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Rapid descent into sectarian violence': Video shows Syrian rebel biting into soldier's heart

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May 14, 2013


Ron: This is not an example of "sectarian violence". That term implies that there is a conflict between religious adherents in Syria. THIS video examples sheer barbarism NOT religious belief. And it evidences the nature of the death squads organized and employed by USrael and their allies in fomenting the Syrian crisis. IMHO it is time that Syria and its allies, notably Iran and Russia, struck back at Syria's true attackers, starting with Israel. The longer Syria and its allies FAIL to respond adequately to Israel's aggression the worse the situation will  get. USrael and their allies need to learn that there are consequences for them in attacking, bombing and despoiling Syria. It is absurd for USrael to keep threatening that all options are on the table and that there is a "red line" which the sovereign nation of Syria must not cross when defending itself against war mongering intruders WITHIN ITS BORDERS, while USrael BOMBS Damascus time and time again. IF Iran and Russia lack the capacity or courage to defend Syria they should admit that fact NOW so that the Syrian people can truly know the score. BUT, if Iran and/or Russia are capable of terminating this USraeli aggression they should do it NOW! Every thoughtful parent knows that if they condone aggression and keep setting limits which are not enforced they end up spoiling their children. And so it is with nations. IF USrael can be stopped, action to do that MUST be taken. The longer this attack on Syria and its people continues the worse the situation becomes. God (and fortune) favors the brave!

'Rapid descent into sectarian violence': Video shows Syrian rebel biting into soldier's heart

  May 15, 2013

Pose to camera with extracted heart and liver, a chorus of unseen rebels chanting jaded ‘Allahu akbar’ praise.