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60 years in the making: THE KOREAN WAR PART TWO - the big finish

Dick Eastman

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March 10, 2013

The Korean War never ended.  China has never forgotten that it is still at war with us.  They did, however, make us forget.  China was handed over to Mao and Zhou Enlai by a communist conspiracy in the Roosevelt and Truman administrations.  The Korean war began when the US was at maximum strength as world super power.  CFR and Communist conspiracy traitor, Secretary of State Dean Acheson  gave the signal that South Korea was outside the defense perimeter of the US.  Within two weeks demands were made by North Korea for elections for all of Korea to choose which government, north or south, the all Koreans wanted.  South Korea rejected the proposal.  North Korea, with Acheson's tacit permission, then sent its armies across the 35th Parallel to impose communist rule on South Korea.









The North Korean Army pushed the defending Republic of Korea forces to the very southern tip of the Korean peninsula.  The US and other "free world nations," as we used to call them, called on the United Nations to intervene and save South Korea from absorption into the pathological Stalinist totalitarin dictatorship.  At that time the Security Council of the UN was filled with all "free world nations" except for Stalin's USSR.  By suspicious coincidence Stalin instructed the Soviet ambassador, Andrie Gromyko, to boycott the Security Council  -- so that a "police action" to stop the North Korean aggession could be approved.  American General Douglas MacArthur was chosen to lead the UN forces in this police action, better known as "the Korean War."  It was a great extension of the economic domination of the deficit-financed military industrial complex that had built up during WWII.  This is the one reason the communist (communist agent George C. Marshall and CFR banking interests representative Acheson) permitted the US to enter the war. 
To make a long story short, after MacArthur counter-attacked with an amphibious landing of UN forces at Inchon near Seoul he cut the supply lines and pushed the North Koreans all the way north headed for the Yalu river which is the boarder between North Korea and Red China.  At this point  North Korea, vanquished by the UN forces, did not sue for peace, instead withdrawing to the Yalu River and to China where MacArthur's forces were stretching their supply lines.  At this point Chow En-lai, as we knew him then  (Zhou Enlai) ordered the People's Liberation into Action.  MacArthur called this "a whole new war," but in fact it was a trap of a bigger war than MacArthur, brilliant as he was, understood.  The Chinese pushed the UN forces south.  MacArthur asked for permission to bomb Chinese supply lines in China.  The Truman administration  -- communist Defense Secretary Marshall and Acheson and all of the advisors put there by Bernard Baruch's omnipresent but low-profile influence placed in the Administration.  MacArthur could not send planes over the Yalu.  Time and again his strategies were denied by the White House (Marshall and Acheson).  The war became a stalemate where Mig jets fought F-86's over hills where South Koreans and Americans and the soldiers sent by other nations of the UN police action  -- battling wave after wave of Chinese soldiers.  The war dragged.  And when MacArthur had enough and made moves withut consulting the White House he was promptly relieved.  The war continued.  The election came up and Truman was replaced by CFR member and groomed Baruch tool, Dwight David Eisenhower -- whom the Eastern Establishment ran to pre-empt a strong movement by the "Taft" small-town and mid-west and "old-right" Republicans to draft MacArthur.  MacArthur, did not get the draft he wanted (in spite of his "old soldiers fade away" speech)  and Eisenhower took over as Commander in Chief. 
The Korean war was suspended by an armistice signed at Panmunjom merely by military leaders Lieutenant General William Harrison for the UN forces and Nam Il but not by any Chinese.
In 1955 at the Bandung Conference, Gamal Abdel Nassar president of the United Arab Republic asked Zhou Enlai how China could hope to defeat the United States, to which he replied, that although the communist international could not defeat the American forces today, but the could effectively "defeat their grandchildren today."
And so they almost have.
The Red Chinese leaders  -- triad families who control the communist party and military apparatus just as the American families and corporations allied with the City (e.g., Rockefeller interests and Goldman-Sachs et al.  allied with Rothschild et al.  )  and their international banking sponsors involve us in wars for the weakening and plundering of the US and the enriching of war financing and corporate war production of destruction.
The US has been subverted by communists  -- weakened in every way  -- the communist subversion Joe McCarthy tried to save us from but could not overcome the power of the banker dominated American ruling elite "Establishment" - the same that killed Kennedy and brought down Richard Nixon.
The Chinese have followed the teachings of their greatest disciple of Sun Tze -- Zhou Enlai himself -- the art of destroying a nation from within, buy corrupting with money and seductive deals  the "princes" of the enemy kingdom -- to bring corruption and moral decay so that he falls from within  -- drugs, divorce, homosexuality, drugs, profligate government spending (most glaringly the Great Society spending of Lyndon Johnson, and also getting the the enemy involved in fighting other countries -- America taking on all of Islam which was effected by the Chinese-Israeli operation the false-flag attack of September 11. 2001  -- a vital piece of the strategy of Zhou Enlai  carried on today by PLA General Staff war planner Fang Fenghui.  Assymetrucal warfare.  We have been cut down by sabotage to our industry  -- dismantled by Rockefeller and Kissinger -- and our military (crushed now by economic cutbacks, but mostly by huge wars in Iraq and Afghanistan  -- were the entire defense of the US has now been moved  -- where theft of weapons systems to China has been going on from the very beginning  -- and now all of our military equipment is being turned over to China  -- it will not be destroyed  -- there will be payoffs for turning it over  -- as the Obama administration under the sequester (itself part of the Sun Tse sabotage) leaves all of America's land forces equipment in Afghanistan because they cannot afford to bring it home.  
The Chinese military is chomping at the bit  -- to board jetliners to land in the West, to come up from the boarders, to coordinate with armies of latino communists, mercenaries and simply organized crime  -- while planned famine and the conditioning of Americans by the media and educatin system to fall into racial conflict when the bankers and infiltrated goverment shut off the food supply and power.
I suppose I am calling for you to join me in the last counter offensive of World War III  -- of Korean War Part Two.
You can't accept this?
Does it make sense that little North Korea could be the renegade nation it is without China backing it?  That China does nothing to reign it in.  Or that China has accepted American forces taking down a nation with which it shares a boarder (Afghanistan)?  To me it is obvious for a thousand reasons -- but not to those denied the facts and the education and interest to analyzie them.
As bad as things are  -- if the people realize that they are all facing the same peril  -- that communism in the US is no more desirable than communism in North Korea or China itself  --for the survivors  - and the Banker-Communist "oligarchic collectivism"  do not intend that people like us be survivors.
If the world unites in a common understanding of the crime committed  -- of the great atrocity the bankers and their communist minions have brought to the world and the death and slavery they intend for the common man and his family everywhere  -- we have a chance.
The enemy can win against anything but unified world opinion.
Our chances are small  -- and nil if you continue with your head in the sand.
Dick Eastman
Yakima, Washington
Every man is responsible to every other man
Populist Nationalist Social Credit Brotherhood of American Citizen Peacemakers of All Races and Creeds  -- This is our Common Ground!!!