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RESPONSE TO: BREAKING – PUTIN: 'Russia will Help Syria In Case of Military Assault'… U.S. Stocks Fall Sharply!

Rocky Montana

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The Investment Watch / Sept. 6, 2013                                                                                                         [Comments added by R. Montana]

This comes on heels of a report that Obama will order massive allied bombing campaign.

Stay tuned for updates.

Sh*t is hitting the fan.

Russia “will help Syria” in the event of a military strike, Putin stressed as he responded to a reporter’s question at the summit. 

“Will we help Syria?  We will.  And we are already helping, we send arms, we cooperate in the economics sphere, we hope to expand our cooperation in the humanitarian sphere, which includes sending humanitarian aid to support those people – the civilians – who have found themselves in a very dire situation in this country,” Putin said.

[The war plans of the insane international Zionist Political Party, currently controlling the U.N., Great Britain, the U.S.A., and Israel, to invade tiny Syria has awakened the sleeping Bear to the North.  These war plans come prior to knowing what REALLY happened to the Syrian victims; who was responsible, and before the U.N. report has even been released.  Russian president Vladimir Putin's comments that, "The alleged chemical weapons use in Syria is a provocation carried out by the rebels to attract a foreign-led strike" stated at the G20 summit, are the most sane and common-sense statements I have heard thus far regarding these attacks.  Will President Putin's assertion to assist and defend Syria put the kibosh on the international Zionist Political Party's plans to bully, invade and ultimately take-over that Arab nation?  Or will the insane Zionist leaders order the further bullying and invasion regardless, fully infuriating the Russian Bear and her allies to the point of limited and/or full-out war on both the U.S. and Israeli Zionist military forces, and further bankrupting the U.S.A., financially, militarily and morally/spiritually?  Will Americans find their collective voice and demand NO MORE WAR!  We shall soon see. 

Who would benefit financially from a war on the Syrian nation?  The Zionist Political Party would benefit as it would further weaken the Arab nations' ability to defend against their collective enemy -- Zionist Israel and Zionist U.S.A., thus strengthening the Zionist War Plan to conquer all Arab nations and the Constitutional U.S.A.  It would benefit the Zionist-controlled international banksters who finance all sides of every war.  It would benefit the military contractors who build and supply the guns, bullets, bombs, and all other implements of war.  And It would benefit the oil companies who would steal Syria's oil and gas resources.  Remember the old adage: To the victors goes the spoils.  Who would loose from a war on the Syria nation?  Mankind would loose as the whole of mankind is but One, in truth, and what happens to a part of the One, happens to the whole.  The nation of Syria would loose many of their people to death; the people would loose their country, their freedoms, their infrastructure, their culture and their nation's resources.  The U.S.A. would be further weakened militarily, financially, and morally/spiritually.  And remember this:  What evils the American people allow their military to visit upon another nation and another people, will be returned and thusly visited upon the American people.  This is the cosmic Law of Return!] 



 U.S. Stocks Fall After Putin Says Russia Will Assist Syria


‘Obama to attack Syria regardless how Congress votes’


America’s envoy to the United Nations singled out Russia for criticism – for its outspoken opposition to strikes.  And that’s as the UN chief himself ruled out a military solution to the Syrian crisis – warning that a strike would have tragic consequences and fuel sectarian violence in the region. Investigative journalist Charlie McGrath has commented on the U.S. envoy’s statements – saying international trust in Washington’s words has all but eroded.

U.S. stocks fell after Russian President Vladimir Putin said his country will assist Syria if strikes are launched, erasing earlier gains amid a slower-than-forecast rise in employment.


Stocks fall sharply on reported Putin comments

NEW YORK (MarketWatch) — U.S. stocks erased Friday gains, with the major indexes down about 0.5%, after Russia’s president reportedly said his nation would help Syria if that nation were attacked. After a 52-point climb that came as a disappointing payrolls report had investors revisiting the idea that the Federal Reserve would curb monetary stimulus later this month, the Dow Jones Industrial Average DJIA -0.81% fell 93.73 points, or 0.6%, to 14,843.75. The S&P 500 index SPX -0.61% shed 6.80 points, or 0.4%, to 1,648.28. The Nasdaq CompositeCOMP -0.73% fell 19.71 points, or 0.5%, to 3,639.03.


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