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June 16, 2013 11:19 pm theunhivedmind 6 Comments

16 June 2013 Last updated at 16:06 Share this pageEmailPrint

Putin arrives for Syria talks at Downing Street

Russian President Vladimir Putin has arrived at Downing Street for talks with David Cameron ahead of the G8 summit in Northern Ireland.

The PM says they will be discussing the need to get movement on an international deal for peace in Syria.

Earlier he said no decision had been made in the UK to follow the US in arming Syrian rebels.

Some Tory MPs have expressed hostility to the idea and the Lib Dems have expressed reservations.

Mr Cameron told Sky News that everyone wanted to see movement on a peace conference on Syria, leading to a transitional government, but the disagreement was about “how we get there”.

Along with the US, Moscow has been leading efforts to organise the meeting in Geneva next month but the Syrian opposition has not said whether it will attend.

‘Clear message’

On Friday, the US announced it would supply some rebels with direct military aid after seeing evidence of chemical weapons use by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s regime.

Moscow strongly opposes Western moves to arm moderate rebel groups and has said it will supply President Assad with advanced anti-aircraft missiles.

Mr Cameron said no decision had been taken on whether the UK would follow the US’s lead, promising any such move would be the subject of a vote in Parliament.

It is “right to send a very clear message to Assad that he shouldn’t think he can just win this conflict in a military way”, he told the Murnaghan programme.

Mr Cameron said there were “unscrupulous” and “very dangerous” elements within the Syrian opposition, who he would like to see “driven out of Syria”, but there were also moderate elements who supported a “free” and “pluralistic” system.

“If we don’t work with those elements of the Syrian opposition, then we can’t be surprised if the only elements of the Syrian opposition that are… actually making any progress in Syria, are the ones that we don’t approve of,” he said.

“After all, they are trying to defend their communities against appalling attacks, including, let’s be clear, chemical weapon attacks.”

He said where the UK could give the greatest assistance to the “official proper Syrian opposition” was in advice, training and technical support, such as providing vehicles.

‘Not proven yet’

Earlier his Lib Dem deputy, Nick Clegg, told the BBC’s Andrew Marr programme: “We clearly don’t think it is the right thing to do now otherwise we would have decided to do it.”

And Lib Dem Chief Secretary to the Treasury Danny Alexander said the case was “not proven yet” that arming the rebels would make a difference.

Mr Cameron has also been under pressure from his own backbenchers to hold a vote in Parliament on the issue.

“It would be possible but very unwise for the prime minister to go ahead and do this behind Parliament’s back, ,” Julian Lewis, Conservative MP for New Forest East, told BBC Radio 4′s the World This Weekend.

On the same programme, Conservative Business Minister Michael Fallon said the Commons “should certainly have a say if there’s to be any new British action”.

Earlier, Mr Cameron said: “I never want to stand in the way of Parliament having a say one way or another… [but] we are not there yet, we have not made that decision.”

Russia has made it clear it is sceptical about US, British and French claims that the Syrian military has used chemical weapons against the rebels.

Moscow could now go ahead with plans to provide sophisticated new air defences to the Syrian regime.

Britain’s former ambassador to Russia, Sir Andrew Wood, told BBC Radio 5 live he did not expect Mr Cameron to achieve a great deal during the meeting but it was still “important for President Putin to hear things he doesn’t want to hear”.

Two years of civil war in Syria has left an estimated 93,000 people dead.

The G8 summit – a meeting of eight global leaders to address international issues – takes place in Lough Erne, County Fermanagh on Monday and Tuesday.

Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, the US and the UK will be represented.

Mr Cameron will also meet President Obama ahead of the summit.

theunhivedmind on June 16, 2013 at 11:28 pm said:

Putin has balls of steel for entering into the lions den which wants to see him dead as-soon-as-possible. Lets not forget that the British Secret Intelligence Service has attempted to assassinate Putin twice. The first attempt was planned at the secret MI6 HQ in Washington D.C. located at the Hay Adams Hotel.

Putin was visibly showing that he knew the whole charade today was a farce and that he is fully aware of the facts and the true enemy which is the Jesuits and the British Empire. Putin should aim his nuclear weapons at Tel-Aviv, Washington D.C., Denver, City of London and Vatican City in order to free humanity once and for all.

Notice how the U.S. suddenly ramps up the war drums against Iran just hours after David Cameron’s visit? This is just the same scenario that happened with George H.W Bush when he started the war drums with Iraq. Margaret Thatcher gave him his orders because he was dragging his feet. She did this at the Aspen Institute in Aspen, Colorado. Straight after Bush followed these orders like a good puppet or else The City of London would have assassinated him . I believe this may be what Obama has been threatened with finally for dragging his feet whilst the demented attack dog of the Vietnamese pit, John McCain has been foaming at the mouth.

This war is mastered by The Worshipful Company of Fuellers! A big reason for the war is the gas pipeline to the European Union which will go through Syria. They do not want the Shia controlling areas where energy supplies are coming from. The Pope wants his Sunni subordinates to destroy the Shia so their Caliph is removed or finally subordinated to the Temporal Power of the Pope of Rome.

-= The Unhived Mind

FreemanInChrist on June 17, 2013 at 1:16 am said:

It’s absolutely disgusting that we have been told Al-Qaeda are the enemy and then here the U.S., E.U. and Israel are teamed up with Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar funding Sunni Muslim Al-Qaeda terrorists against sovereign Syria’s Shia Muslims and Christian population and effectively engaged in a proxy war with Russia, China and Iran.

FreemanInChrist on June 17, 2013 at 5:57 am said:

The world powers are really the U.S., U.K., E.U., Vatican, Israel and Saudi Arabia vs Russia, China and Iran.

theunhivedmind on June 17, 2013 at 4:18 pm said:

City of London/Rupert land in Canada, Vatican City, Washington D.C., Moscow and Tel Aviv it is as simply as that. All Putin needs to do is target all of these except Moscow but he must add Denver to the equation since this will be taking over from Washington D.C. soon enough.

-= The Unhived Mind

theunhivedmind on June 17, 2013 at 4:19 pm said:

Shows the poor level of intelligence in the general public as well as the skills of manipulation by the City of London against those fools.

-= The Unhived Mind