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US, Russia, and China Increase Naval Presence Off Syria [Latest]

Phil Butler

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Sept. 6, 2013

Just as the world’s most powerful countries meet at the G20 in St. Petersburg, Russia, warships of the Russian Federation and China steam toward Syria. For the first time in several decades, the world is in a crisis akin to that which John F. Kennedy and Nikita Khrushchev faced off in over Cuba in 1962.

Update One: Twitter is virulent with tweets for #Syria and #SyriaCrisis. Media on the one hand proclaim American’s are for intervention, and on the other news agencies insist the US public is against any action by President Obama. The Syria situation is rapidly polarizing opinion around the world more so than any crisis in recent memory. EPR has decided to post important tweets below at bottom.

Update Two: France has sent one of their anti-air warfare frigates to stand off Syria according to France24. Already Italian ANSA news agency reported that a frigate and a torpedo destroyer boat departed from Italy’s southeastern coast on Wednesday.