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July 13, 2014


July 13, 2014 08:15 ET


The news this morning has escalated dramatically with the killing of a Russian man and wounding of several other family members in the Russian village of Donetsk. This story from RT breaks down the severity of the situation:

The phrase “irreversible consequences” in the story is not just RT parlance for a massive Russian military reaction but the type of terminology often used by Putin and the old Soviet Union before military action started. From the Russian ITAR-TASS news agency:

Russia vows “tough response” to Ukraine’s military border shelling

MOSCOW, July 13 /ITAR-TASS/. Russia will give a tough response to the shelling of its territory by the Ukrainian military, in which one person was killed and another was wounded, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Grigory Karasin said on Sunday.

The incident occurred early on Sunday when a Ukrainian shell hit a private house in the town of Donetsk in the southern Russian Rostov Region.

The incident is evidence of a profound escalation of danger for Russian citizens on the Russian territory, the diplomat said.

“Naturally, this action will not be left without a corresponding reaction,” he said. “The talk with the Ukrainian side on this issue is going to be serious and tough,” Karasin said in an interview with Russia’s Moscow Speaking radio station.

Needless to say Kiev is denying the attack as the following news flashes from the Russian news service INTERFAX indicates:

Kyiv denies involvement of Ukrainian military in shelling of Russian territory

KYIV. July 13 (Interfax) – Ukrainian militarymen are not responsible for the shelling of the territory of the Russian Federation or the death of a Russian citizen there, spokesman for the information and analysis center of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Andriy Lysenko has said.

“Forces involved in the antiterrorist operation are not firing at the territory of the neighboring country. They are not firing at living quarters,” he said at a briefing on Sunday.

“There are numerous confirmed instances when militants shot at the territory of the Russian Federation and civilians for provocative purposes – to blame the Ukrainian military for the casualties,” he said.

From the same news agency, it would appear Russia is not impressed with Kiev’s statements:


This escalation by the Ukrainians could easily lead to Putin’s justification to send “peace keeping force” into the Eastern Ukraine the minute the World Cup is over. Watch for events to escalate in the next twenty-four hours as Kiev presses its offensive in the Donbass before the Russia decides what course of action to take.