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December 18, 2012 7:10 pm TheUnhivedMind 2 Comments

David Cameron: Syria empowering new al-Qaeda generation

David Cameron: “Syria is attracting a new cohort of al-Qaeda linked extremists”

17 December 2012 Last updated at 17:03

David Cameron has warned there was a “strategic” as well as “moral imperative” to act as the death toll in Syria mounts.

The prime minister told MPs: “Syria is attracting and empowering a new cohort of al-Qaeda-linked extremists”.

He also saw a growing risk of “drawing regional powers into direct conflict”.

The PM said European leaders had agreed, at their recent summit, on the need to review the arms embargo to help opponents to President Bashar al-Assad.

Mr Cameron said: “A humanitarian crisis is unfolding in Syria on our watch, with over 40,000 dead and millions in need of urgent assistance as a hard winter approaches.

“We continue to encourage political transition from the top and to support the opposition which is attempting to force a transition from below.

“This should include and will include looking at the arms embargo. We must now explore all options to support the opposition to enable greater support for the protection of civilians.”

He said there a “strategic imperative to act” because “Syria is attracting and empowering a new cohort of al-Qaeda-linked extremists”.

Vice-president’s doubts

He added: “There is a growing risk on instability spreading to Syria’s neighbours, and a risk of drawing regional powers into direct conflict.”

“We cannot go on as we are. Assad’s regime is illegitimate, the council committed to work for a future for Syria that is democratic and inclusive with full support for human rights and minorities.”

Following further questions about Syria from Labour leader Ed Miliband, Mr Cameron added: “It is right to look at amending the arms embargo; of course, we will be keeping the arms embargo on the regime.

“There are arguments on both sides of the debate but it is a debate that should be had, that European foreign ministers will be having.

“My concern is that if we, with others, aren’t helping to shape and work with the opposition, it’s much more difficult to get the transition we all want to see to a peaceful, democratic Syria that respects the rights of minorities.”

Mr Cameron’s statement to MPs on last week’s gathering of European leaders came on the day Syrian Vice-President Farouq al-Sharaa said neither the government’s forces nor the rebels can win the 21-month-old conflict.

Tens of thousands of Syrians have lost their lives in the escalating conflict between forces loyal to President Assad and those opposed to his rule.

  1. TheUnhivedMind on December 18, 2012 at 7:18 pm said:

Can you believe the audacity of this Bullingdon Club hooligan nincompoop David Cameron tied to Marxist dictatorship Common Purpose? The U.K. and U.S. with NATO have been funding, training and using Al-Qaeda in Syria since day one to attack the sovereign nation to aid the Bernard Lewis plan for the New Middle East. The same governments used Al-Qaeda against Libya in order to remove Gaddafi and take over the water, oil, desert (solar power) and of course save The Worshipful Company of Mercers banking system in the Middle East from Gaddafi’s gold Dinar system planned. What a bunch of hypocritical rats who are so desperate now for military intervention in Syria its incredible.

Al-Assad and Vladimir Putin have put the breaks on the plans of The Worshipful Company of Horners and their military-industrial complex takeover of many regions in the Middle East as exposed by former-General Wesley Clark. King Juan Carlos of Spain (Protector of the Holy Sites of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem) must be spitting feathers right now and making serious demands of his puppets or else. Al-Qaeda was created by the Carl M. Marcy family in Chicago via his Georgetown ‘military fortress’ University trained daughter-in-law through her Senior Executive Service via the U.S. Small Business Administrations 8(a) program. Talking about Al-Qaeda this way will give them the Nazi excuse to invade under the tyrannical war on terror excuse.

-= The Unhived Mind