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Middle East Escalation To WW3 Feedback – Late Last Night / Cold War Warrior & F-16 Fighter Pilot & Active Law Enforecment Officer

Steve Quayle

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Oct. 11, 2012

Last night I had 3 different men give me their feed back on Escalating Tensions in the Middle East and in CONUS–The Question I asked both was based on their knowledge and friends in the know–What is your personal take on Timing and Both stated that it can go hot on a minutes notice.The First stated that “Never before has worldwide communications World wide net been put up all at once including Ascension–it is now”. B-1 Bombers and other aerial assets having been dispatched to Jordan and Turkey .Next I asked my former F-16 Fighter Pilot friend what his take was and this was his response: “Steve, This taken in conjunction with the C130s that deployed this weekend to Spain/MidEast Theatre leads me to believe that the administration is preparing for a combined assault on one of the usual suspects. Fuel price will go out of sight. You see if they just wanted to move troops or equipment they would not have used the smaller much slower C130s they would have used C17s or C5s. My C17 friend yesterday said his unit has not yet been tasked for any new major operations. The C130s are probably full of Airborne assault troops, I don’t see a more likely alternative. I pray for their safety since I suspect the POTUS doesn’t give a second thought about committing our troops to help get reelected.”…… NEXT I rec’d a heads up From Active Duty Law Enforcement Friend stating that his Intelligence Field friends were distressed as the plans for Martial Law were being sped up! He was told to have his GO -BAG-or bug out Bag ready -AND WITH HIM– at all times-and that “Luggage of the worst kind” – “Buckets of Sunshine”- are placed and ready to go and that factions in our own Government are making the Destruction of certain areas possible.Finally that All Gangs in Country are waiting for the Go signal and have Quieted down for a moment waiting for their final orders to start the Riots and Mayhem.