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Bombshell Report Reveals Ukraine Crisis Manufactured By U.S. Government

Pete Santilli,

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Sept. 1, 2014

This exclusive “GMN Wake-Up Call ” report prepared by Pete Santilli clearly lays out an open & closed case that the U.S.A. has manufactured the entire Ukraine Crisis.  From Victoria Nuland’s presentation to Big Oil dignitaries in December 2013, to the present day presentation by John McCain who is now schlepping arms for the Ukrainian “freedom fighters” on behalf of the defense industry, Santilli lays out the facts on a sobering timeline of events.

The links to all the sources are contained in the YouTube video description, and we ask that you please subscribe, comment, like and share this report, as most people are not aware of much more than the propganda fabricated against Russia.

Share this report with as many people as you can!  This is undoubtedly a big wake-up call for everyone stuck in the lies and propaganda pushed by the CIA controlled main stream media.


Click the image below to visit GMN’s YouTube Channel – be sure to like, subscribe, comment and share!

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