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  • Jul 13, 2014
  • theunhivedmind

    ISIS The Start of World War III? David Icke



    Published on Jun 26, 2014

    In this video Luke Rudkowski talks to David Icke about his predictions with ISIS and the possible start of WWIII. David breaks down many esoteric historical writings and the current political situation that can lead to bringing in other countries to war.

    theunhivedmind says:

    July 13, 2014 at 12:24 am

    Albert Pike was handled and mastered by the powerful Jesuit soldier by the name of Pierre Jean de-Smet SJ. The Jesuits/Venetians master the Scottish Rite which is the most powerful known Freemasonic order headed not in Washington D.C as some claim at the House of the Temple but in Dallas, Texas near the very spot in which President John F. Kennedy was slaughtered by Permanent Industrial Expositions.

    The agitation of the Sunni’s against the Shia is because the Sunnis are mastered by the Jesuit/Freemasonic/Venetian system through inter-religious dialogue by the likes of the Yahya and Felice Pallavicini not to mention King Felipe I of the House of Bourbon and new King of Jerusalem meaning he controls most of the Middle East and North Africa. King Felipe will use branches of his power like the Union of the Mediterranean based in Barcelona and Milan to exercise power over these regions through the likes of the Arab League.

    The Shia caliphate will not subordinate himself to the Pope of Rome and therefore challenges the Pope’s claim of Temporal Power over the Earth. Therefore this Caliphate and the Shia have to be challenged by the Sunni and their Caliphate that does covertly submit to the Pope of Rome. There is far more to this conflict than just a take over of the Middle East to create the New Middle East.

    This New Middle East will be controlled from the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem and Israel will be no more, only this East Jerusalem (LKJ) as an international city controlling the planet aided by finance from the Order of Malta’s Dubai and of course the political power to be based in Iraq.

    -= The Unhived Mind