s axis into a corrected spin on things.

There are consequences for messing with Mother Nature.

So keep the Faith.   neutralizes the fear matrix.

  There is a divine matrixthat represents a Higher Power.

Kind men among all mankind are mobilizing their free will

to manifest free energy, holistic healing and TeLeComm.

  This is the time ordained to resonate with theSource Field

     that is surging with divine intent, so ANYTHING is possible:)

See the Good and Make it SO!

~ Christopher

As the Big Shift accelerates now on the 2014 timeline

those with great love in their hearts are awakening

to the realization that little else matters now.

The end of the world as we've known it

is the beginning of a new world

 that promises a return to

  'The Foundation'. 

InnerNet Tech

Bottom Line:

The Intent for Freedom-in-LOVE


Political correctness based on fear of dissent

  destroys the fabric of social conscience in our

  new global interactive public social networks.


 Conversely, political activism based on LOVE

  cultures social conscience in social networks.


Never before in history have so many people

been so afraid to stand up against absurdity

  for fear of being labeled a domestic terrorist.

  This creates an unprecedented opportunity to

  check and balance the inordinate fear of truth

with the ordained power of LOVE… all ways.

   An uncompromised awakening to the TRUTH,

    given the pure intention to fully comprehend it,

     could quickly rectify mass illusion and delusion

 regarding systemic solutions to global crisis.