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Walter Burian

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Aug. 26, 2013

Let me make this article short and to the point.



Covert operations have been in play to destabilize and take over Syria for well over seven-years.


As we all know, Afghanistan was the first target of military action as a foot-hold to move on Iraq.


Iraq to accomplish invasion and takeover required significant applied military force to conquer and maintain.


The next two dominoes to fall, Libya and Egypt were done more so with money, CIA assets, and applied covert internal disruption to facilitate the fall.


Syria? Seems there is always one hold-out stuck in the mud. For the last several years the money, CIA assets, and applied covert internal disruption to facilitate the fall keeps running into a brick wall. The coalition gang's intent on conquest has had a tad bit of a problem here. The ruling government has stood up to all covert attempts to facilitate their fall. The people of Syria seem to be fixated on not falling for, or allowing the same game to be played out on them as was done with Libya and Egypt.  Even the imported terrorist rebels who are well financed and armed have been getting their you know what kicked and their intent shunned by the people of Syria. In the last several month the Syrian government in cooperation with the people of Syria have retaken the majority of territory that was occupied by the imported rebels.


What is the coalition conquest gang to do?

What do they do when they don't get their way?



Well, that contingency plan was put on the drawing board for action over a year ago in the event all else failed. If all else failed with the application of the money, CIA assets, and applied covert internal disruption through the importation of terrorist organized rebels to facilitate the fall failed, the "Shock and Awl" strike by US Forces would be required to take em down.


But how could the coalition conquest gang do so without getting the 100% condemnation from the international community and especially the slightly already enraged population of the US??? The tried and proven method here would be the choice. "Stage an event to justify"


1. First step: Promote a line in the sand, the use of chemical weapons and make sure all know this.


2. Use your CIA assets and imported terrorist organized rebels to facilitate the staged use of chemical weapons by the targeted fall guy, the "Syrian Government"


3. Promote to one and all: "They have crossed the line in the sand, those monsters, let Shock and Awe commence" (scheduled by the way for September 1st)


Well, for those with short term memories let me give you a refresher. When the coalition conquest gang first announced the "Line in the sand", the Syrian Government being no dummies went out of their way to monitor the imported terrorist organized rebels activities regarding the use and placement of chemical weapons intended to stage the line in the sand crossed and then blamed on the Syrian Government. Well, they caught them doing just that over a year ago and let the world community know this. The international community did cover that event but virtually not a peep in the US.


So, come today, August 26th 2012, the headline "promotions" chemical weapons used in Syria, over 1,000 dead..


Now here is a basic intelligence question for one and all: With the Syrian Government and Syrian people standing up to all that was thrown at them for the last several years of CIA assets, and applied covert internal disruption through the importation of terrorist organized rebels, having driven back the rebels, retaken most of the territory lost, and being in the mop-up phase, would they use chemical weapons against women and children in a residential setting?  If your answer is yes to that question, I know an individual who still has some shares in the Brooklyn Bridge he is willing to sell you.


We as a people, if we let the coalition conquest gang get away with this staged event without consequences, then the war that will cascade into a catastrophic event with great potential for world power direct conflict, the consequences will squarely sit on our shoulders. 


The coalition conquest gang is but a few and we are many. Choose life over death, and fight for it. The coalition conquest gang's motto is: "No consequences, no problem". Make it very clear the consequences of a staged catastrophe will and shall fall swiftly and decisively on their shoulders from the many. I Note, they have been getting away with it without consequences for much to long folks.


Let the talking heads that promote the intent of this staged event know that they are the real scum that they are for doing so.


Sent FYI for your information, application of intelligence, and decisive action.


Thanks and have a great day! (The good guys that is) the bad guys can fall off a cliff and die.



Walter Burien -

P. O. Box 2112

Saint Johns, AZ 85936


Tel. (928) 458-5854

