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Uncensored Post / Aug. 27, 2013

[Opinions and emphasis added by R. Montana

[Note:  I respond to this article for it is one of only a handful of objective articles regarding U.S. warmongering and outright interference in the affairs of another nation, that of Syria.  I add to it in effort to provide a more complete picture of British, U.S. and Israeli interference and complicity into that nation's affairs.]

US Set to Launch 'Iraq, The Sequel', in SyriaIf you liked the run up to the US attack on Iraq, with the lurid fictional tales of mobile chemical weapons labs and Saddam’s nukes, you will love "Iraq, The Sequel", currently unfolding in Syria. It is everything the interventionists have been hoping for: a heady brew of Kosovo, Iraq, and Libya all rolled into one.  The possibility for an infinitely more toxic conflagration is exponentially higher, to boot, adding for the interventionists much excitement to the mix.

Here is the latest:

A fourth US warship capable of launching the type of cruise missiles that turned Libya to rubble and paved the way for al-Qaeda affiliates to take control of that country is now rushing to the waters off of Syria, ready to unleash destruction. Chuck Hagel, who some antiwar commentators foolishly believed would put an end to Washington’s military adventurism, is feverishly preparing plans for President Obama to attack.  The media worldwide, interventionist to the core, is pushing willing leaders in the US, France, and the UK to finally treat Syria to another devastating "liberation."


**********False Flag Chemical Weapons Attack on Syria. Pretext for All Out War?

By Stephen Lendman

Global Research, August 24, 2013

False flags are an integral part of covert US military-intelligence ops: " a deliberate gross distortion(s) of the truth used especially as a propaganda tactic."

Official stories are false.  They’re contrary to reality.  They turn truth on its head.  They point fingers the wrong way.  They’re pretexts for militarism, wars, mass killing and destruction, occupations, domestic repression, and other extremist national security state measures.

Wednesday’s Ghouta incident raises disturbing questions.  It was a clear anti-Syrian provocation. No evidence suggests Assad’s involvement. Clear analysis shows he’d have everything to lose and nothing to gain.

Syrian insurgents used chemical weapons numerous times before.

[If you dig deep enough, I believe you will find that the chemical attack upon the Syrian people on August 21st was planned and orchestrated by Massad (Israeli secret service) insurgents.  Do Americans not remember the British-U.S.-Israeli Zionist triad's, fake news allegations decades ago in which Saddam Hussein was verbally attacked for supposedly using chemical weapons against his own citizens and countrymen despite the fact that U.N. inspectors found absolutely NO evidence of either chemical or nuclear weapons during their exhaustive searches and that no other proof was forthcoming?  These malicious lies provided a fake pretext for the Gulf War Invasion by military U.S.-Zionist pawns?  I mean no disrespect toward the U.S. military, however, if you who are in the U.S. military are doing the work of the British-U.S.-Israeli Zionists you are by all definition, Zionist pawns.

That ruse went so well that they are using it again, this time against President Assad, as another fake pretext to another criminal military invasion.  They plan to use the same U.S.-Zionist military pawns for the purpose of invading that small nation despite the fact that, again, U.N. inspectors have found absolutely NO evidence of chemical weapons and no other proof that the Assad administration has or has used chemical weapons has been found.

The plan of the British-U.S.-Israeli Zionist triad is to rob, pillage and plunder the wealth and resources of Syria and to split the spoils among themselves.  They then plan to subjugate Syria under Israeli Zionist control as yet another Israeli puppet state, as is Iraq now.  It is all part of the Zionist Israeli War Plan of total and complete subjugation of the entire Middle East under the control of so-called state of "Israel", which is yet another ruse foisted upon the world.  The "Israeli" War Plan of the Middle East is hidden in plain-sight for all to see, right on the Israeli flag.


US Claims Against Syria: Fabrications Spun Up from the West’s Own Dubious Intelligence Agencies

August 28, 2013

The Wall Street Journal has confirmed what many suspected, that the West’s so-called "evidence" of the latest alleged "chemical attacks" in Syria, pinned on the Syrian government are fabrications spun up from the West’s own dubious intelligence agencies.

The Wall Street Journal reveals that the US is citing claims from Israel’s Mossad intelligence agency fed to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), a repeat of the fabrications that led up to the Iraq War, the Libyan War, and have been used now for 3 years to justify continued support of extremists operating within and along Syria’s borders.

Wall Street Journal’s article, "U.S., Allies Prepare to Act as Syria Intelligence Mounts", states:

One crucial piece of the emerging case came from Israeli spy services, which provided the Central Intelligence Agency with intelligence from inside an elite special Syrian unit that oversees Mr. Assad’s chemical weapons, Arab diplomats said. The intelligence, which the CIA was able to verify, showed that certain types of chemical weapons were moved in advance to the same Damascus suburbs where the attack allegedly took place a week ago, Arab diplomats said. ... ]

Clear evidence proves it. Media scoundrels suppressed it. They substituted lies for truth. They do it every time. It’s standard practice.*

On August 23, Russia Today headlined "Materials implicating Syrian govt in chemical attack prepared before incident – Russia."

According to Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Aleksandr Lukashevich:

We’re getting more new evidence that this criminal act was of a provocative nature."
"In particular, there are reports circulating on the Internet, in particular that the materials of the incident and accusations against government troops had been posted for several hours before the so-called attack. Thus, it was a pre-planned action."

It reflects "another anti-Syrian propaganda wave." Calls for force "heard from EU capitals (are) unacceptable."

Assad demonstrated a "constructive approach." He did so by letting UN experts investigate sites of previous chemical weapon attacks.

Insurgents don’t display a similar cooperative willingness, Lukashevich added.

"This directly impedes the objective investigation of allegations of possible cases of chemical weapons use in Syria, which is called for by a number of countries and which the Russian side supports."

On August 23, the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) headlined "Two phone calls affirm the use of chemical weapons in Homs by terrorists," saying:

"A phone call between a terrorist affiliated to the so-called ‘Shuhada al-Bayada Battalion’ in Homs and his boss who was called Adulbasit from Saudi Arabia uncovered that terrorists used the chemical weapons in Deir Ballba in Homs countryside."
"During a phone call broadcast on the Syrian TV Channel, the terrorist said that his group which comprises 200 terrorists escaped from al-Bayadah to al-Daar al-Kabera through a tunnel, adding that they needed to buy weapons to attack the City of Homs."
"The Saudi financier who was present in Cairo asked the Syrian terrorists about details on his group and the way they will receive the money, admitting his support to terrorists in Daraa and Damascus Countryside, in turn the Syria terrorist told him that one of the achievements of his ‘Battalion’ was the use of chemical weapons in Deir Ballba."
"In the same context, another phone call revealed the cooperation between two terrorist groups to bring two bottles of Sarin Gas from Barzeh neighborhood in Damascus."

All indications suggest insurgents’ responsibility for Wednesday’s incident. Was America complicit? Was Israel? Were key NATO allies and/or rogue regional partners?

Was the Ghouta chemical attack pretext for direct US and/or NATO/Israeli intervention?

In June, Obama officials wrongfully accused Syria of chemical weapons use. They suggest Assad responsibility for Ghouta. They do it reprehensibly. They do it anyway.

On August 22, State Department spokeswoman Jennifer Psaki said Syria crossed Obama’s red line earlier.

He has a "range of options" going forward, she said. They’re being "discuss(ed) with his national security team."

"Appropriate steps are being considered with key allies."

Asked if administration officials are urging direct action, she said "any step we would take would be one (that) helps advance our interests in Syria, and certainly, the crossing of a redline would be part of that calculus and part of that decision."

Obama and John Kerry "feel a great sense of urgency about getting to the bottom of the facts as quickly as possible."

Obama’s redline "has always been the use of chemical weapons."

If reports on the Ghouta incident are true, she added, "it would be an outrageous and flagrant use of chemical weapons by the regime."

On August 21, the Wall Street Journal headlined "US Suspects Syria Used Gas," saying:

"The US sees ‘strong indications’ that Syria’s government used chemical weapons in attacks early Wednesday that opposition groups claimed killed more than 1,100 people."

An unnamed senior administration said:

"There are strong indications  [but NO verifiable PROOF]  there was a chemical weapons attack – clearly by the government."

"But we do need to do our due diligence and get all the facts and determine what steps need to be taken."

Options being considered include cruise missile strikes, an air campaign, and cross-border shelling, among others.

An unnamed senior Obama official said "(t)here’s a split between those who feel we need to act now and those who feel that now is a very bad time to act." He stopped short of naming names.Neither Washington or EU allies have "smoking gun" proof, he added. Intelligence agencies amassed circumstantial evidence of chemical weapons use in Ghouta.Stars and Stripes is an official Defense Department publication. It said US officials are divided on how to respond to the Ghouta incident.

"Top military leaders have cautioned against even limited action in Syria. Dempsey, the Joint Chiefs chairman, said in a letter this week to a congressman that the US military is clearly capable of taking out Assad’s air force and shifting the balance of the war toward the armed opposition."
"But such an approach would plunge the US into the war without offering any (end game) strategy."

Jeffrey White’s a former Defense Intelligence Agency Middle East analyst. He’s now a pro-Israeli Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP) fellow.

"Assuming that there was a large-scale chemical attack, it indicates (Assad’s) regime has not been deterred by the statements coming out of Washington," he said.

Turkey’s Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu declared "all red lines" crossed. He urged more direct action.

Israel pointed fingers the wrong way. It blamed Syria for Wednesday’s incident. Netanyahu said if Assad’s not punished, Iran will be encouraged to develop nuclear weapons.

[More lies, distortions and fear-mongering by the Zionist Israeli leader.  Israeli leaders cannot be trusted!  Nor can U.S. Zionist leaders like "acting" Secretary of State, John Kerry who appears on the vidiot-box spouting fabrications and lies regarding "Assad's gas" and demanding that the U.S. has a moral obligation to remove the Assad administration from power.

Instead of starting a war with Syria, the U.S. and the world should allow the Syrian government to do their job; to locate the tunnels from which Massad insurgents operate and perpetrate their criminal acts against the Syrian people, to close those tunnels, to apprehend those insurgents, and to try them for crimes against the Syrian people.]

"Syria has become Iran’s testing ground, and Iran is closely watching whether and how the world responds to the atrocities committed by Iran’s client state Syria," he said.

"These events prove yet again that we simply cannot allow the world’s most dangerous regimes to acquire the world’s most dangerous weapons."

French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said "we need a reaction by the international community." He urged military force.

On August 22, Voice of Russia headlined "Chemical attack" ‘rough work’ of Syrian opposition," saying:

Russia accused opposition militants. Assad had nothing to do with Ghouta. Claims otherwise are spurious. They have no basis in fact.Attacking Ghouta was a "prearranged provocation." It’s not the first one. It won’t be the last.

Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) said:

"Early in the morning of August 21, a homemade missile with a so far unknown chemical poison gas was shot in the direction of this district from the positions of the militants."
"It was similar to the missile used by terrorists on March 19, this year, in Khan al-Asal (near Aleppo)."

All-Russia Center of Disaster Medicine Professor Gennady Prostakishin said:

"I don’t know, whether there is sarin in Syria, or not. Remember, what happened to Saddam Hussein."
"Americans voiced complaints against him concerning sarin and other toxic agents, too. But there was nothing there. The same thing is likely to be happening here."

According to Institute of Strategic Assessments and Analysis expert Sergei Demdenko:

"The opposition has nothing to lose. It cannot win, and it does all it can to force the West to intervene in the conflict, to convince the West that the regime is ‘bloody and inhuman.’ "

Following chemical attack incidents, "TV channels financed by" opposition supporters automatically blame Assad.

"It has all happened before. As soon as America has declared that it would intervene in case chemical weapons were found in Syria, Qatari(-controlled) al-Jazeera channel announced that it had already found it."
"As soon as the group of UN experts arrived in Syria in order to examine the data about chemical weapons, (Saudi Arabia’s) Al Arabiya channel immediately reported that it had been used by the government troops. This is a very rough work."

It’s much the same in America. European media report Big Lies. Whether full-scale war follows remains to be seen.

Washington appears heading toward it. On August 22, London’s Guardian headlined "Syria crisis: US holds talks as concern grows over chemical weapons claims," saying:

Washington "held a flurry of diplomatic talks on Thursday to discuss possible new action against the Syrian government amid mounting international concern over alleged chemical weapons attacks."

John Kerry "held seven calls with overseas counterparts on Thursday, and had taken part in a national security council meeting at the White House."

"The British Foreign Office confirmed Kerry had spoken to William Hague. A spokesman declined to comment on the contents of the call."
"(Britain’s) Foreign Office spokeswoman said the UK would not rule out any option in its response to the latest massacre."

On August 22, Le Monde editors headlined: "Syrie: l’indignation ne suffit pas (Indignation is not enough)," saying:

"Terrible symbol: chemical crime hit a few kilometers from the place where the UN team arrived two days earlier."
"Beyond the horror of these scenes, it is a stinging humiliation of the United Nations which has just taken place in Syria."

"Bashar al-Assad is certainly a keen observer of the international scene. It has been observed in recent months, weak foreign reactions to ‘spot’ and repeated chemical attacks, carried out by (his) troops."

"The United States and European countries, including France" threatened decisive action earlier.
"Faced with what could be likened to a ‘Syrian Halabja’ words of indignation will not suffice."

Throughout nearly two-and a half years of conflict, Western-backed insurgents committed numerous atrocities. They were caught red-handed many times. Assad was wrongfully blamed.It’s happening again. It’s happening despite no evidence suggesting Syrian responsibility for Ghouta. It doesn’t matter. It remains to be seen whether greater US/NATO/Israeli intervention follows.

[There has been a long-standing civil war in Syria.  It is the business of the Syrian people and its government, not the business of the rest of the world.  However, the British-U.S.-Israeli Zionist triad is efforting to make it their business, using Syria's civil war as a rationalization to wage war against both the Syrian government and its people; to rob, pillage and plunder that country's wealth and resources, and to kill and maim its men, women and children just as they did in Iraq.  The International Zionist cartel has been using propaganda (lies) on an unsuspecting world ever since the 'Desert Storm' War. 

Have Americans accepted this brainwashing?  Do you see how Americans have been lulled out of a state of critical thinking and into a state of apathy and non-action?  America has no right to interfere in the affairs of another nation, its civil war or otherwise; this is Cosmic Law!  Will Americans tolerate this international criminal cabal's evil acts of aggression against yet another nation with U.S. troops, AGAIN?  Continue to tolerate evil and we Americans will surely lose what is left of our freedoms and everything we hold dear in this life!  Take a stand for God, God's laws of balance, and Country against the international tyrants!




Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at

His new book is titled "Banker Occupation: Waging Financial War on Humanity."




Syrian civil war [background]

From Wikipedia

The Syrian civil war, also known as Syrian uprising or Syrian crisis (Arabic: ?????? ????????), is an ongoing armed conflict in Syria between forces loyal to the Ba'ath government and those seeking to oust it. The conflict began on 15 March 2011, with popular demonstrations that grew nationwide by April 2011. These demonstrations were part of the wider Middle Eastern protest movement known as the Arab Spring. Protesters demanded the resignation of President Bashar al-Assad, whose family has held the presidency in Syria since 1971, as well as the end of Ba'ath Party rule, which began in 1963.

In April 2011, the Syrian Army was deployed to quell the uprising, and soldiers fired on demonstrators across the country. After months of military sieges, the protests evolved into an armed rebellion. Opposition forces, mainly composed of defected soldiers and civilian volunteers, remain without central leadership. The conflict is asymmetrical, with clashes taking place in many towns and cities across the country. Late 2011 marked growing influence of the Islamist group Jabhat al-Nusra within the opposition forces, and in 2013 Hezbollah entered the war in support of the Syrian army. The Syrian government is further upheld by military support from Russia and Iran, while Qatar and Saudi Arabia transfer weapons to the rebels. By July 2013, the Syrian government controls approximately 30–40 percent of the country's territory and 60 percent of the Syrian population. The insurgency controls large swaths of territory in the country's north and east.

The Arab League, United States, European Union, and other countries condemned the use of violence against the protesters. The Arab League suspended Syria's membership because of the government's response to the crisis, but granted the Syrian National Coalition, a coalition of Syrian political opposition groups, Syria's seat on 6 March 2013.[68]

In June 2013, the death toll surpassed 100,000 according to the United Nations.[40] According to various opposition activist groups, between 80,350 and 106,425 people have been killed, of which about half were civilians, but also including 65,100 armed combatants consisting of both the Syrian Army and rebel forces, up to 1,000 opposition protesters[36] and 1,000 government officials. By October 2012, up to 28,000 people had been reported missing, including civilians forcibly abducted by government troops or government security forces. According to the UN, about 4 million Syrians have been displaced within the country and 1.8 million have fled to other countries.

In addition, tens of thousands of protesters have been imprisoned and there are reports of widespread torture and terror in state prisons. International organizations have accused both government and opposition forces of severe human rights violations. UN investigations have concluded that the government's abuses are the greatest in gravity, frequency and scale.