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Russia & Hezbollah Shift Balance in Syria

Dean Henderson

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June 5, 2013

Today Hezbollah killed at least 20 members of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) in the Lebanese city of Baalbeck. John McCain’s al Qaeda pals had earlier launched rocket attacks on the Lebanese town of Hermel in the Bekaa Valley. [1]

According to the Lebanese National News Agency, simultaneous to the rocket attacks, Israeli warplanes flew several low-altitude flights over the Bekaa Valley. Both the Lebanese government and the UN Interim Force in Lebanon condemned the flights as a violation of UN Resolution 1701.

Russia & Hezbollah Shift Balance in Syria

Incursions into Lebanon by these terrorist darlings of the Western media have been on the rise ever since Hezbollah joined forces with the Syrian government to overrun FSA positions throughout the beleaguered nation. The latest FSA rout occurred in the strategic town of Qusair. [2]

After all of the documented atrocities committed by the FSA, which include the use of sarin gas and cannibalism [3], one might think that one or two Western journalists would question whether of not we should be backing these thugs. Yet across the increasingly narrow political spectrum – from Amy Goodman to Fox News – the only question being asked is “how” we can help them.

American ignorance aside, the Russians have graciously decided to save us from ourselves. Last week, for the first time in two decades Russia sent a squadron of warships into the Eastern Mediteranean. [4]

A few days earlier President Vladimir Putin had warned Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu against any further strikes against Syria during a meeting at Putin’s Black Sea residence in Sochi. Netanyahu had gone there in a last-ditch attempt to head off Russian shipment of advanced S-300 anti-aircraft missile systems to the Assad government.

According to the Syrian government, it didn’t work. [5]

So while the illiterate US media fixates on a meaningless Obama memo regarding the attack on our ambassador in Benghazi, no one is asking the more important question as to why anyone in their right mind would support al Qaeda terrorists who just killed our ambassador in Libya in a new war against a sovereign Syria.

Fortunately for us, Hezbollah and the Russians may have just rendered the question moot.




