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Jeremy Scahill's 'Dirty Wars: The World is a Battlefield'

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July 3, 2013

Jeremy Scahill, National Security

Correspondent for The Nation, is

the author of the best-selling new

book "Dirty Wars: The World is a

Battlefield" and the writer, producer

and subject of an award-winning

documentary of the same name,

which goes into wide theatrical

release this week.

Scahill sat with Reason's Matt

Welch for an extended conversation

about the book and movie, which

thoroughly investigate the way

America conducts its covert wars in

the post-9/11 world, and how Barack

Obama's embrace of drone strikes,

rendition and targeted assassination

have cemented the policies of the

Bush Administration which declared

the entire world "a battlefield."

Scahill give due credit to Sen. Rand

Paul (R-Ky) for his epic filibuster where

he read into the Congressional record

"for the first time ever...the names of

U.S. citizens killed in operations

authorized by President Obama."


Video (about 41 mins):

- Alexandra

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