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Russia never to be sucked into war: Analyst

The Unhived Mind

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  • May 14, 2014
  • theunhivedmind

    Russia never to be sucked into war: Analyst

    Tue May 13, 2014 4:29PM GMT

    A political analyst says the EU move to ramp up sanctions against Russia over the ongoing crisis in Ukraine is actually self-defeating for the West, stressing Moscow will never be dragged into any war.

    “[Russian President Vladimir] Putin has been very clear and his top advisor Sergei Glazyev as well as others that they are not going to get sucked into either a military war or economic war. And they are making the point very clearly that these sanctions are actually self-defeating for the West,” Mike Billington, editor for Executive Intelligence Review newsmagazine, told Press TV in an interview.

    He added that the push by US President Barack Obama and financial interests from London and New York for a war is not some sort of belligerence from Russia as they say but rather that the entire Western banking system is collapsing.

    “And they are imposing policies that are leading to war for the purpose of having dictatorial powers over the West as well as the East to deal with this,” the commentator pointed out.

    Billington emphasized that the US and West cannot afford to draw out Russia into a military conflict or an economic war “in any sane sense.”

    He added that they are not interested in the West’s growth but are keen to have the power of bankrupt banking institutions which would enable them to loot not only Ukraine, Russia and China but even the Western nations.

    “So, it’s a self-destructive policy if you are looking at it as something to do with geo-politics between the West and the East. It’s not! It’s a policy driven by this economic collapse,” the analyst concluded.

    Billington made the comments after EU foreign ministers added 13 more Russian and Crimean individuals as well as 2 Crimean companies to the exiting blacklist drawn up by the bloc.

    The fresh sanctions are in addition to 48 Russians and Ukrainians who have already been targeted by EU visa bans and asset freezes since Crimea’s integration into the Russian Federation almost two months ago.

    The European Union has imposed a number of sanctions against Russian and pro-Russia figures over the current turmoil in the former Soviet state.