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Well it’s official one in ten Americans are stupid!

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July 25, 2014

Well it’s official one in ten Americans are stupid! I’d say it’s more like every six in ten, but going by a recent CNN poll – 1 in 10 Americans Wants War With Russia Over Downed Airliner. Apparently, these people think that a war with Russia would be akin to the recent “wars”  in Iraq, and Afghanistan.

What they fail to realize or to take into account is the fact the Russia has advanced weapons systems, training and huge arsenal of long-range nuclear weapons that are capable of striking inside the United States. And Russia, will not hesitate to use those nuclear weapons to strike targets inside our borders if they feel threatened.

Unlike the Americans, who see little use for nuclear weapons, the Russians—wisely or not—continue to think about nuclear arms as though they are useful in military conflicts, even the smallest. Some of this might only be the bluster of officers who have never overcome their Soviet training, but some of it is also clearly based on the Russian General Staff’s understanding of Russia’s military weakness against far superior adversaries, including the United States and NATO. Via The National Interest.

The Russians have nuclear weapons, lot’s of  nuclear weapons, and they’re not afraid to use them. No, a war with the Russians would not be anything like the U.S. actions in Iraq and Afghanistan and would be far worse and deadly for the U.S. military and quite possibly, innocent Americans inside the United States.

Thank God that we haven’t gotten to that point yet, if we had the nuclear missiles would be flying both ways between the United States and Russia and ash would be darkening the sky right now, but as we’ve seen in the past these things have a tendency of quick escalation, especially,  when being provoked by the banksters  and war profiteers from behind the scenes.

And then we have political fossils like Sen. John McCain from Arizona, who are itching for a new war, with McCain boldly threatening, that there is going to be “hell to pay” if  Russia linked to MH17 crash.

“If it is the result of either separatist or Russian actions mistakenly believing that this is a Ukrainian warplane, I think there’s going to be hell to pay and there should be,” the Arizona Republican said on MSNBC. He added that “there will be incredible repercussions if this is the case.” Via The New York Post.

And let’s not overlook the fact the new king of America and apparently, actor Jamie Foxes lord and savior Barrack Hussein Obama, is an egotistical maniac,  an egotistical maniac that Russian president Vladimir Putin recently politically, outclassed, when Obama and his pitchmen were gunning to attack Syria over an alleged war crime.

So the hurt ego of an egotistical maniac could be playing a part in the chatter coming from the White-house about this whole Russian thing. I’m still looking for proof, that the Russians that did it, and I’m not saying that they didn’t, but another question to ask is why would they? What would they have to gain by intentionally shooting down a passenger airliner?

Plus, this area over Ukraine is considered a war zone – so why was a passenger jet flying over a known hot spot in the first place? And again what would the benefit be for Russian separatists to intentionally shoot down a passenger jet over Ukraine?

As far as I know there is no proof or evidence proving, that Russian separatists (or Putin himself as the news media would have you believe) shot down the Malaysian airliner over Ukraine, and even if they did shoot it down is that reason enough for the United States to go to war with Russia, as one in ten Americans and politicians like Sen. John McCain seem to think?

Senior U.S. intelligence officials say they have no evidence of direct Russian government involvement in the shooting down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17.

They say the passenger jet was likely felled by an SA-11 surface-to-air missile fired by Russian-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine and that Russia “created the conditions” for the downing by arming the separatists.

The officials briefed reporters Tuesday under ground rules that their names not be used in discussing intelligence related to last week’s air disaster, which killed 298 people.

They said they did not know if any Russians were present at the missile launch, and they wouldn’t say that the missile crew was trained in Russia.

A senior official said the most likely explanation was the plane was shot down by mistake. Via WASHINGTON (AP).

Let’s read that again… A senior official said the most likely explanation was the plane was shot down by mistake. What? Does anyone remember when the United States shot down Iran Air Flight 655 – a passenger plane – killing 290 passengers, including 66 childrenThen to make matters worse they tried to cover it up… That’s like the pot calling the kettle black

The lives lost in the flames of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 is indeed a tragedy, and my heart goes out to them and the families that they left behind, but it is also tragic that one in ten Americans and some of our politicians, (sorry, but I refuse to call them “our leader”)   think that we should go to war with Russia over this unfortunate incident.

Folks, war isn’t pretty, even a resurgence of the cold war but it is profitable for the war profiteers, who get lucrative multi-billion dollar contracts for military hardware and the world banks who play and profit on both sides of the tensions.

I don’t know if the powers that be want a full-blown war with Russia – a war that would no doubt result in a  nuclear exchange between the United States and Russia – I think what they want is a reemergence of the cold war and the huge profits that would result from another arms race.

A new cold war and the resulting tensions is bad enough, but the possibility that someone will end up “pushing the red button” the button that would start WW3 – a war that would cost the lives of millions Americans and Russians and ultimately, send us into a 20 year-long winter and world-wide famine.

Or could it be that Russia is leading the charge to dump the dollar via the BRICs Block, – we all know that the bankers won’t let the dollar be knocked from of its position as the world reserve currency.

We also know what happens when nations try to remove themselves from the dollar. You guessed it war. A recent example of this is,  Saddam Hussein’s decision to price Iraq’s oil in euros rather than dollars precipitated the U.S. overthrow of Iraq and his execution at the end of a rope.

Or could it be that the United States, and the powers that be, know that Russia is steadily gaining in both military power and world influence, and in a few years could be a competing super power once again, so right now they think that they have an opportunity to destroy, Russia once and for all with multiple nuclear strikes before it becomes a competitor on the world stage…

But first they have to use the white-house talking points and the media they control to drum up support for another war, IE  Saddam has weapons of mass-destruction, the terrorist are coming, Russia is shooting down passenger aircraft, etc, so we have to attack – for the children, or to protect our “freedom” – we know the drill all to well.

To be honest I’m not sure why the American government seems to be gunning for new wars against new target nations every few months, but I do know that, we don’t have Ronald Reagan in the White House this time around – what we have now is an egotistical community organizer at the wheel. I don’t think another cold war would turn out as well for America this time around.