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July 3, 2013

In Partsone and two, a strong case was made by past revolutionaries that winning the hearts and minds of the people is a necessary precondition before executing quasi-military activities, in an asymmetrical fashion (i.e. guerrilla war).  Further, it was also revealed that although 90% of the country does not approve of the job that its government is doing, about the same percentage are unaware as to the identity of their true enemy and the totality of the globalist agenda.
In Phase one of the battle for the hearts and minds of the people, involves the awakening of the public and this task is totally left up to the alternative media and its supporters. Assuming that phase one is successful, Phase two can commence.
Veteran Brandon Raub arrested for questioning the official version of 9/11 on Facebook.
Veteran Brandon Raub arrested for questioning the official version of 9/11 on Facebook.
A Phase two rebellion will undoubtedly be led by a good portion of the 21.5 million American veterans because they have the know how on what it takes launch a guerrilla war against their oppressors. Subsequently, it should be clear to everyone why this government is targeting the veterans and declaring so many of them to mentally incompetent and using that as the justification to seize their guns and medicate them against their will such as in the case of Brandon Raub. The veterans are the vanguard of the resistance and the administration is attempting to negate much of their influence.
If the veterans were to be the leaders of the coming resistance, who would be their top supporters? It would be the groups and individuals who seek the restoration of American civil liberties. The mostly likely groups would be those people who already demonstrate a fundamental respect for the Constitution and free will in general. These groups would be Christians, Libertarians, Constitutionalists, former Ron Paul supporters, Tea Party members, and Second Amendment supporters. Interestingly, these groups have already been labeled as domestic terrorists in the MIAC Report authored by DHS.

DHS Is Ready for War, Are You?

DHS and the rest of the government understands what is coming. They have been preparing for a long time.  And just what would the DHS be preparing for?  Under the present set of circumstances, Americans, armed with 300 million guns would be a formidable opponent for the globalist occupation forces. So long as America would have the resolve to fight for 7-10 years, there would be a fair chance that the American people would prevail. If only 10% of the veterans participated in the resistance, that is an army bigger than the one the United States presently fields. Add the populations identified in the MIAC Report and this country would literally make it  impossible for DHS and FEMA to control. We would see Irish Republican Army types of IED’s on Wall Street, guerrilla forces attacking trains, oil fields, any symbol of the globalist takeover and would certainly see targeted assassinations of Wall Street bankers. Now you know why, as Jim Maars reported on The Common Sense Show, that so many of the bankers have the left the country.  To recap, Americans certainly have the means and numbers to mount a resistance capable of resisting government tyranny with a good likelihood of winning a war of attrition with the globalist occupiers. However, the globalist forces are capable of mounting very stiff opposition to any rebellion. In fact, it can be argued that at his point in time, the globalists are better prepared than the American people for an upcoming conflict.

Sizing Up the DHS Stasi Forces

DHS has ordered 2.2 billion rounds of ammunition in recent months to go with 2700 armored personnel carriers. Through federalization, DHS controls the local police forces and their allies from NATO (a Bilderberg creation) control a good portion of the military leadership in this country. In the aftermath of the Boston Marathon bombing, DHS has demonstrated that they have the means to shut down a large American city without sufficient justification or legitimate legal authority.
DHS has made it clear as to who their enemy is. They recently accepted cutouts of American citizens to be used for shooting targets in order to desensitize the killing of American citizens who might not give up their guns. These targets included a pregnant woman, an older person and even a child.
dhs targets
Recently, Obama and DHS took their treason against the American people to a whole new level and it increasingly clear that DHS is indeed preparing for the coming guerrilla war, even if the majority of Americans are not even aware that this conflict has already commenced.
Stunningly, it is now revealed that Obama has signed an agreement with Putin which allows the use of Russian soldiers on American soil to engage in public venue policing activities..
Let’s ignore for the time being, that Obama just committed an act of treason which should imprison for the rest of his life.  This act by Obama is a declaration of war by this administration upon the American people. However, it is also a sign that this administration is desperate and they know they do not have the means, at the present time, to prevent the “Red Dawn scenario” from coming to fruition. Generally, it takes 1 soldier for every 50 citizens in order to garrison a population. Even with the support of the Russians, it is not likely that they can marshal the necessary number of forces to completely control this country.
russia attacks america 3These modern day Hessian soldiers better watch out because their heads will be a high priority target for guerrilla forces. Of course, the administration will attempt to reduce the odds through incarceration and extermination. It is interesting to note that mainstream broadcaster, Michael Savage acknowledged that this administration plans to use FEMA camps to reduce the threat ratio to this regime. My, how the worm is turning, perhaps we are winning the battle for America’s hearts and minds discussed in Part one.

Phase Three of the Revolution

As Giap, Lawrence and Mao all state that when Phase two is successful, Phase three would be ready to commence. As in Romania, Cuba, China and South Vietnam, we could expect to members of the military to join the resistance when the rebels demonstrate that they have a chance to be successful. At this point, the revolution would turn conventional and territorial occupation becomes a goal. Stage three is the culminating stage of a successful revolution.

The Evil Empire Strikes Back

If America can overcome it soft ways and entitlement attitudes, this country has the resources, leadership and experience needed to carry out a successful guerrilla campaign against the globalist occupiers. However, America’s window of opportunity needed to reclaim their country, is limited because of the emergence of exotic new military technology designed to completely thwart all insurgent actions.

Advanced Anti-Guerrilla Warfare Tactics of the Globalists

The rules of Guerrilla warfare are about to change. Although many of the weapons described below are not yet deployed, it is merely a matter of time. Afghanistan is proving to be the beta testing ground for many of these weapons as is Iraq.  The following technological breakthroughs in military technology have very little value on the battlefield in a conventional war. These weapons systems are anti-guerrilla orientated and they are designed for Americans who will soon try to put a stop to the unfolding tyranny of the bankers who have hijacked our government. We are entering into a new type of guerrilla warfare with extreme counter-measures designed and created by DARPAwhich is the top secret research arm for the Department of Defense.
DARPA’s sole purpose is built around the goal of developing more efficient and greater means of killing. For those of you who have not figured out that we are about to enter American hunting season and you are the game, you should know that if these weapons systems are every deployed in sufficient numbers, the game is over.

 Every Move You Make, We’ll Be Stalking You

LACOSTE the "All seeing eye"
LACOSTE the “All seeing eye”
In a nowhere to run and nowhere to hide scenario, DARPA, has developed technology which allows the military to spy on entire cities with its Large Area Coverage Optical Search-while-Track and Engage (LACOSTE). LACOSTE is a program of imaging technology that will allow for “single sensor , day or night, ongoing tactical surveillance of all moving vehicles in an urban area. LACOSTE will eventually be able to identify individual humans in the same manner with the next generation of facial recognition software. This surveillance system is being integrated into department store video surveillance, the street light turned spy Intellistreetsas well as all traffic cameras. If the globalists want to find you, you better have a “cloaking” device to hide behind. More importantly, most guerrilla activities are designed to occur under the cover of darkness. The cover of darkness is no longer an ally for future American rebels.

Meet the New Boss

Meet the new Boss, The Battlefield Surveillance System
Meet the new Boss, The Battlefield Surveillance System
Many gun owners mistakenly believe that they are going to be able to carry out acts of guerrilla warfare and/or terrorism against an illegitimate government as they begin to lock-down the country under a martial law takeover. Thwarting most ideas of a successful revolutionary effort can be found in the Battlefield Optical Surveillance System (BOSS),which is a device that can be mounted on a truck that scans and deciphers the landscape with lasers and sensors. When it sees the almost imperceptible glint of a rifle scope, or more amazingly it also recognizes you through your retinas as the detection device “paints” you with a laser beam, just prior to your demise.


And even in the unlikely event that you can slip into firing range of your intended target, the Boomerangcountermeasure system uses an array of microphones which will be able to instantly decipher the speed and direction of your shot, based on the muzzle report and the shock wave of the bullet as it zips past. Immediately, Boomerang knows where the shot came from, and even what kind of weapon was utilized. This system will reduce all future sniper missions to a Kamikaze endeavor. Therefore, it is a safe bet that prior to moving globalist controlled forces into an area to conduct a roundup, BOSS and Boomerang will be employed to detect and possible resistance and eliminate the resistance by calling in a drone strike.

Nowhere to Run, Nowhere to Hide

X-25 "Smart" grenade launcher
X-25 “Smart” grenade launcher
If a drone is unavailable the XM-25is a “smart” grenade launcher. The weapon is portable and can be carried to the battlefield by a soldier, or even better, a DARPA killer robot who has orders to search and destroy a specific target which will be identified by facial recognition. Once you are located, the X-25 possess a laser range-finder built in to the weapon that can detect the distance to the wall or trench that you’re hiding behind and then blow you and your cover to oblivion.

The “Can’t Miss” Weapon

EXACTO gives new meaning to the phrase "one shot, one kill."
EXACTO gives new meaning to the phrase “one shot, one kill.”
On your last trip to your local gun range, how close to 100% was your accuracy? You might want to consider that the other side has a sniper countermeasure called EXACTO, or the Extreme Accuracy Tasked Ordnance. EXACTO is the first ever guided small caliber (“smart”) bullet. If you’ve ever watched a heat-seeking missile follow a fighter jet on the big screen, then you would comprehend the idea of DARPA’s intention for creating a maneuverable and flexible bullet, which is controlled by a guidance system, that moves with the target and adjusts in mid-flight and to eventually shatters a human skull.

Raise the Shields Scotty, Micro Air Vehicles and Killer Robots

Maybe someone in your neighborhood struck a deal with al Qaeda and obtained a couple of RPG’s that the late Ambassador from Libya sold to the terrorists before he was murdered by the administration to make the trail go cold. You might feel that you had a chance against the armored personnel carriers which will be used by DHS. Or, maybe you could shoot down a Predator B drone prior to it launching 100,000 micro drones designed to attack troops at your position. Unfortunately for your forces, the other side possesses the Gizmodo Iron Curtain (GIC) countermeasure can protect a moving vehicle from an incoming RPG, by detecting the projectile and then detonating it. The next generation of GIC’s will be able to do the same with bullets.  
It does not take a rocket scientist to project the next development using this technology. which would be employed to protect drones and other planes. When the globalist forces advance upon rebel positions, they will be nearly impervious to harm and free to carry out their mission. Do you remember the 2700 armored personnel carriers obtained by DHS? In the not too distant future, we will witness the fact that these vehicles will be virtually indestructible.
The following weapons systems constitute a game changing event. There is no way that a civilian insurgent force has the capacity to counter this technology. We know about the drones and they are deadly enough, but the MAV’s and the Killer Robot Super Soldiers are virtually invulnerable. If the coming guerrilla war is to have a chance for success, the masses have to aroused into action very soon for we are only a few years away of seeing the deployment of this technology. 


America does have the capacity to resist tyranny with some degree of success as our people have more resources than any other guerrilla force in world history. America has successful military experience in its ranks in sufficient numbers to make a lot of difference. However, the key to saving America is twofold: (1) America would have to abandon its “soft” mentality; and, (2) the 10% that are awake would have arouse the majority in the time we have left. The guerrilla suppressing technology is so thorough and so completely devastating, that if the globalists are allowed to being this technology to fruition in sufficient numbers, the game is over and the fate of humanity is sealed. For America falls to the globalists, then humanity will follow. Do I think that these two challenges can mitigated? Yes, I do. Do I think we in the alternative media will arouse a sufficient number of people to make a difference? The odds are far less than 50%.  If you share the same world-view as I do that the alternative media may not be successful in arousing America before it is too late, then you need to ask yourself what are you doing to prepare to survive in the NWO?

19 thoughts on “The Window to Resist Global Tyranny Is Closing”

  1. I was hoping to see somethign here about this independance day celebration, do you not think that there is going to be a false flag? With the nuclear bible’s predictions, the fake assassination of obama, or the fake assassination of obama’s rabid Zionist wannabe who he has working for him….alex jones, and then consider that is and has been down for a few days, without notice or any word of why on his other FAKE zionist web site info wars. It is very strange that he did not let his “followers” know, and the fact that he has another web site he can easily explain wy prisonplanet is down. This guy is a mule for the zionist fake jews of satan, and this is very suspicious??? There is also information out there about a bio-chemical false flag in the subways and targeted attacks on monumental buildings and locations, do you think they are just fear mongerers and want to ruin our weekend celebrations, since they are obviously against America’s independance? A clue might be the fact that after the Boston Bombing, it was noted that it was supposed to be a false flag for July 4/13.
  2. Freedom in this country is slowly eroding away and it has been done by incrementalism.


    Like the frog in a pot of gradually heating water that will soon come to a boil, it will then become too late for the frog and for us as well. But now it has been speeded up, and out ‘melting pot’ is becoming a ‘pressure cooker’ and our goose will soon be cooked if the American people don’t wake up— and soon!

    The silent invasion of the U.S. is already underway and has been going on for some time.

    Are we being acclimated to the presence of foreign troops in this country? And why? Is it

    because in the event of an insurrection in this country DHS/Northern Command will use

    foreign/U.N. troops to put it down if our military/police state forces will refuse to

    shoot American citizens? It appears we may already be under control of the criminal,

    foreign central bankers, the globalists and NATO headquarters in Brussels!

    See this report—

    Also see these reports—

    “A dire new agreement between FEMA and Russia-” (July 2, 2013)

    (….”Collectively, Congress has allowed treason to occur. …”)



    InvestmentWatch report—

    “ALERT! China Empowered by Executive Order to Foreclose on our Property!”

    (July 3, 2013)

    (“An Executive Order was signed by Bush, empowering the Military to enforce

    FORECLOSURES on private property within the United States.”……)


  3. Unfortunately, as this article illustrates in part, Americans are largely ignorant of their looming predicament. They are too divided and distracted to unify against their common enemy, the internationalists, who appear to have won the day.
  4. is up and running.
  5. I don’t know what to think anymore about the coming SHTF. Most Americans, If I can call them that, are so dumbed down, disinformed and ignorant I seriously doubt we will be able to get through to them. Besides, most of them are sheep, brain damaged by fluoride, high fructose corn syrup laden soft drinks and other junk foods and junk television to the point where all independent thought is totally eradicated from their minds. They do not have a single clue about what’s coming at them. They have been pacified to accept what ever they are told by the MSM and the government, they have no free will. They are zombies.


    Whatever happens in the remaining years we have left to decide on the course of action, we need to make it soon or the gig is over. The will be no one to save us. There is no one else but us to save our nation from the globalist NWO.

    I will not be celebrating this fourth of July. It has become, just like the charade of the electoral process, a cruel joke. So just go ahead America, eat your BBQ chicken and potato salad and enjoy the fireworks. It will be the last Fourth of July you will ever celebrate.

    America is finished.

  6. You forgot to mention the original members of the Occupy Movement…..minus the later infiltrators and camp followers. Also Oathkeepers and capable techies who know how to deal with new guv weapons.
    And really miffed parents and grandparents, who won’t stand by and see their offspring dumbed- down, sold out or blown away by, (as both Eisenhower and JFK said “the military-industrial complex”.
    There are many approaches to Freedom, m’friends…Left, Right, Center and Independent. So let’s try to live with our differences ’cause it’s all hands on deck time.
    And would that we had such brave, resolved people as those in Takhir and Tiksam Squares.
    And for this 4th…help to Restore the 4th Nationwide demonstrations.
  7. Robert Bitting
    America is being judged by God because it has rejected God ( read Deuteronomy CH. 28 & Romans CH. 1 ). If you were only fighting against the forces of tiranny as was the case during the American revolution, this war could be won. America has spit in God’s face by rejecting his ways. Good luck fighting against the Almighty, let me know how that works out for you. Try reading the book of Jeremiah sometime. Only way to win this one is through repentance.
  8. Rumplestilskin
    This statement; “Generally, it takes 1 soldier for every 50 citizens in order to garrison a population.” may be correct if that population is unarmed. What about a population that is armed to the teeth?
  9. interesting article… OK ALARMING article. Let me propose another solution, one that unfolded during the American revolution, and that is Divine intervention. During the French & Indian War at the Battle of the Monongahela, it is reported that in the line of duty George Washington exposed himself repeatedly to enemy riflemen without any harm. Upon return from the battle, there were found 4 bullet holes in his jacket yet he was unscathed. There are many other such accounts of Providential care during the American Revolution leading to our ultimate victory. I would argue that the answer is II Chr 7:14. Supposedly George Washington had a vision while at Valley Forge in which he saw three great conflagrations — the American Revolution, the Civil War, and a foreign invasion. The 1st two events have occurred and it appears we are on the verge of the 3rd. As in the 1st, the 3rd is won against all odds by Divine intervention. The battle cry of the American Revolution was no king, but King Jesus. That will have to be our battle cry once again when we win the next great war on American soil.
  10. Stop complaining.This Babylonian system perfectly reflects the values of most Americans. Without Satan ruling this planet there would be complete disorder and chaos.The occult secret societies rule over us because that is the will of the people who have rejected and disobeyed the Creator at every opportunity. The politicians were elected and re-elected by we the people. Alex Jones, Jesse Ventura, and all the other media ass clowns are propaganda agents. Your religious leaders are greedy Freemasons and charlatans. The US justice system is a criminal racket. We have the government that we deserve and demand. There is no resistance movement, never has been, and never will be.
    Similar to the general population, only a very small percentage of US military veterans would join any resistance movement. Most of the veterans I’ve met are brain washed idiots who are evil to the core. People from Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam and all the other places that have been liberated by these murderous thugs agree with me.
  11. The American people, as a whole, are not concerned about tyranny. Matter of fact, many welcome it. They see no down side. They believe the tyrant will be kind to them while being harsh to the part of society they loathe. Tyranny is a security blanket for them. Patriots, Christians, those who recognize the establishment parties for what they are…these people are viewed as the enemy by many citizens as they are by the state.
    Resistance? Many have no desire to resist. They have been rendered stupid by the government education system, organically damaged by the additives in the food and water and are subdued by the mind altering medications that have been prescribed to them since they were children.
    The embracement of Western Tyranny is almost complete.
  12. Paul Prichard (Paper Bear)
    The Russians kicked out their private central bank so they are not going to be tools of the criminal elite.
  13. While these weapons are nice, the DHS thugs want you to cower in fear. The reality is that America is a very large land mass and the DHS goons still have limited resources such that they can not protect every potential target or be everywhere at the same time. Ultimately, these are the tools of bullies and cowards that will not protect them from their many points of vulnerability – particularly their supply lines and power transmission / distribution infrastructure. However, you can expect these tools to be used to protect some of their strongholds like Washington DC.
    Another comment is that we had and tested and refined many of these toys in Iraq and Afghanistan. None really changed the equation there and none prevented our eventual strategic losses there.
  14. OBAMA plans to nuke 30 cities in america,and most if not all of them voted for him,THE snake eats its tail,poison gas,that smells like almon,red or pink colored gas,VIRUS no one ever heard of for the take over,that causes sores that oze puss,and spreads the virus,SPRAYED BY THE US AIR FORCE,on everyone including their own family,THE entire government will cause the death of their own family to keep from being tried for treason,and HANGED,this will be the most HORRIFIC war in history,the government has nothing to lose,BE READY for attacks without warning,their coming and anyone who don’t think so at this point in time,likely will be going to FEMA DEATH CAMPS to be killed,and it will be your own children who THROW THE LEVER,on the guilliotine that chops off your head…….you let the schools train your children to kill,worship the devil,and murder other children……now its payday for you……………
  15. Well i’m starting the revolution today!!!! Lets go!
  16. This article smells like another one of those “smart weapons and technology will crush the resistance” articles. It also reminds me of the rapist who lived in a bunker and traveled freely at night with a portable blind made out of a $2 sheet of mylar. The authorities never detected him or his bunker. For every measure there is a countermeasure. For every hard target, there are dozens of soft ones.
  17. EXACTO is the first ever guided small caliber (“smart”) bullet. If you’ve ever watched a heat-seeking missile follow a fighter jet on the big screen, then you would comprehend the idea of DARPA’s intention for creating a maneuverable and flexible bullet
    Changing the geometry of a bullet size projectile will never apply enough delta-V to alter its trajectory significantly. Let them waste money on what physics prove is a pipe dream. Same with ‘Iron Curtain’ -it may have the ability to prematurely detonate specific weapon systems, but couldn’t significantly affect a 150 grain projectile moving at 2300 fps, and would be completely ineffective against a simple landmine.


    Oddly enough, the drawback to all technology is that the more you complicate the plumbing, the easier it is to stop up the drain. Sound location systems can be spoofed into attacking unoccupied ground with fireworks, FLIR etc. can be fooled in any number of ways, most as simple as a sheet of visqueen plastic. ‘Dazzle’ style camouflage has been shown to defeat facial recognition. Action-reaction.

    If you load a mudfoot down with a lot of gadgets that he has to watch, somebody a lot more simply equipped — say with a stone ax — will sneak up on him and bash his head in while he is trying to read a vernier. Robt. A. Heinlein, Starship Troopers 1959
  18. “Washington’s Vision” was penned by Charles W. Alexander in 1861. He wrote several tales using historical American figures which were published and sold during the Civil War. In the story of Washington and the angel of prophesy a 99-year old aid who claimed to have been present relates the narrative. The passage of 150 years has obscured the source of this colorful account which was written for political purposes to promote the Union cause. Source = SNOPES
    Re: Fighting tyrannical govt.Yes they have awesome toys…devices that can shut down all communication including cell phone and short wave over a 200 mile area. Then there are microwave and sound crowd control tools. The Resistance would need insiders to get target info. They’d have to use stealth/cloaking to take down strategic enemy assets…maybe even steal some for their own use. Computer hackers like Anons could give support. But it would be a long intense battle…some divine intervention would be a big plus!
  19. Many that are awake are quietly preparing for the shtf and are trying to stay under the radar.


    They are just waiting for it to kick off.

    The rest of them believe there is no hope.

    I have yet to meet one person that is happy with this current situation. The people I have spoke with are afraid. They don’t know what to do. They have no money to prepare or buy a ticket out. They are sitting ducks and they know it.

    There are also Christians that say its Armageddon and Gods will, they are praying mightily for their Lord to intervene as he promised to do.

    Holding hope for America and her people is getting harder by the day. The people are slowly being squeezed out of options and resources and they are unable to do anything to better their circumstances because they barely feed their families as it is. The jobs shortages in many areas are the root cause.

    Keep spreading the word. It is reaching those that are still asleep, but remember, it is also reaching those that support the dismantling of this country, as demonstrated by the satanist’s comment above.

    Disinformation and propaganda being spread across the country in our cities is another obstacle. There are a lot of right wing /communist groups out there trying to gather support in America. They are funded by the Russians and powerful enough to get a President elected. Watch this video for more information on that

    Happy 4th. I Hope it’s not our last.